Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!


New Member
So today I was banned from Grasscity after getting in an argument with one of the douchebag troll Mods on the site after I kept getting Infractions over petty bullshit. There are some awesome people on Grasscity but the majority are ignorant, close minded, assholes who like to start shit with people with different outlooks on life. Anyways, I hope my experience with Rollitup will be better I've heard great things about this site and the rules arent as Nazi-ish. On Grasscity you cant even talk about shrooms wtf is that about? They mods use the term disrespect selectively. But enough about that, things in my life are going great I got a job working on an Organic Farm and soon i'll be moving to the great state of Colorado.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm actually one of them.

Shrooms? For real? That's messed up. It's just as mother nature as weed.

Anyways, welcome, have a good time, let us know if you're growing sumfah!


New Member

  • welcome to the riu, however youll find assholes on any website.​

Trust me I know, for the most part I can tolerate stupid people but when the mods start threatening to ban me just because I tell someone insulting my intelligence to stfu then I have a problem. Plus the Grasscity store sucks balls.


New Member

  • As an aside, why do some people need to tell us about bad experiences with other forums?​

Idk I guess im still a little pissed I got banned over something so stupid, sorry for being so negative im all about good vibes.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the chaos that is RIU, I am Figong - the ruthless dictator of Figongistan.


Staff member

Trust me I know, for the most part I can tolerate stupid people but when the mods start threatening to ban me just because I tell someone insulting my intelligence to stfu then I have a problem. Plus the Grasscity store sucks balls.
well just a heads up no excessive swearing at other members, no name calling, harassment, or anything like that we have trolls but they know the "fine line" really well and they will do things inside the good part of the line to make you step WAY over the line and get yourself in trouble.
if you do encounter that issue here, which you will at some point, ignore the user and dont post anything back ignore them literally we have an ignore function


Well-Known Member
well just a heads up no excessive swearing at other members, no name calling, harassment, or anything like that we have trolls but they know the "fine line" really well and they will do things inside the good part of the line to make you step WAY over the line and get yourself in trouble.
if you do encounter that issue here, which you will at some point, ignore the user and dont post anything back ignore them literally we have an ignore function
I'll admit, I am guilty of it if provoked. This is part of my 10 step corrections program to ensure quality posts for the RIU populace on my behalf.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
well just a heads up no excessive swearing at other members, no name calling, harassment, or anything like that we have trolls but they know the "fine line" really well and they will do things inside the good part of the line to make you step WAY over the line and get yourself in trouble.
if you do encounter that issue here, which you will at some point, ignore the user and dont post anything back ignore them literally we have an ignore function

Now that you mention it. Kenetic Has been Harassing me lately


Well-Known Member
however youll find assholes on any website.
we have trolls but they know the "fine line" really well
^^Awww don't mess with the new guy. :lol:

She's just kidding dude. There are no trolls here, and no "ignorant, close minded, assholes who like to start shit with people with different outlooks on life" at all. No sir. So indeed, must have been them, not you. Welcome, ex-member of another forum, banned for being disrespectful to others... always a great asset. :clap:


New Member

  • well just a heads up no excessive swearing at other members, no name calling, harassment, or anything like that we have trolls but they know the "fine line" really well and they will do things inside the good part of the line to make you step WAY over the line and get yourself in trouble.
    if you do encounter that issue here, which you will at some point, ignore the user and dont post anything back ignore them literally we have an ignore function​

Ok good to know. I'll admit I do have somewhat of a temper but its best not to feed the trolls you are 100% right.


New Member
Theres going to be some interesting threads from me coming up during the summer, im planning a guerrilla grow once I get to CO, im going to crossbreed and create a strain, collect seeds, its going to be dope. 2013 is going to be a great year.


Active Member
stay cool and RIU is cool. I love this place. I dont even remeber the last time i been on facebook. This is where I chill in good ol CyberLand! Shit, RIU should setup a sims town full of dispensarys!