good birthday gift?


Well-Known Member
I would have opted for a "simpler" vaporizer...Plus, do you know if he likes vaping? I mean, I smoked cigs for 12 years, 2 packs a day towards the end...I always find it more satisfying to exhale smoke that I can see, as opposed to vapor that I cannot...Yes, I know vaporizers are healthier and they get you way high and yadda yadda yadda...But if I bought one of those for my mom, she wouldn't know where to begin..."I have to plug it in and wait for it to heat up?" I really hope he likes it though...

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
a remote with a vape? damn what am i missing! kinda like turning on the tv. pack it before u go to bed. have the hose running to you. wake up flip on the vape with the remote and toke away first thing in the morning.


Well-Known Member
My brother knows how to use them and they share a room, so I figure he'll teach my dad. if my dad doesnt use it I know my brother will. I know my dad never vaped but I worry about his health and I want him to get really high so its win win. My concern was that my brother said it was weird to buy my dad a weed related gift


Well-Known Member
My brother knows how to use them and they share a room, so I figure he'll teach my dad. if my dad doesnt use it I know my brother will. I know my dad never vaped but I worry about his health and I want him to get really high so its win win. My concern was that my brother said it was weird to buy my dad a weed related gift
You didn't buy your dad a weed relted gift, you just bought your brother a vape for your dad's birthday...Get him like a nice pair of pants or a shirt too, that way he still gets something exclusively for him...Plus a pair of jeans isn't that expensive.


Well-Known Member
no, its my dads. no one else's. ill be pissed if he gives it to my bro. hmm maybe a bottle of cologne too?


Well-Known Member
no, its my dads. no one else's. ill be pissed if he gives it to my bro. hmm maybe a bottle of cologne too?
No, you said they share a room, and your brother knows how to use it...Who do you think is gonna use it more often??? No cologne...I hate getting cologne that smells like crap, and then pretending to be grateful


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt buy it for my brother, i just figured he'd teach him how to use it. plus, i just remembered, Jeff isnt a big fan of using a vape, he said he'd rather use his bong.


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt buy it for my brother, i just figured he'd teach him how to use it. plus, i just remembered, Jeff isnt a big fan of using a vape, he said he'd rather use his bong.
I dunno, still think you shoulda gone with a hooker..Get him a gift certificate for a brothel in Pahrump...he lives in Boulder City, right? Thats less than a 2 hour drive for some strange nasty! I dunno, I'm too young for hookers(thats what I tell myself), but when I crack the 50 mark, if I'm knows.....Maybe your dad would appreciate his daughter giving him the gift of some 20 year old pussy for his birthday.....

Hmm...that last part is a little incestuous...Oh well, I'm not retracting my statement..... ;)


Well-Known Member
haha hell no. no no no. i never ever want to think about my dad having sex. gah!!! fuck it, i just spent hella money on him, cause it cost 160.99 when i ordered it. Im not made of money!


Well-Known Member
i know, ill just write out something heartfelt. im pretty good at that kind of thing, he'll like that


Well-Known Member
Next time just ask him what he'd like.... or just send him a nice card with a picture of you with some money.. be creative .