I just ordered my Ideal holders, so I don't have 1st hand experience for them yet, but they call for a M3-04/05 and this is what Real is using, so you would have to drill those out as well, most likely...I just used 6-32 holes instead of the 4-40 for both the 3070s and the 3590s (home depot was out of 4-40's haha). The 3070 holder's holes could be drilled out a tad, but it was easier to do with a larger tap.
yep...I have seen them as cheap as $50 sometimes...this is my witching hour, still got more to roll....Drill press lol fuck I'm gone
Before then I de-carbonized the material in the oven @ 250F for an hour.
Totally right, you should cook butter on the lowest setting for 45 minutes max around 150-250F stirring constantly. If you go too long you will get this nasty burnt weed taste that smells like the weed that comes out of your vaporizer....de-carbonized?... ...Decarboxyled... ...Decarboxylation... ...an hour its too much for my POV...
...the curve on the graph (252ºF) decrease at 30 minutes more or less... for my POV ...more time minus terpenoids or minus flavonoids...
pd... for my POV need a good temp test for the temp oven and controls... better control of temp oven... better results... (PID control, solid state rele, the thermocouple(s)...) ...or an dreamed vacuum oven with better controls...
...its only an opinion...![]()
I read a different article on this and the guy did a test. One batch he cook for 30 minutes had it tested it increased the THC some then he cooked a batch for a hour and had it tested and it produced even higher THC. And I've been doing it and the taste is better and what ever I make like butter or ice cream I can tell the difference....de-carbonized?... ...Decarboxyled... ...Decarboxylation... ...an hour its too much for my POV...
...the curve on the graph (252ºF) decrease at 30 minutes more or less... for my POV ...more time minus terpenoids or minus flavonoids...
pd... for my POV need a good temp test for the temp oven and controls... better control of temp oven... better results... (PID control, solid state rele, the thermocouple(s)...) ...or an dreamed vacuum oven with better controls...
...its only an opinion...![]()
Well here's an update the center COB's are off by a inch but fuck it it's my first DIY light of many to come lol
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Those are all good points but in practice, heat management should be very good as is. Because the fan is oversized for the job to reach all the channels, you could drive it at low voltage (5 or 6 V) and still get more than enough air flow. If you were to add fin covers, it would require a higher pressure, so it may not end up more efficient if you had to use a higher voltage.
COB spacing can be tricky. I suspect the most beneficial thing we can do for the plants is try to space the COBs in a pattern gives the most even light spread (staggered) rather than spacing them with an eye toward heat management. That said, those heatsinks have a nice thick base (.3" or 7.62mm) and thick fins, so they should have a relatively low temp gradient no matter where you place them.
I might have placed on set of cobs in the middle of the fixture and the other 1/2 the way between there and the edge, not on the edge. The heatsink will dissipate the heat better that way.Well here's an update the center COB's are off by a inch but fuck it it's my first DIY light of many to come lol
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Thank you for your input and the air does go through every fin in both directions and the sized of the heat sink should be ok I hope lol. Like I said this is my first DIY led.The 200 mm fan is awesome .
Still ,overall system's cooling efficiency is rather moderate .
(Always in relation with the basic parts used=>large heat sink + large dia. fan )
a ) The four CXAs placed at the very edges of the heatsink ,are "missing" some fin surface over them ,
plus the fact that the air stream from fan,probably would not reach up to there ,to cool the fins.
Solution :Install the chips ,further 'inside' ,towards the center of the heatsink .
b ) The air stream of the fan is not "restricted" within the fin channeling .
Most probably ,the air exiting the fan ,towards heat sink base (fin valleys ) ,
as it has a perpendicular direction to the fin horizon ,will "bounce off " and after some turbulance will be
"exausting " itself ,just nearby the fan.
Solution: Air stream has to be 'restricted' / guided through the fins ,to exaust at the very edges (both ) of heatsink .A lid of some sort has to be installed over the fins ,to form a "duct".Otherwise ,the T differences from being passive ,
would be noticeable only at the center of the heatsink,where fan blows.
Other than that ,it's a great job done .
1) Max power dissipation of pure 20 fan : 2.4 W ..
Even if efficiency sucks ... 2.4 Watts all together ...
2) Heat management comes first ,in order for the cobs to operate as efficiently as possible ,no matter the Io* .
A good cooled COB will operate at higher driving currents ,with same or even higher rad. efficiency ,
than a moderately cooled COB ,driven at lower current than the first one.
Light spread comes second regarding designing ,as instead of a huge long heatsink ,3x smaller ones could have been used in place ,each bearing two chips on it( and with it's own fan..).
Or appropriate optics can be installed ,also ,to manage light spread.
Light spread issues can be solved by several / few alternatives.
Cooling issues definately share not the same possibility.
3) Nice thick base of .312" ,24" long ,1.312 high ,7" wide ....
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As I said ...Even when 130 cfm of air (pure 20 ) are impinged ALL OVER the fin surface area ..
Still the heatsink is too long ...
The 200 mm fan ,at max and with a lid on ,still will have trouble evenly cooling those cobs ..
But,that is merely ,only my opininion.
Some real life testing ,with a thermocouple attached to the appropriate Tc points of cobs ,
can reveal more closely to the truth ,what actually is going on .
I'm really hoping to be proved wrong about my assumptions ,on this topic .