Recovery? Domestic Spending gave us Growth? No and No.
More like they tried to fix things by throwing money at it , but it didn't work. If it HAD WORKED then the Fed would not have to ease in unlimited amounts.
So what are they going to do now?
The exact opposite things and see if that works, but they just don't understand the math or how mathematical limits come into play. The deficit is so large now, that no amount of taxation or surplus can ever pay it off, it doesn't matter what they do, there is only one thing that is politically tenable at this point. Inflate the debt away. Of course this destroys the country and the middle class in the process, but if your gonna have everyone be equal (Except the pigs of course)you have to start from scratch. The truly wealthy will always stay wealthy, but the middle class and their pensions and 401K's are ripe for picking. SO in the end we will have a country of have nothings and the ultra wealthy, but hey, at least we can feel good about how the country is MOSTLY equal.