If I an archeologists digs up some bones you would ask how old are they. He says they look to be from the year 1234 or some crap. Then you would ask B.C. or A.D.? Without even thinking about it you just acknowledged that Jesus was real. His effect was so great on the world that we started time over. How can someone that never existed have such a profound effect on the course of the world. Even the Koran says that Jesus was the greatest profit above all others.
How?...The power of kings over the illiterate!
The story is not new...
During a time of strict Roman Census (and remember it's not like the story did not include the Romans...they killed him [so the story goes..])...not only does this thorn in the ass of Tax collectors not show up on the roll call...He is not spoken of until near 60 years after his death...this doer of miracles seemingly escaped the scribes for what was then...more than a lifetime and several generations!
The Koran is full of shit also...
And BC/AD does not acknowledge the existence of something that exists only in the minds of the delusional, any more than measuring in feet means my foot is 12"...it's just time...and some would say time is an illusion...perceived individually
On a lighter note...I find it really funny that in these difficult economic times, that people are filling churches that are so new, they have no bldg!!! Every school and the local city civic center now has a "church" that uses the facilities on Sunday...Some of these "churches" are lucky enough to have a suite in a strip mall...
Folding chairs...sin carnival tent! Freaking revivalists in the bible belt of the southwest!...
Praise the lord and pass the collection plate!...it's perfect...selling a product that you "feel"...and if you don't...you're not trying hard enough! They put out signs on the street corner like it's a damn yard sale!! I have difficulty comprehending that people are ACTUALLY this stupid...
edit:mindphuk...HeHe...I should have read your post before spouting off!!!
And lots of profit from the prophets!