Got a Christmas present - Opana


Well-Known Member
yes the stop sign version is the older, better version, they do gel but NOTHING like the new round ones, the round ones are like the OP oxycontin formula, a true waste of time IMO. if you hae the stop sign, ocatgon 20mg pills that say 20 on one side and nothing on the other, then i wish i was you, they are awesome, and very hard to find anymore, or so ive heard, i no longer partake in opiate usage, im on suboxone maintaince. :lol:

I'm figuring 5 - 8 mg snorted then? or is that still too much?


I'm figuring 5 - 8 mg snorted then? or is that still too much?
depends on your tolerance, but if your an occasional opiate user, 5-10 mg sounds right, although this isnt necessarily true i try to use this conversion. 1 40mg stop sign opana pill (old kind) snorted is equal to 70-80 mg of oxycodone snorted, this is a rought estimation and by no means full proof, just my opinion. but i think 8-10 mg will do you very nicely


My question as well, most opiates take a long time to dissapate in my system - I will feel the effects of 20 mg hydrocodone the next morning after I took them the previous one. (I tend to use my opiates as early in the morning as possible - it is farily well known that many drugs have more of an effect just after one rises in the morning). Of course that fentanyl I had a month or so again jimmied my carefully guarded tolerance and I don't know if it was really worth it. Got a single patch in my stash and I think I'll save it for 4th of july or something.

So, the "comedown" is just being drowsey or even sleepy for me. One more thing - I know that grapefruit juice has some effect on one's what? liver? inhibiting metabolic pathways for some drugs - I am prohibited from drinking it when I take simvistatin but I am currently checking my cholesterol levels after having lost some weight and putting on 10 lbs or so of new muscle at the gym (thank you thank you thank you - it wasn't easy).

So is there any good effects from that magic juice in this case?
while it is true that juice is supposed to ''potentiate'' opiates more, i honestly have never felt HUGE differences IMO the best potentators for opiates are as follows. take some opiates and 1 hour later smoke some really good herb. 2. diphenhydramine aka benedryl, dont take to much though or youll just get sick and tired. 3 alcohol of course, but this is a bad idea for more than 1 reason, never drink on opiates, MANY of my friends have died from doing just 60 or so mg of oxy, drinking a six pack, going to sleep and never waking up, alcohol and opiates are A BAD MIX.:peace:


Well-Known Member
depends on your tolerance, but if your an occasional opiate user, 5-10 mg sounds right, although this isnt necessarily true i try to use this conversion. 1 40mg stop sign opana pill (old kind) snorted is equal to 70-80 mg of oxycodone snorted, this is a rought estimation and by no means full proof, just my opinion. but i think 8-10 mg will do you very nicely

Good enough for me - that conversion I mean - 40 mg of oxycodone is good for me and my wife all day and into the night. Thanks, now I know what I am going to do after going out for Peking Duck on Christmas.


Well-Known Member
while it is true that juice is supposed to ''potentiate'' opiates more, i honestly have never felt HUGE differences IMO the best potentators for opiates are as follows. take some opiates and 1 hour later smoke some really good herb. 2. diphenhydramine aka benedryl, dont take to much though or youll just get sick and tired. 3 alcohol of course, but this is a bad idea for more than 1 reason, never drink on opiates, MANY of my friends have died from doing just 60 or so mg of oxy, drinking a six pack, going to sleep and never waking up, alcohol and opiates are A BAD MIX.:peace:

Alcohol is dangerous shit. My rule of thumb is never EVER to take any pill after I have had any alcohol over a beer or two. I don't like to drink on opiates because it dulls the effect, so it is never more than a glass or two of wine.


Good enough for me - that conversion I mean - 40 mg of oxycodone is good for me and my wife all day and into the night. Thanks, now I know what I am going to do after going out for Peking Duck on Christmas.
just wanted to mention also, when you eat fatty meals or really anything with alot of fat is also potentiates opana, as in fatty foods are able to break down the chemicals in opana and make it release quicker and more of it at once. i wish i had some opana lol im drooling thinkin about it now, damn you!


Well-Known Member
just wanted to mention also, when you eat fatty meals or really anything with alot of fat is also potentiates opana, as in fatty foods are able to break down the chemicals in opana and make it release quicker and more of it at once. i wish i had some opana lol im drooling thinkin about it now, damn you!

I got a lot of good friends - many of them unfortunately are sick or in pain which is how I get these sorts of gifts. Of course they tend to receive Frank Llaneza 1961 Magnums or Partagas 150's in return.


I really enjoy Opana. Unfortunately one can no longer cook up the new ones. I have fairly high tolerance but a 2mg Xanax bar together with 40 mg of Opana still makes me feel right every time. Cheers!


