"Oh, I left it in my backpack on accident". A few of the Canadian and American side Pigs know me by name due to the fact I cross so much, it would be believable to an extent.
Not like anyone really gives a shit what comes and goes to and from Canada anyways. Except for firewood... BECAUSE YOUR NOT NICE IF YOU ATTEMPT TO BRING FIREWOOD INTO CANADA EH! WE TAKE TINGS VERY SERIOUSLY EH... I'm sorry if it seems I hate Canadians, because for some reason having Alberta plates automatically makes you drive like an asshole the second you cross the border. I been rear ended twice "Once while at a red light", side swiped, and hit on foot in a parking lot all by Alberta residents, and have never been in an auto accident with anyone but Alberta residents, all three accidents were obviously not my fault. And I swear in Alberta they are taught to ride your ass when you yourself are speeding, then flip people off while throwing cigarette butts out the window while passing you in white Ford diesel with a 1 foot lift. I swear to God the Canadian Government gives all Alberta residents jacked up white Ford's... I am also pretty sure they don't let any Canadian back across the border without buying 50 Cartons of Marb Lights and 50 cans of Pringles. every time I go into Canada They ask the people in front of me of they have anything to declare and out of 3 will have cases of Pringels, and 2 of 3 will have Cartons of Marb Lights...
By the way if your a Canadian it's ok to hate us... I know we suck as well, I have seen Americans do equally F'd up shit in Canada.