Godfather OG Outdoor SCROG Grow Journal

Thai Fox

Well-Known Member
I will take a look and give it a shot. Much appreciated!
No dramas, I don't see you running into any problems. My scrog originally started like yours, quite small & training underneath but I found it much easier to tie down on top instead of pushing back under. I'm just about to go into flower and the size of my net has increased to about 5x the size I began with haha.
No dramas, I don't see you running into any problems. My scrog originally started like yours, quite small & training underneath but I found it much easier to tie down on top instead of pushing back under. I'm just about to go into flower and the size of my net has increased to about 5x the size I began with haha.
5x!!! if that happens I am gonnna have my hands full! Haha

Can't believe no one else noticed the super expensive grill on this guy's balcony. It might be the real Jon Bon Jovi lol ;-)
older model at Costco, but thanks bro haha
Did some light tucking and topping on Wednesday. Immediately started seeing some bushier growth and new tops reaching up to be the alpha.
Average day length right now is about 12hours and 15 mins. 10 days from 12:12.

I probably won’t trim anything else from this point forward except yellowing or older “oversized” fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
Can't believe no one else noticed the super expensive grill on this guy's balcony. It might be the real Jon Bon Jovi lol ;-)
I looked back for the grill but couldn't find it. He did make reference to his "steel horse" in a previous post though. And mentioned if he got caught growing he'd pretty much be "wanted, dead or alive". You're prob right on.
The flowers have arrived!
The plant is officially off of veg and moved to bloom 1, bloom 2, and sweetener from FOOP.com.

feeling good about the progress so far, but fully expect to run into some bugs along the way now that the sweet fruit will start emerging. We shall see.


Looking pretty good day to day. Starting to see some sugar production.

however, like clock work…enter what appear to be white flies and an annoying beetle or earwig type bug.

I blasted the leaves the last two days with regular water with a misting bottle. If I don’t see some improvement; I.e. shake the plant leaves and no white bugs rise from the depths I will use a soap and water solution to try and drown them out.

100+ degrees on tap for this week.


20 days into flower and the complication begin to mount…

(1) lower temperatures and rain for the last 2+days. Feel like it has thrown the ph off on the soil. Need to test. If not the rain, the paint chips flaking off my awning surely aren’t helping.

(2) these white flys keep trying to take her down but we won’t let ‘em! Daily leaf checks on the top and undersides. Removing/ blasting the underside of impacted leaves or straight removing them.

it has been a slog but we are barely 25% of the way to finishing.
At the end of the day though, the crystals are looking great and the thing stinks in all of the good ways. A really crisp throwback OG smell that I have been missing.


It must be my lucky day! Much to my surprise a new predator has found the Don. We welcome this praying mantis with open arms to the family, we shall call him Herb.

this is really great news. Hoping Herb sticks around and just goes to town on all of the whiteflies I have been seeing. The whitefly battle has raged on. When I think I am ahead and a few consecutive days of no flies are seen, I am quickly reminded of their presence. During periodic inspections I am suddenly met with a flurry of white specs zipping every direction.

In other news, the buds are starting to fatten and sweeten. Still smells great!


I think I have to chop early.
These white flies are brutal. Fuckers are starting to take down buds. The buds are turning brown, when I pull a bud back it falls off from the stem immediately with little pressure.
Much to my surprise there are little white sacks buried in between the bud formations.

I am going to let it play out until Friday, but I am pretty sure I am chopping come Saturday AM.


Well-Known Member
I think I have to chop early.
These white flies are brutal. Fuckers are starting to take down buds. The buds are turning brown, when I pull a bud back it falls off from the stem immediately with little pressure.
Much to my surprise there are little white sacks buried in between the bud formations.

I am going to let it play out until Friday, but I am pretty sure I am chopping come Saturday AM.
Have you tried spraying anything to kill them?
Have you tried spraying anything to kill them?
Insecticidal soap + water mixture or just water early on. Maybe next year I’ll go full neem oil or similar.
I was trying to go light on topical sprays this time around to see how my environment would hold naturally.

the problem seems localized to just a few nugs.
also, I found a slug on one of the buds last night. So S seems to be going haywire as we close in on the final days.

AND Herbie abandoned ship on Sunday. So no bennies from the praying mantis any more. Wishful thinking at the time.


Well-Known Member
Insecticidal soap + water mixture or just water early on. Maybe next year I’ll go full neem oil or similar.
I was trying to go light on topical sprays this time around to see how my environment would hold naturally.

the problem seems localized to just a few nugs.
also, I found a slug on one of the buds last night. So S seems to be going haywire as we close in on the final days.

AND Herbie abandoned ship on Sunday. So no bennies from the praying mantis any more. Wishful thinking at the time.
Neem is good for IPM during veg, citric acid has been saving me from a full blown infestation of spider mites, best of luck to you!