If you want to chemically alter your brain, do this. You will never, ever be the same. Thats the facts, and I've seen it with my own eyes.

i agree with this, after being hooked on opiates its sad to say but im literally a shell of my former self...i wish someone told me first.

i know kids addicted to oxycontin, go to the doctors and theyre hooked on suboxone.


Well-Known Member
If you want to chemically alter your brain, do this. You will never, ever be the same. Thats the facts, and I've seen it with my own eyes.
unless you're really unlucky, or do entirely too much... you're not going to permanently fuck yourself up from one snorted dose of opana.


Well-Known Member
you're not going to permanently fuck yourself up from one snorted dose of opana.
This is false, and most likely the reason why so many people think its okay. Ingesting it, different story. If you really believe modern medicine is good for you, your sadly mistaken. Thats okay though you've been lied to your whole life so you don't know any better. Rant done, continue your opana discussion :smile:


Well-Known Member
This is false, and most likely the reason why so many people think its okay. Ingesting it, different story. If you really believe modern medicine is good for you, your sadly mistaken. Thats okay though you've been lied to your whole life so you don't know any better. Rant done, continue your opana discussion :smile:
edit: i shouldn't be mean. his words say it all....


Well-Known Member
opana is very very strong IV. it has nearly 5-10% bio orally. this is why people dont like it when they eat or snort it, its meant for IV mainly. just like morphine, it sux orally and feels like god thru IV.

IV opana is about 10-20 times stronger or more than IV morphine per MG too.

There are two main types of opana pills they have to be searched for online with the imprints and find out what one exactly it is. then search how to PROPERLY prep it for IV. the new ones are VERY hard to IV... usually chemist-background people make pure oxymorphone from pill form in large batches due to the lengthy process.

Pure oxymorphone WILL kill you if you dont have a solid tolerance to opiates and you shoot even half that 20mg pill tho. even then you probably would start puking super hard and pass out... usually 5-10mg is alot for moderate heroin addicts even.

EDIT: even tho the bio% is very low, its VERY VERY dangerous to mess with opana, oral , snorting, and especially IV. Its a very fast acting opiate, with very high binding properties. you can die much easier if your opiate niave off an opana than heroin IMO


Well-Known Member
If you want to chemically alter your brain, do this. You will never, ever be the same. Thats the facts, and I've seen it with my own eyes.

This is entirely true. Then again, one sky dive, one time scuba diving, one good book on philosophy, one sexual experience with a wonderful woman,one good conversation with a good, old friend, one view of the grand canyon at dawn will alter your brain and you will never ever be the same.


Well-Known Member
This is false, and most likely the reason why so many people think its okay. Ingesting it, different story. If you really believe modern medicine is good for you, your sadly mistaken. Thats okay though you've been lied to your whole life so you don't know any better. Rant done, continue your opana discussion :smile:

Modern science is .... science, it is neither good for you nor bad for you, it is absolutely neutral and it is up to you do either work within the specfics of science or use it's conclusions and discoveries to your own ends.

Modern science brought you the H bomb and DDT, it also brought you anti-biotics and blood pressure medication (one of the single most important life extending advances in Modern history)


Well-Known Member
I would guess they are old. I have done some preliminary work - I read that they don't have much of a euporic effect - is this true? and is it true for every mode of ingestion? I found that the hydromorphone I was given some time ago pretty much only made me sleepy when I ate the pill. I figured that they weren't really of much interest to me and turned my nose up at another gift (different guy), but I got a few of those recently and tried snorting them, WHAT a difference, now they are my second all time favorite.
The old opana on 40 mg uda felt like u just blew 2 perc 30 after u threw up 50 times. Thats the strength of opana


Well-Known Member
yes opana has low euphoria... that was the original intention. even tho its ULTRA strong it doesnt have a ton of euphoric properties.

Dia-morphine(heroin) has very strong euphoric effects, thats why its DOC for most opiate abusers. Even IV morphine has much more euphoria IMO.
Hydrocodone is popular because it has fairly strong euphoria and very good oral bio availability. Oxycodone is even more euphoric, and has a high intranasal bio availability, thats why its compared to heroin.

incase anyone wondered...


Well-Known Member
yes opana has low euphoria... that was the original intention. even tho its ULTRA strong it doesnt have a ton of euphoric properties.

Dia-morphine(heroin) has very strong euphoric effects, thats why its DOC for most opiate abusers. Even IV morphine has much more euphoria IMO.
Hydrocodone is popular because it has fairly strong euphoria and very good oral bio availability. Oxycodone is even more euphoric, and has a high intranasal bio availability, thats why its compared to heroin.

incase anyone wondered...

Thanks for the straight forward, unbiased, unjudgemental response.