Going to hell!?


Quick observation from a non religious person. I've page to paged the bible twice. Found no god in the old testament and a guy who gets it in the new. Logically looking at the old testament as a book of history we find out fairly early in the book "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.


Well-Known Member
After death religions often imply we go to a state of 'purgatory' or place of purification.See-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purgatory Maybe we are all a manifestation of god. In order to get full enlightenment (our true home) the heavens, we have to be pure, cleansed.


Weed Modifier
Quick observation from a non religious person. I've page to paged the bible twice. Found no god in the old testament and a guy who gets it in the new. Logically looking at the old testament as a book of history we find out fairly early in the book "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.
Hell is here already? when we move on( those that believe/faith)...go to heaven, and those that don't believe or don't have faith, will be left here.... and it will be Hell!

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
hell is a mandmade imaginary land where people whom they deem "evil"(another invention to circumvents logic)get what is believe they deserve. aka eternal torment and pain. its obviously bullshit because the people who invented the original concept didnt even believe in it in this fashion(jews like jesus. their figurehead).

you aren't going anywhere when you die besides a funeral if your family can afford it these days lol. besides, the people threatening you with hell dont have anything but idle threats like "hell" to get you to join them. fear what they fear and become one of jesus's sheep, mindless and following blindly, there's a reason why they made jesus out to be a shephard.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
Quick observation from a non religious person. I've page to paged the bible twice. Found no god in the old testament and a guy who gets it in the new. Logically looking at the old testament as a book of history we find out fairly early in the book "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.
dont take the bible seriously. only a few people actually believe it word for word. if you want to take it as a moral guidline, i say go for buddhism is religion if your thing, because atleast that one wont turn you against your own.


Well-Known Member
Quick observation from a non religious person. I've page to paged the bible twice. Found no god in the old testament and a guy who gets it in the new. Logically looking at the old testament as a book of history we find out fairly early in the book "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
If these two are the sum of what is in existence, and that there have no additions bin made in the old testament, then where the hell is this Hell that we hear so much about?
It doesn't take much to notice our limited choices. I for one can almost guarantee you that it isn't hiding in heaven.
So naturally if there is such a thing as hell then it is most likely this life we are aware of here on earth. If there isn't? Then you got nothing to worry about and you might as well roll up another one. God knows I just did.
Hell was a concept that greatly developed in the "dark" ages, when people would buy "indulgences" to buy themselves and their families out of Purgatory, and eventually the scary, fire lake, demon raping your mouth, "Hell" came about.

More people will buy there way out if it's really scary...So they made it scary...


Weed Modifier
I feel the bible, and churches, were created by Man, just to control the people... we all have a choice.... to do good or bad, no one can stop us from doing either.

That's why we are still Here.... until we Grow up! and become more than just another sheep.... following the rest.


Well-Known Member
I feel the bible, and churches, were created by Man, just to control the people... we all have a choice.... to do good or bad, no one can stop us from doing either.

That's why we are still Here.... until we Grow up! and become more than just another sheep.... following the rest.
Judaism is like ANY gang.
Created for brotherhood, and to keep out any hate.

"Gentiles" are outsiders, Jews are the insiders, etc
They have rules/codes, and all kinda of stuff...

It wasn't one group controlling another, it was just one group making something of itself...

It's just gotten way out of control...


Well-Known Member
good luck, you wont find anything but fire and brimstone in the bible. you have to read "heritical" text to get the hell story. apperently it was to scary for christians back in the day so the main part got left out, dont try searching on google you'll just get the regular bible. the other texts are comcidered scripture so you have to say exactly which book you want to look into. its crap that we only get half stories from people. there is allot of very interesting things in the other books. even the guy who gets it has allot more conversations with people. but you'll find that in the book of thomas


Well-Known Member
Religion was created by the rich, to keep the poor from eating them...

another form of control

I am a living example of chaos theory.


Well-Known Member
funny how the mind works,If you really believe in heaven and hell those are the concepts imprinted on your consciousness until death.These images will flurry through the mind at the stages of death causing ones mind to be trapped in another illusory world.If u die with the belief of these things then you will experience them until you reach realization of them as illusion,when youre dead nothing can hurt you but youre own delusion.But you have to die first to see if your dissolusion is true enough for enlightenment.in essence you make your own hell or heaven occur with beliefs.


Well-Known Member
A lie told repeatedly for thousands of years is still a lie. The question is who created the lie, and for what purpose? It goes at least as far back as Toth and The Emerald Tablets. The purpose should be clear CONTROL. Religion is part of the third dimensional duality (separation/divide and conquer). Fortunately, we are finally moving out of 3rd dimension and into 4-5th dimension where love replaces fear


Well-Known Member
A lie told repeatedly for thousands of years is still a lie. The question is who created the lie, and for what purpose? It goes at least as far back as Toth and The Emerald Tablets. The purpose should be clear CONTROL. Religion is part of the third dimensional duality (separation/divide and conquer). Fortunately, we are finally moving out of 3rd dimension and into 4-5th dimension where love replaces fear
So you think that in the 4th and 5th deminsions there is LESS aspect of fear, and not MORE. You think we will LOSE fear as we evolve...


Fear is why we live in "Packs" (families). Fear is why we live inside (and warmth), fear is why we have weapons, fear is almost THE single strongest driving force in human development, and you think it's going to be "replaced" with "love" in a higher demension...

If anything, the only thing that would make sense is for 2-3-6-10 new aspects of fear to arise, not for the old one to disappear...

What you're talking about is "Dropping back to the 2nd dimension" not "Reaching the 4th"

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if hell is real...i got reservations for front row seats....ive broken all 10 commandments.....ill let you know if its real when i die lol


Silasraven, the gospel of Thomas is by far my favorite and Gnostic text in general have Jesus depicted as the individual I picture. Lucky for us that we have the dead see scrolls to fill in the holes. (No pun intended as they themselves have physical holes.) In my mind there really are only two individuals I know of, who were able to see past the attachments to the beast (human body). Buddha and Jesus. "Constantine the Great", who really wasn't all that great, did us the favor of thinking for us when he decided what the bible should comprise of. If he let the Gnostics carry on Jesuses teachings, we wouldn't have to struggle so much to find the truth. Jesus and Mary knew what's up, but trying to decipher that from their, over the years, tarnished words is nearly impassible. Some teachings are without parallel, like those found in the gospel of Thomas. Or parts in other gospels. Like my personal favorite: Matthew 8:21-22

As for Hell, well, I too find the idea a little elementary.


Well-Known Member


funny how the mind works,If you really believe in heaven and hell those are the concepts imprinted on your consciousness until death.These images will flurry through the mind at the stages of death causing ones mind to be trapped in another illusory world.If u die with the belief of these things then you will experience them until you reach realization of them as illusion,when youre dead nothing can hurt you but youre own delusion.But you have to die first to see if your dissolusion is true enough for enlightenment.in essence you make your own hell or heaven occur with beliefs.
I believe this is true too. For a short period of time anyway. Well, short. It really could last up to three days, but I totally agree with you. As long as the brain is still firing on some level, the psychological entrapment could be interesting to say the least.