Goo to a solid


Well-Known Member
Hey rollers,

I wanted to talk about turning goo to a solid. I received about 50 grams of some goo. (almost like jello) That I am being asked to make more visually appealing. Ill post a pic in a bit when the rest gets here. However I have not seen a jello like consistency before. I got 2 grams on Friday and have been drying/vac it for past two days. It definitely had quite a bit tane left. It now doesn't muffin but won't dry out (or at-least yet).

Its definitely blasted hot and maybe 1st and 2nd run combined. (green tint) I do plan to winterize the remainder to see if removing all the lipids will assist in tightening up the consistency.

Anyone run into that before, buddy was told by the maker that it's the growers fault. That he used something different in his grow. I haven't seen the trim yet but was told also that its thick chunks and heavily triched not fine/ground up.

Not sure what tane was used, the strain was 3x sherbet.

First half I got; pic after 1 vac session.
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that oil looks gross.

I was in the same boat. a guy brought over 14 grams of the grossest, over rinsed junk trim ISO oil ive ever seen. he was so proud of it, saying it would give my golden shatter a run for its money, I was thoroughly insulted that he thinks his is even in the same league as mine. at the end, he didnt even want it back.. he gave the remaining 12 grams to me and now I cant even give it away, I wouldnt even give it away if someone asked for it its that shitty. it just sits in a jar until my hoarding tendencies will let me throw it out.. pure garbage.

I tried winterizing it and vac chamber for 2 days... it stayed a gross tasting goo.

bottom line is you cant make chicken soup out of chicken shit.
That oil will still solidify but probably to a hard taffy.

All that is fluid will dry, funny how that works

Add heat and time

Just sitting around my vape wand (silicone) gives/sweats shatter every 2 weeks or so. By that I mean, the sticky res that migrates through the silicone will turn to shatter and be all on my hands like damn sparkles.. even pipe resin will turn rock hard after a while if you don't hit that piece for a bit.. I mean really its impossible for it to not harden. Think about it...
That's true if they heated the shit out of it it will always be softer....

I like the time concept chain there qwizo, for sure makes sense. Almost anything should harden or crumble eventually with heat and dryness.

Here is where im at so far.

The flower.

What he gave me.

Before it went for the deep freeze.

Enjoying a breezy day...

More to follow...
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Arizona edibles aren't very popular due to the inconsistency in their potency. The dispensary's ruin it and patients don't want them now.

It ended up as a taffy, stuck to itself more than you but did not harden. It's only been a few days though so longer might of got harder.
I snapped a quick pic late in the evening.

On to the next crap batch he got. 3x crazy.

The flower.
image (1).jpeg

What he gave me.

Before the deep freeze.

I got lazy after that... lol. In the vac now still very jello like. Reminds me of that Robin Williams movie Flubber lol.
honestly that last batch of oil you got doesnt look too bad. maybe just a little darker in the center because its so thick? nice yellow around the edges

with that other gross oil i still think that itll be best injested, you dont want to vape that shit. good way to keep measurements consistent is to use a consistent ratio like 5-7g per tsp of coconut oil. throw the oil mixture into some gel caps from your local health food store. theyll be super strong. more than most ppl in your area will prob expect. edibles in general might not be too popular by you now, but once a few ppl take your hash caps they will be back looking for more!
@VP Well both batches were trim runs, I asked for some nugs to check them out. Both have curb appeal but when smoked felt harsh and "mid-grade". So the shit doesn't fall far from the shit tree, lol.

@Murder I might suggest that to him, I don't know why I never mentioned it. There is a huge bag of 00 capsules on the desk next to me, if the second comes out the same I will suggest it. They both had a nice yellow tint when thinned out but this one is definitely more green then the first.

Something interesting I forgot to mention. When winterizing the second batch.. Mysterious "oil" was collected with the lipids....
photo (1).JPG Thoughts?
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that black stuff is probably just junk from the first run. the enjoying the breezy day pic looks good though.

I havnt read, so im going to guess based on looks, but that wasnt a butane extraction right?
Junk like plant matter? Or?

I was told it's butane but not sure the brand. Apparently three separate people blasted it with a similar consistency.
I was going to be the fourth but gave it back not wanting to waste more of it. There is definitely an unknown variable
at play here.
By that I mean, the sticky res that migrates through the silicone will turn to shatter and be all on my hands like damn sparkles.. even pipe resin will turn rock hard after a while if you don't hit that piece for a bit.. I mean really its impossible for it to not harden. Think about it...
You know that you cannot get shatter after decarbing it. Shatter is solid at room temp or everything would be shatter if you put it in the freezer.
..... I'm not even sure why you bring that up....

I have no reason to believe the wax I was given was decarbed. Heated for purging maybe but no where near decarbing.
You know that you cannot get shatter after decarbing it. Shatter is solid at room temp or everything would be shatter if you put it in the freezer.
theres already this debate going on in another thread, or at least was recently. like i said there, ive decarbed bud and quick washed it and ended up w shatter