Golfer's are fucking squares..

Smoke and other drugs imbalance the mind. You lost your control over your mind. I never goes for it. I have not drunk the bear or whiskey till now. It certainly harm us then what is the need to go for it. I am not also a golfer but I have seen this while they are driving their car.


Well-Known Member
lol. golf is only good for smoking a j and enjoying the course, driving the cart like a lunatic and whacking the ball as hard as you can. I have never been much for a serious game of golf.


Well-Known Member
Smoke and other drugs imbalance the mind. You lost your control over your mind. I never goes for it. I have not drunk the bear or whiskey till now. It certainly harm us then what is the need to go for it. I am not also a golfer but I have seen this while they are driving their car.
So amazes me how the cartwheel got started in the first place........think it had something to do with old men and young girls.......when girls use to wear dresses..............sometimes forget to wear underwear.............but a few shots of some good ole whisky looesens them up.................on the other hand it could be that Drive INs were the cause of many a stoned night........

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
and mike,where the fuck is it illegal to get your dick sucked?lol

Yo what up dot's, hows it going buddy? Fuck man that golf thread i made really grew in the couple days i was gone lol... But yeah your def right, there is alot of golfer's that are for smoking pot, it just seemed toward's the end of the thread people's reasoning was totally fucked!

But to answer your question, it is illegal to get your dick sucked in 18 states bro! Fucking go figures.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Find out where they are members so we can stay the hell away from there! lol. The ignorance of some people who think its just fine to mix pain killers and bourbon but curse someone for toking an herb and trying to enjoy a game. Asinine! Hell I can't imagine a round of golf without a J :D

I know... But it's okay, it's doctor prescribed and it's legal... Hahaha Alot of those guy's reasoning is so fucked, funny thing is i wouldnt doubt it if one of the people i was arguing with over their is a member of my family. They are all rich, ignorant, and right winged as fuck! They were all going to help me out with college till they found out i toked on the herb, now they say they wont help till i completely quit and "change my life". Fuck good thing my work offer's tuition reimbursement.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I read through a couple of pages of that. It seemed like more people were in support than not. But the douche nozzles that think that it's ok to try & dictate who smokes on the course... Can suck a fat one. And I'm not talkin about a joint. They will say how bad it is, and that it will ruin your game. But what they're really concerned about is getting beat by someone who smoked out before the round. That would make their bullshit theory hold about as much water as the titanic. Fuck em!
Yeah i mean at the beginning of the thread it seemed like alot of people were in support, maybe in the end their was to, but the amount of ignorance the certain few showed was just ridiculous, the thing is i spend alot of time at the golf coarse so i know the type. Most serious golfers are fucking D-Bags that have this idea that they are superior to everyone, it really is a rich man's sport..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
oh ive known a few golfers (grandma and granddad for 2)

and that crowd is the most desperate crowd to fit in.

most of them dont even really like golf, just do it for the same reason they wear those particular clothes or drive those cars (here it is expensive jeeps)

its just the people that are uppermiddleclass, (the people that can nibble the carrot bit or at least have it in view) knowing fully well that they could be poor, they are desperate to yap up what the suits say (in hopes of becoming one)

its not really their own opinions, its just whats "in" or ok to say.

its the people ready to suck cock for a bit of power, or at least be a good puppet.

possibly many places are becoming free for pot, is because many of the middle class, have figured out they were fucked in the ass just as much as the others, just sometimes got lubrication and permission to fuck others lower down.
Man i couldnt have said it better myself!


Well-Known Member
oh ive known a few golfers (grandma and granddad for 2)

and that crowd is the most desperate crowd to fit in.

most of them dont even really like golf, just do it for the same reason they wear those particular clothes or drive those cars (here it is expensive jeeps)

its just the people that are uppermiddleclass, (the people that can nibble the carrot bit or at least have it in view) knowing fully well that they could be poor, they are desperate to yap up what the suits say (in hopes of becoming one)

its not really their own opinions, its just whats "in" or ok to say.

its the people ready to suck cock for a bit of power, or at least be a good puppet.

possibly many places are becoming free for pot, is because many of the middle class, have figured out they were fucked in the ass just as much as the others, just sometimes got lubrication and permission to fuck others lower down.
In my experience this assessment does not include anywhere close to a majority of people that play golf. Where I live golf is not expensive, unless you want to play the best of the best courses every day. Generally, golf is a great opportunity for me to enjoy the outdoors, challenge myself and others, and either spend time with a group of my closest friends or get to know someone I know very little about.

