good birthday gift?


Well-Known Member
haha hell no. No no no. I never ever want to think about my dad having sex. Gah!!! Fuck it, i just spent hella money on him, cause it cost 160.99 when i ordered it. Im not made of money!
you have all that college money............


Well-Known Member
i know, ill just write out something heartfelt. im pretty good at that kind of thing, he'll like that
Whats wrong with a pair of pants? Call your bro, ask him to look at a pair of your dads pants to find out what size he wears...and BINGO...What guy couldn't use a nice pair of pants?


Well-Known Member
i wanted to surprise him. lol i think he'll like the card, he's the sentimental type. i get it from him. he gave me his sense of humor, (extremely dirty), his love of debate, being sentimental, trying to be the one to remember the family traditions and stories so i can pass it on. he's a great dad


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with a pair of pants? Call your bro, ask him to look at a pair of your dads pants to find out what size he wears...and BINGO...What guy couldn't use a nice pair of pants?
he's a large guy, and lives in sweats, cut up shorts, or dress pants. never seen him wear normal pants, ever


Pickle Queen
Very nice gift Urca but i hope u did not spend more of ur college money on this, seems kinda pricey for someone ur age to buy as a gift if ur not working. Honestly a phone call and small gift would have been ideal, but it's ur millions ur spending ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, I just decided that I want a new pair of pants, so I think I projecting that upon your bucks for a high tech vape(with remote control!) going to an older smoker? I dunno how well he's gonna adapt.


Well-Known Member
Im doing it for his health. he has no insurance, and he cant afford to keep fucking up his body the way he has for the last 50 years. Im hoping if he really likes this than he can start making other changes too. Like quit drinking 24/7, smoking two packs a day, plus weed. so im putting alot of hope on this gift.


Well-Known Member
Im doing it for his health. he has no insurance, and he cant afford to keep fucking up his body the way he has for the last 50 years. Im hoping if he really likes this than he can start making other changes too. Like quit drinking 24/7, smoking two packs a day, plus weed. so im putting alot of hope on this gift.
Oh to be young and innocent again.....


Well-Known Member
well if he can transition to this, easing the strain on his lungs for a start. personally, i think my dad will either drink himself to death or get cancer from all the cigarettes. So im trying to find ways to help, and this seems like a great start!


Well-Known Member
It was a great idea, but how many cigarettes does he smoke a day? you dont wanna load the vape every half hour...
Maybe buy him an electronic cigarette, and then get him an auto-ship cartridge plan for the cigarette for like 1 year.. so he has free hand held e-vape cigarettes for a year...
I used them and quit cigarettes with them...