Got obamaphone!

Everything is racial to Bucky. You have to realize, he is white boy living in Oregon, one of the whitest states in the country. So everything he learns about the plight of the black man, is on the mean streets of the interhood!

dude, oregon and cali, especially nor cal, have similar amounts of white people you fucking shit stick.

i can almost see the foam and spittle. you mad.
I feel pretty confident that Martin just wanted to get back home and eat some munchies and smoke a little weed BUT some fuck decided he was worth killing instead! A dead teen's asperation was only to see home and smoke a bowl with friends/family. Fucking killer is Zimmerman. Dude, Martin was killed for bein' a nigga! I'm glad sometimes that I aint a nigga! 4 real!
If you're not a "N"
why you typing it?
I am not voting for one reason, BANKS!
Government has their agenda set by the banks and whomever the banks decide to be the face of a nation is how it goes.

mayer amschel rothschild
Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
The narrator in the film then states "[Rothschild] knew that he and the other bankers would now control the laws of the nation," which gives the impression that Rothschild was involved in passing the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Act was passed, however, in 1913; Rothschild died in 1812. Paul M. Warburg, a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France, did play an essential role in the creation of the Federal Reserve.

read The Creature From Jekyll Island and youll no longer have the impression that the rothschilds were involved in crafting the legislation. youll see that it is a FACT.