I can totally understand that golf could be viewed like this in some geographic areas, but golf is a sport that anyone and everyone can enjoy where I live, not just people lots of money who are completely ignorant and try to use it as a status symbol. Although I do like to show off something on the golf course, its not my game. Its my dank! Aahahah.


Well-Known Member
I love golf and take my handicap pretty serious, even though I've only broken 100 once I still plan to improve my game to a high 80's low 90's consistently some day. As much as I love to play and hope to some day be more consistent, I'll never try it without drinking a beer and smoking my way there.

Nothing like a beer per hole challenge too :D


Well-Known Member
Something I never understood..........handy cap.............if you play 110 then its practice and get it shame in haveing a high gradeing on the curve so the slower ones would at least pass with a failing grade............I used to play golf with my Uncles alot way back....but gave it up after My favorite uncle died........oh and I had a 94 avg no handycap. now it would probley be yea seriously I dont understand handycap.


Well-Known Member
Yea I dont understand the handicap thing much either. I shoot low 100's pretty much all the time on the big championship courses from the blues. I can easily do 80s in the executive courses depending on how drunk and/or high I get


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Dam i can get such an awesome mental pic off of that!!
I bet they was!!
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"

i used to do lines off the face of my driver....people who saw me were probably like..."why the fuck is that psycho smelling his golf club?" lmao


Well-Known Member
lol... golden...
You golfers should be more careful when talking shop. Im sitting here injoying the thread and you come up with snorting coke of your drivers face.........The image I got was you put coke on your chaufer's face and snorted.........had to wait till the end to find out Driver is a golf club.............damn.


Well-Known Member
I think i have the opposite ratio, 99% of mine are... lol

Its not just golf, my video gaming buddies 99% of em are ignorant to cannabis, but hey they're the only ones on the planet that play the same games as I do.

I live in the "heartland" of golf. I think the ignorance comes from being in a conservative state? Personally I have nothing aginst the sport, but its an EXTRAORDINARY waste of resources to maintain it. think about all that land and water used to support a stupid sport that only the rich elite can afford.

ran into ppl before that fit those old men to the T

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
In my experience this assessment does not include anywhere close to a majority of people that play golf. Where I live golf is not expensive, unless you want to play the best of the best courses every day. Generally, golf is a great opportunity for me to enjoy the outdoors, challenge myself and others, and either spend time with a group of my closest friends or get to know someone I know very little about.

I can totally understand that golf could be viewed like this in some geographic areas, but golf is a sport that anyone and everyone can enjoy where I live, not just people lots of money who are completely ignorant and try to use it as a status symbol. Although I do like to show off something on the golf course, its not my game. Its my dank! Aahahah.
Yeah see its not very expensive out here either to play at city coarses, like $40 for 18 with a cart, but even at the cheap course's you still get the yuppies hella bad, people that really just want to fit in with the upper class..

Like you, i play golf because i love the game and the outdoor's, it's a way for me to relax and become one with my mental.. It's also a good reason to get drunk as shit before 5 haha..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
So for those who dont know, a handicap is pretty much your average over par shooting, its a way for good and bad to play but stay competitive.

Bajafox- Yeah man, i take my handicap serious in the extent as i hope to be better at the end of the year, but there are some people who freak out to the point of breaking their club's over tree's and shit like that, that may be when it's gone a little to far haha. I generally shoot in the mid 80's on a good day, mid 90's on a bad... But when you bring those big championship course's in it's a whole different story, those course's are fucking long, generally if i play bogey golf on those fucker's im happy.

Stoned Pony- Fuck man if im ever shooting the link's down in texas ill keep you posted, id love to get drunk/high as shit with you and hit a few ball's around haha..


Well-Known Member
So for those who dont know, a handicap is pretty much your average over par shooting, its a way for good and bad to play but stay competitive.

Bajafox- Yeah man, i take my handicap serious in the extent as i hope to be better at the end of the year, but there are some people who freak out to the point of breaking their club's over tree's and shit like that, that may be when it's gone a little to far haha. I generally shoot in the mid 80's on a good day, mid 90's on a bad... But when you bring those big championship course's in it's a whole different story, those course's are fucking long, generally if i play bogey golf on those fucker's im happy.

Stoned Pony- Fuck man if im ever shooting the link's down in texas ill keep you posted, id love to get drunk/high as shit with you and hit a few ball's around haha..
Sounds like a deal....but Ill just caddy for ya....dont think I could hit a ball anymore LOL............Ill keep the joints rolled while you play.