Got guns?

I got a couple guns.

1 HK P30L chambered in 9mm
1 HK45 chambered in....45ACP
1 Para Elite 45 chambered in... 45ACP
1 Dan Wesson Elite chambered in 45ACP
1 Nighthawk Bobtail chambered in 45ACP
1 Sig 1911 chambered in .22 - with AAC Element2 silencer
1 Savage 17hmr threaded tactical chambered in.. 17hmr - with AAC Element2 silencer
1 CZ 308 Sniper bolt action chambered in... 308
1 Noveske 300 blackout SBR chambered in 300 blackout - with AAC 762SDN silencer - 12.5" barrel
1 Noveske 223 switchblock special forces SBR chambered in 223 - with AAC 556SD silencer - 12.5" barrel
1 multi brand AR with RLL full auto chambered in 223
1 HK416 chambered in 9mm - semi auto

1 Dillon 650xl press - automated
1 hornady hand load press

6000 rounds of ammo, and counting..
My wife won't let me own a gun on the fear that I'll shoot myself.

So I collect knives.

Right now I'm packing a kabar short, and a case XX.

Wanting to get a combat Kukri at some point.

Also looking into getting a recurve bow. Not entirely sure. Might rethink getting a compact bow.
I have plenty of guns, but I'd say my heavy barrel Savage in .22lr gets the most use. I'm like Oswald with that bolt action!

Plus, you gotta love that Savage accu-trigger.
A question from an English man lol

has anyone had to shoot ( or even kill ) someone legally on purpose for their own protection ?
460 S&W here.
I make a 200gr. 2200fps(muzzle)round Identical to Hornady's. With H110 powder. All RCBS reloading equipment here. I live 25 min away from RCBS.
I got into reloading because of that gun. Well that and my DE(ca44), which I just sold. Back a few years ago, 44mag rounds were almost impossible to find. And I'm sure you know how expensive rounds for the 460 & 500 are!
Do you reload GWN?

Remember that hand cannon I just showed you In my storage? That's the one I'm talking about. I gotta take you shooting bro. Soon
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