Goodbye Grasscity, greetings Rollitup!


New Member

  • stay cool and RIU is cool. I love this place. I dont even remeber the last time i been on facebook. This is where I chill in good ol CyberLand! Shit, RIU should setup a sims town full of dispensarys!​

I deleted my Facebook a year ago, it was cool in high school and even my first year of college but I think its gay af now. If you want to talk to me call/text me fuck facebook. I think all it does is make people more narcissistic and sociopath-ey.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
yeah keep your temper off the website, nothing good comes from an "internet gangster" LOL
Except the end result of supplying enough requested rope to help them to expedite their own objective, (regardless of awareness), so they can dwell on their significant accomplishment before moving on to the next issue on the gangster agenda. whichever site/forum may be next in line.

I like these quotes.

“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”

“If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”
~Deepak Chopra

Positive energy for a good experience here. Have a Good weekend!


Well-Known Member
So today I was banned from Grasscity after getting in an argument with one of the douchebag troll Mods on the site after I kept getting Infractions over petty bullshit. There are some awesome people on Grasscity but the majority are ignorant, close minded, assholes who like to start shit with people with different outlooks on life. Anyways, I hope my experience with Rollitup will be better I've heard great things about this site and the rules arent as Nazi-ish. On Grasscity you cant even talk about shrooms wtf is that about? They mods use the term disrespect selectively. But enough about that, things in my life are going great I got a job working on an Organic Farm and soon i'll be moving to the great state of Colorado.
You get the exact same here buddy.


Well-Known Member
I deleted my Facebook a year ago, it was cool in high school and even my first year of college but I think its gay af now. If you want to talk to me call/text me fuck facebook. I think all it does is make people more narcissistic and sociopath-ey.
I signed up to facebook, joined a couple of groups, apparently some people didn't like this and sent me abusive messages so I just deleted my account, can't be bothered with the hassle. The place is nearly as bad as the /b/ board of 4chan.


Active Member
Ok i've been on this site for a year now and still havent figured out what these trolls and mods are. Can somebody please be kind enough to fill me in. The only trolls I know are the ones with gems in the belly buttons and have neon color hair lol...To the OP i've seen people on here go at it with one another, but for the most I dont see it that ofter. Nor ever been apart of any of it. Meet some really good folks here. Just hard to get people to reply to post sometimes if you have ?'s.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Try Putting your Thread somewhere where people can actually find it. THEN, Find a good head Line. Sometimes when I ask a question/Need Help, I'll post a Head Line like "10Lb Plant" and alot of people will click on that....

Trolls.... Haha... The reason why you don't see them, probably because you end up at the end, where the Mods an Admins Clean the shit up, and it's gone... Sometimes you gotta be in it, or you gotta be there to see it... The Mods will delete everything.. They Quick


Active Member
Amen Sunni,
Trolls and Flamers where ever you go, Just gotta WEED thru em to get to the good nugs.
Welcome to RUI braj, youll be better off here than on flaxcity.