Well-Known Member
That I can understand as you already admited to trolling.Well I respectfully disagree, words and phrases have different meanings depending on where they are used. That doesn't mean that everyone that grew up in sheltered areas does not know the meanings.
I'm speaking in general terms and like i said, nigga is not part of my vocabulary, only when provoking race baiters like Cheezy and UncleBuck.

I use almost no profanity. Except here and a few other times, I have salt free speech. Not from where I grew up certainly. But, I husband, only for emphasis. So, even calling names I hwave knocked miserable sluts.

I don't lablel Nigga, Negros, Jigs, Kiks, Beaners,
Trash, etc. Serves no purpose, these labels, except to tamper our emotions.

I learned to knock that off. I learned to knock off the Ummmms and Ahhhhs, in conversation. That I learned was for reviewing what I just said and savoring my ego.
But, it should be used for gathering cogent thought. So, I just might pause. But, I create no vocalization for me to be smug about.
Many, many layers of identity, I have found, but that have nothing to do with Self. That is a Freedom, also. I'm not bound to take sides.