goodbye to an old friend

lego stoner

I'm just making this thread as a way of saying goodbye to an old friend. Blastoise was the first bong i ever bought and has been with me ever since. He stayed on my back in a bag during countless snowboarding trips, helped me write dozens of songs, and was there to tuck me in every night. He passed away today during one of the greatest adventures i have ever embarked on. Blastoise i can honestly say you have affected the lives of countless people in so many positive ways. We will always remember you.. and in your memory.. i promise to never stop smoking. SPARK UP.bongsmilie

lego stoner

He just... fell. and shattered. I've jumped off chair lifts with him before and he lived. he fell off a foot high rock onto dirt and died. After surviving an epic canoe trip and mountaineering expedition. god he got us ripped