Good starter strain


Well-Known Member
Are you disagreeing with hydrored that indica's aren't easier for a new grower to crop successfully?
Did you read my post mate? Where did I say that? Or did I just disagree with the him mentioning all strains look alike. Youre a smart one lol.

Cheese and Rice folks...You say tomato I say tomahto....I did not particularly care for the way @StoneyMcphatter A.K.A. Stoney Mc. Troll said it before*** but most strains have differentiating genetic characteristics depending on the pheno-type of the seed. It's like a human mother having twins or more...they are all the same, but can grow up very different. To learn more about Genotypes and Phenotypes check this out:

Also for more strain info (including different pheno possibilities. detailed reviews, pictures and more) Check this site...

***Hydro Red is quite a knowledgeable grower and if you correctly looked at his reply and quoted it would see that he did say USUSALLY have PRETTY similar strains.

You just became a member yesterday and have been running around RIU trying to rile folks up with unprovoked and arrogant attacks...just to have fun...which would make you a first class...View attachment 3705382


View attachment 3705383
Like anyone should listen to the guy that copy pastes the same message to every single person with 1 sentence difference lol. Get a life.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I asked you a question numbnuts..I wasn't sure what your point was..that's why I asked.

His point was that indica hybrids are easier than sativa hybrids on a new grower..and I agree with him..I was asking you if you shit there are going to be multi phenos, but his point stands.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I asked you a question numbnuts..I wasn't sure what your point was..that's why I asked.

His point was that indica hybrids are easier than sativa hybrids on a new grower..and I agree with him..I was asking you if you shit there are going to be multi phenos, but his point stands.
No his point doesn't stand moron. I never even said that indica hybrids were harder to grow than sativas. You just asked me a really stupid question. He gave a 2 paragraph answer and I was obviously replying to the second paragraph which you would see if you actually had decent reading comprehension lol. Mind your business and get his balls out of your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Lets not jack or ruin yet another thread and get it deleted.
I never said "all strains look alike". What I will say is that if you grow out 1 strain from 1 breeder, they will likely all grow with very similar sizes & heights etc. which will make the grow easier for anyone...including a new grower. If you grow out multiple strains at one time there will be issues you will face regarding height, mass, light heights etc that you wouldnt have to worry so much about when growing 1 strain at a time. Indicas are usually easier for newer growers to make it to the finish line. If one doesnt make it to the finish line, yield,taste,buzz,smell,phenos,bag appeal etc all mean nothing.


Well-Known Member
Like anyone should listen to the guy that copy pastes the same message to every single person with 1 sentence difference lol. Get a life.
HMMM..I am here having a good time relating with other adults that enjoy the same hobby as I do. It is an enjoyable pass time.

You on the other hand enjoy bolstering your own deflated ego by trying to antagonize a bunch of anonymous people. I think you are desperately over-compensating for having such a large amount of stupidity (or maybe a small amount of penis).

Either way I have a life and I am not going to waste another second on a pathetic little are ignored. Bye-Bye


Well-Known Member
Lets not jack or ruin yet another thread and get it deleted.
I never said "all strains look alike". What I will say is that if you grow out 1 strain from 1 breeder, they will likely all grow with very similar sizes & heights etc. which will make the grow easier for anyone...including a new grower. If you grow out multiple strains at one time there will be issues you will face regarding height, mass, light heights etc that you wouldnt have to worry so much about when growing 1 strain at a time. Indicas are usually easier for newer growers to make it to the finish line. If one doesnt make it to the finish line, yield,taste,buzz,smell,phenos,bag appeal etc all mean nothing.
That is a clear, concise, completely lucid response said with fore-thought and intelligence...Hydro is Da Man!!

Unfortunately it is being wasted on an idiot who is completely unfamiliar with clarity, conciseness, lucidity or fore-thought of intelligence.

I absolutely agree that this thread needs to go back to the OP. Sorry for the interruption @Kennny76 but if ya want to kill a troll you gotta bait him with some food...

Bottom line on your question is to research what you want and in doing so you will find out what you need. Check out the links I posted here, make your choices. You obviously have a desire to not only help people in need but also cultivate quality medicine. Hats off to you dude...isn't using cannabis as it should be used a freaking awesome thing? I am going to add you to my following list


Well-Known Member
I'm going to order some seeds soon. My room is almost complete. I'm going to go with a 4x4 veg room and a 4x4 flower room both 8' tall. T-5's for veg and 1-600 watt hid for flower. From my understanding it takes a few weeks to receive seeds after ordering, so I want to have seeds soon.
Of corse I want a good strain that will make patients happy. My question is. What is a good seed strain to start with? I will be using coco coir in 5 gal buckets.
What do you enjoy or find most helpful about cannabis and are you working with any one with chronic pain, severe ptsd, wasting syndrome or more for stress relief and general welness?
Those can play a role in strains to stay away from or find a strain that is known to help those complications from ilness.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
You can clone a plant in full flower, It just has less chances of successfully rooting and it takes a hell of a long time to revert to vegetive state .
You're absolutely right, and the reason why I don't do it.

Though I once had a pollinating male. I topped it, and stuck the topping in the dirt. It grew roots then went back producing pollen sacs. If it was not bagseed I would have used that pollen.