• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Good Luck, Canada.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Voting for the wrong party will lead us directly to hell as in it did in chicago, ny, baltimore, etc. Look at what one ndp government did to ontario. Look at what the ndp government has done to Alberta re billions of dollars in debt - calgary's own mayor is quoted as saying they need to 'tighten their belts'. Only fools believe that running a government on debt is a smart move (because it all hinges on endless growth which is obviously unsustainable)

Pull your head outta your ass and realize that there's almost as many guns as people in canada. More that a quarter of the population are gun owners, probably like half if you counted their wives and children.
Your hero is Trump and he is a traitor and a fool.

This is what a man looks like, someone who is not controlled by hatred and who does not live in fear like you do.
Justin Trudeau's full victory speech


Well-Known Member
I voted liberal, but the NDP just has shitty economic policies, they are not racist traitors like the republicans in the states. Trump and the republicans threw their country under the bus because the GOP base is driven mad with fear and hate. Your posts indicate you support this treason and as a Canadian patriot I have a very low tolerance for such hate and fear driven bullshit. We have racist assholes in Canada too, we fine and jail them when thy open their mouths, spread it or teach it to children, I support even harsher laws. Racism is a national security threat and racists should be treated like traitors, because they are.
Who supports Trump and why?
Who supports treason in America and why?

In America 46% of house holds own a gun and a small percentage of those own the rest of the over 300 million, mass murders are among them. Most of the guns are owned by a small percentage of people in Canada, almost all are hunters and the rest legitimate collectors. Just count the 25% who have the FAC, wives and children don't co own the gun, the FAC determines who owns it and are responsible for it under the law. Stop making idiotic arguments, your on the losing side of history on guns and racism. I read your posts, so don't bother denying your a racist, no one here will believe you, even your fellow racists and traitors.

I see you had no objection to the conservative party of Canada being accused of being a political home of racists in Canada, your support for them proves this point. Unless you hunt, owning a gun is a sure sign of being a fear driven coward. Racists are fear driven cowards too, all just love their guns and guns are a very important thing for them.
I can respect that. Btw, fear and hate are nice fuzzy categories, liberally applied when clarity and reason through actual definition of terms fails to get people to vote against their best interests. It is an appeal to emotion. Imo emotion has no place in politics and it is sad what our political race has become. Also, there are 100 million people that don't live in urban areas between the us and Canada and in Ontario alone we have more than 50,000 farms - both valid reasons to own a gun - not to mention sport shooting, hunting, collectors, and a vast number of people that need them for their jobs. Many places in the wilderness will *require* you to take a gun if you go out in parties of less than 4 because of predatory bears. If you believe it is a small percentage of the population that owns guns, you need to get out more.

And I don't respond to the accusations of racism because there is no answer to a non-argument. If you want to talk immigration or affirmative action fine, but accusations of racism are just ad hominim attacks and frankly mean nothing today when everything is racist, sexist, etc.

My first post came off kinda harsh too, sry. Happy with the election results? This ain't so bad, maybe stuff will get done and some of the bad ideas won't get tabled this term.


Well-Known Member
And I don't respond to the accusations of racism because there is no answer to a non-argument. If you want to talk immigration or affirmative action fine, but accusations of racism are just ad hominim attacks and frankly mean nothing today when everything is racist, sexist, etc.
All you have to do is deny you are a racist, you could not do it. It was not an ad hominen attack, it was a statement of fact based on your posts and your stated positions and support for Trump and what he stands for. Racists are also traitors, the reality in America proves this to be a fact beyond any reasonable doubt.

You are fear driven, your statements about guns say this, are you so afraid of wild animals attacking you that you need to be armed to go for a walk in the woods. I don't object to farmers and hunters owning guns responsibly, that is not what you are saying though. You need a gun because you are afraid, not because you want to eat. A dog is better than a gun for most farmers and smart sheep farmers have several well trained ones, some for herding and even other breeds for the defense of the flock.
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Well-Known Member
fear and hate are nice fuzzy categories,
They are very sharply defined, what motivates people to vote for Trump? Fear, hatred and greed are the negative forces that propel bigotry and racism. Only a fool would deny that people have such emotions and that they distort their perspective of reality and filter the facts. It's this fear and hatred distorted sense of reality that influences their thoughts, words and deeds. That is how people work, me and you included, modern psychology confirms this traditional Buddhist psychological view. Intentions are everything and yours show through in your posts, your intentions are a product of your world view and that is distorted by strong uncontrolled emotions like fear and hate. Scared stupid is a real phenomena and racists are it's victims.
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Well-Known Member
Wrong. Voting for the wrong party will lead us directly to hell as in it did in chicago, ny, baltimore, etc. Look at what one ndp government did to ontario. Look at what the ndp government has done to Alberta re billions of dollars in debt - calgary's own mayor is quoted as saying they need to 'tighten their belts'. Only fools believe that running a government on debt is a smart move (because it all hinges on endless growth which is obviously unsustainable)

