Quick observation from a non religious person. I've page to paged the bible twice. Found no god in the old testament and a guy who gets it in the new. Logically looking at the old testament as a book of history we find out fairly early in the book "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.