Good strain for outdoor uk ?


How we doing ladies and gents looking to do a outdoor Guerilla grow uk and wondering what strains are more suitable for cold climates or would auto flowers be more suited for me ? Cheers
But late for a guerilla grow buddy or do you mean nextbyear? Gorilla seeds have some good outdoor strains I'm sure they bread them themselves.
Aye next year bro lol far to late , ave actually got a few gorilla bombs on the go might mother one and take cuttings for it
Aye next year bro lol far to late , ave actually got a few gorilla bombs on the go might mother one and take cuttings for it
I've still got some outside that have around 4 weeks left off flowering I think ill have to bring them inside to finish soon lol I can't wait for next year meself I'm already planning.
Want to plant at least 8 picked out my spot using google earth going to predig my holes soon , think I will go with autos because weather changes here so fast wether it’s summer or not
If you can get access to a polly tunnel would be good mate I done 4 this year they were huge not that stealth if they were outside lol
Yeah I'm going to run about 10 autos next year in my garden, I only put 2 photos in this year and they have took forever to flower they are huge plants like, I might even ask our lass see if i can rotavate half the garden next year hahaha buy around 10 bags off John innes soil from b@q, Happy days, Ill get round to buttering her up soon with a surprise trip or two away and just drop it in the conversation hahahaha.
Want to plant at least 8 picked out my spot using google earth going to predig my holes soon , think I will go with autos because weather changes here so fast wether it’s summer or not
Want to plant at least 8 picked out my spot using google earth going to predig my holes soon , think I will go with autos because weather changes here so fast wether it’s summer or not
Yo done exactly the the same brother amen.
Thseeds- lambo

It's what I guerilla . Finished in October last year, Northern Illinois USA. Good mold and pest resistance. It was so different from everything else that shows up around here everyone wanted some.

Good luck.
It depends how far South or North you are.
I'm North UK
I stick a spare cutting or two of photos in the deck and a pot every year and every year I'm sorely disappointed but I still do it.... loll
Last year's fantastic heatwave brought them on fantastic but come October they were no where near ready. By September the cool nights and dampness sets in, then mould.
These are indica types. I've brought ones in pots indoors to finish.
So, for the first, this year I've a couple of auto seeds I'm gonna try.
Pots are the way to go for these as I can move them into the sunlight as it tracks around the garden. I'll probably plant them mid May time.

Sensi Star original 8th June

18 July

12th September

3rd October
13th October
No where near ready, mould had set in, yeild was crap but what I got off it was nice.
But I think the autos will be good for my Northern climate :bigjoint:
Definitely go autoflowers , stay away from Polly tunnels because the dew point on the evening can really mess things up , you think in England you would want Indica but ide think about mould and the bud density , least with autos you might be able to find something with mould resistant sativas style buds that still finishes in a climate such as Britain's
autos are a goo bet, but also anything fast flowering/ Mold resistant. Dutch passion green some of their stuff for that sort of a climate. Their Durban poison/fisian dew/frisian duck/holland's hope I think are all aimed at colder wetter climate with mild resistance sweet seeds fast versions realgorillaseed company hybrids from hell Dutch passions frisian dew etc all do well and any auto providing that it ain't got Mexican ruderalis in its Gene's as they dont fare as well in northern climates as ones with say Siberian ruderalis in em