Pull your head outta your ass and realize that there's almost as many guns as people in canada. More that a quarter of the population are gun owners, probably like half if you counted their wives and children.
you are a racist with a tiny penis


Well-Known Member
It is an appeal to emotion. Imo emotion has no place in politics and it is sad what our political race has become.
Thoughts affect emotions and emotions affect thoughts, the two are intimately bound up in the average human mind. It takes training, honorable intent and a clean heart to control our emotions enough to think clearly, in some cases. Thought and emotion are bound tightly together like the stands of a rope, one drives the other in a normal mind.

I have a low opinion of anybody who supports putting 3 year old children alone in cages with a fucking silver blanket and I don't mind if passion distorts my mind at all over this issue.

Go here to learn more https://palousemindfulness.com/ It also makes you happy, there are many paths up the mountain, all are blocked by hate. To enjoy the view you must first climb the mountain, no free rides here either.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of this in Canada. Do you have any reference for this statement?
Ok, maybe not required, but strongly encouraged. Have you not seen signs that say travel is forbidden if in groups of less than 4? They're common, go walk the cdt and you will see some.

fear and hate are very sharply defined
Riiiighht. In today's world words are violence and you can 'rape' someone by smiling at them. Trudeaus minister just called someone a neo-nazi for taking a picture with a man with a yellow vest ffs.

All you have to do is deny you are a racist, you could not do it.
What is racist to you? Is supporting merit based immigration over refugees racist? Is policing high crime areas racist if populations aren't evenly distributed? Is supporting women's freedom in the middle east racist? These are things that can be debated. Going 'naw it's racist' to everything you don't like is exactly why these categories don't mean anything. And yes is an ad hominem simply because you prefer to call me names than debate any of the statements themselves.

Going back to animals fear and guns. Is the prime minister afraid, and a coward because he wore a bullet proof vest to a rally? What about the pope or the president and their bulletproof glass sheilds? Are they afraid cowards, or just smart. I don't take a gun out but only because of weight. I have been near bears a number of times and their cubs as well. If you go out there are situations that are dangerous and having the right tools can make a big difference. An example would be when you are 10-14 days between resupply points, even if you hang your food you might have to defend it. Bears are not so scared of bear bangers and you would be nuts to be out by yourself with no cell service and no way out of the forest trying to scare a bear away with no plan b, just saying.


Well-Known Member
Ok, maybe not required, but strongly encouraged. Have you not seen signs that say travel is forbidden if in groups of less than 4? They're common, go walk the cdt and you will see some.

Riiiighht. In today's world words are violence and you can 'rape' someone by smiling at them. Trudeaus minister just called someone a neo-nazi for taking a picture with a man with a yellow vest ffs.

What is racist to you? Is supporting merit based immigration over refugees racist? Is policing high crime areas racist if populations aren't evenly distributed? Is supporting women's freedom in the middle east racist? These are things that can be debated. Going 'naw it's racist' to everything you don't like is exactly why these categories don't mean anything. And yes is an ad hominem simply because you prefer to call me names than debate any of the statements themselves.

Going back to animals fear and guns. Is the prime minister afraid, and a coward because he wore a bullet proof vest to a rally? What about the pope or the president and their bulletproof glass sheilds? Are they afraid cowards, or just smart. I don't take a gun out but only because of weight. I have been near bears a number of times and their cubs as well. If you go out there are situations that are dangerous and having the right tools can make a big difference. An example would be when you are 10-14 days between resupply points, even if you hang your food you might have to defend it. Bears are not so scared of bear bangers and you would be nuts to be out by yourself with no cell service and no way out of the forest trying to scare a bear away with no plan b, just saying.
Please apologize for lying now, you dumb racist


