Well-Known Member
I don't think you can let them in your grow by law. If you did you'd be breaking the rules. Depending on how you was to percieve the meaning of "access".
Just check how your cable lines run though the house and stay clear.I'm just about to add another 1k light, I hope I don't have any issues... Even though I'm legal i think I would go without cable before I'd let a complete stranger see my set up.
Keep your ballasts low (ie vertical distance), have thick ass wires running to your bulb and stay away from hanging fluorescents near it.My cable lines come into house in the same area that I have locked off for growing.
Wow Marty, I have a shit load of Lumateks. lmao. I am setting up my timer and displaying the view cuz I think a wall of Lumateks is such a beautiful site. lmao. I really want to keep the Lumateks and have bad-ass high-def games, the dvr's, and high-speed internet. It's 2012 hopefully they can figure out something. Fuck I hope so. If anything, I want my cable to install more shit, not take shit away. lmao. That is crazy cheap for ballasts though, wow. It wouldn't have took me a year to get all those. roflmao.My friend just went through something quite similar.
He has bigtime ham radio guy by him that was picking up interference from his ballast.
He had Galaxy and a Lumitek; both digital.
Changed them to Magnetic ballasts and his neighbor could tell him what day he did the switch.
Grow Green has magnetic ballasts for @$120 for 1000's.
See the reason I bring this up is that if your ballasts are throwing interference
into the power lines rewiring the cable won't really fix all of your problems.
Best to nip the source of the RF in the bud.
Magnetic ballasts are 100% percent shielded - they cannot leak RF if wired properly with good grounding inside.
Grow Green 1000 W HPS
That is such a good idea. I am looking into real ones. But I will buy dummies for sure. Love that idea!magnetics are the only way to grow! I refuse to jump on the digi band wagon lol.
Glad I did a paint job last week on a house that had cameras all over. We had to cover them all, so I apologized for the downtime of the cameras. He laughed and said they were all dummies. $10 each, and they look super real. Maybe a bunch of those around the house will let the cable guys know you have their faces on camera, as a deterrent for any issues down the road, so to speak. I'm going to install them all over the house I grow in.