Golfer's are fucking squares..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan to me Michael Phelps

I'm in San Diego, we have quite a bit of golf courses to choose from :leaf:

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
lol that shit is hilarious.
I'll have to go back and read about the dick sucking lmfao

lol and on a side note I got some asshole on my street who plays golf.He comes out in the middle of the night all doped up to practice hitting it from his front steps lol.I live on a very busy street with all row houses and this guy sucks at golf.I cant count how many times he broke a window or nearly took someones head off.
Hahahaha this made me laugh. I can just picture some guy all cracked out at 3 in the morning wearing nothing but a wife beater, skivvy's, and some timberland's out on his step's just whacking away at them. Fuck man, that's priceless.


Well-Known Member
Beer, weed, golf, can't think of a better way to spend the day
I'm with you on that one! I had to choose a couple years ago, fishing or golf. I chose golf and now I'm second guessing because my improvement is not as good as I think it should be, lol. Don't have time for both, barely have time for one but I seem to find it because I love it. Splitting out of work early for a quick 9, a fat hog and a couple dbl deuces hell yeaaaaaaah. Spring is a comin'.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man, when I was able to afford to golf more regularly there was nothing that would keep me from going out there. I've spent up to an hour under a tree once while it was raining, waiting it out to finish my round. Some of my golf buddies are fuckin nuts, we've had 6am tee times in December, golf can be addicting


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha this made me laugh. I can just picture some guy all cracked out at 3 in the morning wearing nothing but a wife beater, skivvy's, and some timberland's out on his step's just whacking away at them. Fuck man, that's priceless.
and it is lol.You were spot on about him to except the tims.He got some piece of shit boots called wolverines or something lol.But you were close enough.We fuck with him a lot to.I'll have my girl act like shes walking up the street so when he hits it she'll scream like it hit her lol and he'll drop all his clubs and shit and run in the house then peak out the blinds for an hour until he finally go's and grabs the clubs.

This is making me want to invest in a video camera,maybe make a youtube series of it lol.I might try and take a pic of him.Hes out there almost every night in the summer.If it wasn't raining he probably be out there now.


Well-Known Member
That's the best part about golf for me... Summertime I work work a lot of hours. When I can find the time to get out there, I shut my phone off and there's no hurrying or any of that BS. Its slow and steady and IDGAF if it rains for an hour if I have a place to take a break :D


Well-Known Member
Tiger woods could have turned Golf's image around in he just went with it like this........
Instead he made apoligies and excuses like a square.
John Daley is pretty cool


Well-Known Member
Golf is fucking great!! When we play we bet pushups and a shotgunned beer. The dude with the most strokes per hole it's good times. The dude in the beater kills me. We also bet a swag joint on par 3s you don't want to lose those holes. Everyone else puffing the chronz and your puffing some swag brickweed!!


Well-Known Member
Leave me at the driving range, with a big ass bucket of golfballs, and a mascot to hit and I'll be happy all day.


Well-Known Member
There is a cool driving range not far from me with water targets. The balls float and are collected. Its fun as hell but they make you hit off mats so I quit going :(


Well-Known Member
The folks I golf with are fellow smokers, so I'd love to hear someone give us lip about smoking on the course!

i like to watch what the other side is up to and how they think.
I'm on this site and have had great discussions with many members there... even got Smurfette on my side!

Sure, they'll tell the random pothead joke or use a stereotype but it's tongue in cheek not meant to be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
I saw a golf club awhile back...a driver and you put a shotgun shell in it and when you hit the ball the shell went off and pushed a steel plate on the face of the club and gave you a long drive...........LOL....I WANT ONE lol