Well-Known Member
In today's world words are violence and you can 'rape' someone by smiling at them. Trudeaus minister just called someone a neo-nazi for taking a picture with a man with a yellow vest ffs.
What is racist to you? Is supporting merit based immigration over refugees racist? Is policing high crime areas racist if populations aren't evenly distributed? Is supporting women's freedom in the middle east racist? These are things that can be debated. Going 'naw it's racist' to everything you don't like is exactly why these categories don't mean anything. And yes is an ad hominem simply because you prefer to call me names than debate any of the statements themselves.
You still don't deny being a racist, but are now looking for definitions, OK here's one from the dictionary, does it fit you?
a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
"the comments have led to her being called a racist"

We are not talking about the middle east but Canada here, and the whining and nit picking you are doing is an attempt to deflect, deny and simply lie about your views and beliefs. High crime areas mean black areas of Toronto to you or native parts of Winnipeg, crime happens everywhere, it's just more apparent among the poor and incarceration rates for Blacks and natives are higher because of bias on the part of white police officers, this is a scientifically proven fact. Proven statistically and by experiment, repeatedly too. Canada is not that different than the states and blacks are 5 times more likely to get busted for pot, even though usage rates among blacks and whites are the same. But then again facts are ignored by people like you.

Going back to animals fear and guns. Is the prime minister afraid, and a coward because he wore a bullet proof vest to a rally? What about the pope or the president and their bulletproof glass sheilds? Are they afraid cowards, or just smart
That's because losers have guns and mass murders have collections of them, ban guns and vests will become unnecessary. The Sargent at arms had to kill a loser in the parliament building while Steven Harper was shitting his pants hiding in a fucking closet, you voted for him remember, he was a coward in the crunch. Guts run in the Trudeau family, Justin's old man Pierre had lot's of guts and brains too, so does Justin, even an idiot like Trump can sense it. Cowards own guns and sensible people at risk use whatever means of reasonable protection they can. Fewer guns would require less security and would cause fewer injuries and deaths too. I'd like to see liability insurance added to the requirements for ownership, make it just like owning a cars for all guns, even shot guns. Muzzle loader single shot weapons might be exempted, perhaps.

I have been near bears a number of times and their cubs as well. If you go out there are situations that are dangerous and having the right tools can make a big difference. An example would be when you are 10-14 days between resupply points, even if you hang your food you might have to defend it. Bears are not so scared of bear bangers and you would be nuts to be out by yourself with no cell service and no way out of the forest trying to scare a bear away with no plan b, just saying.
You don't live in the fucking woods you probably live in a city and nobody gives a fuck if you carry a gun in the wilderness and nobody is gonna take it away, provided you have an FAC and are in compliance with the law. Your fear of bears is irrational, stay away from where they live, they have more right to the wilderness than you do. Show them respect there are very few bear attacks in Canada, if your hunting way out in the sticks you'd be armed anyway. Like I said you are afraid of imaginary things, you do not live this kind of lifestyle few white people do, many natives do however and they know how to deal with bears and are not afraid of them, but do respect them.


Well-Known Member
Finally a definition that can be defended..
feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
please show me one post where I was discriminatory or prejudiced against another race. Just one where I believe that one race is superior than another. I think the closest you can get is where I said that races are different (this is scientific fact and not discriminatory and I specifically followed it with difference =/= superiority) I am guessing you will bring up immigration but asking what's best for the country isn't discriminatory against a specific race at all. And this is where it becomes name calling. If you can't call out my actual words just jump on the 'racist-bigot-sexist' bandwagon.

Your fear of bears is irrational,
Nope, have literally walked up and scared them twice, once in Ontario, once in nys. Twice more I've walked up on mama bear and her cubs. Bear attacks may be rare (compared to car accidents) but are not that unlikely for people that spend a lot of time outdoors. Tbh, I am much more afraid of people in the woods. I am not against gun control but look how well it's worked out for Chicago. Even Australia with their tight gun control and the advantage of being able to protect their borders have several mass shootings a year.

Canada is not that different than the states and blacks are 5 times more likely to get busted for pot, even though usage rates among blacks and whites are the same.
Not buying it. How many of the pot charges were plea deals to avoid costly litigation over intent to distribute or weapons charges? How many were over failure to comply (wonder where they got the idea from... The media perhaps, what's that song by ghostface, "run"?)You know if cops are parked in a street where muggings occur frequently and they observe crime there it's not racist and probably everyone that lives there wants the police presence so they can get on with their lives.