first we are given the concept of an omnipotent, omnipresent god. a loving force which created everything and has final say over all that transpires. then we are told that some of its creations, the devil and his army of demons, are capable of thwarting this great loving plan and inspiring all the cruelty in the world. where then does the ultimate blame lie, if not with the very creator that first devised this grand scheme? the only possible conclusion is that this creator is party to the evils of the world and either revels in them or is too negligent to stir itself for the sake of the innocent. it isn't chaos that leads us to these inescapable conclusions, it is the systematic decimation of innocence at every hand.I see where you can believe that God isn't here because the reality we live in now is chaos. But if God created everything, with love, without sin, then who would be to blame for this reality we are in now? The Devil, and his army of demon spirits that coincide with the Elite.
There inlies the problem. People think by and far they are of their own free will. and they are too a certain extent, a very short extent. There are too many variables in the world that got you to where you are that YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. People are so prideful in america that they think they control their own destiny, what a joke.Demon Spirits? Power? I find it hard to believe anything past me making my own decisions to do something.
and your point is? you will find one in a million that thinks the bible is anything close to being meant to be taken completely literally. even if it was, king james ruined the original."The Bible is the greatest fiction novel ever written."
I agree and that shouldnt be any reason to say that there is no "god". However just because the wind is real....doesnt mean that "god" iswtf? it was like 5 am when i posted that, but thats not what i meant.
you know what, i get tired of arguing with atheists and people that think WAYYYY to far into things. So far that they start thinking ass backwards and forget who created them. Or get bored of thinking of other shit, and over think God and his love for people and start believeing alllll the MAN MADE BULLSHIT that is purposely put into your head to you guys will come to the conclusion that God doesnt exist because we cant see him. We also cant see wind. but its there.
I agree, IMO, Americans are generally way over prideful. To the point that its bloody ignorrant, IMO. I think that the younger generations in america have a insane sense of invinsibility. While there is many variables to destiny or fate...IMO, god has nothing at all to do with it. THat is not debatable. It is what it isThere inlies the problem. People think by and far they are of their own free will. and they are too a certain extent, a very short extent. There are too many variables in the world that got you to where you are that YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. People are so prideful in america that they think they control their own destiny, what a joke.
god's apologists seem to be everywhere. they blame the evils of the world on the devil (god's creation) or on mankind's obstinance and perversity (more of god's work). it would seem that this supposedly omnipotent force is either unwilling to or incapable of living up to the hype. the former indicates a sadistic streak that would tend to make one believe this thing is anything but a friend to humanity, the latter negates the claim to omnipotence and makes one wonder what other inflated claims the faithful have been deceived into know what, i get tired of arguing with atheists and people that think WAYYYY to far into things. So far that they start thinking ass backwards and forget who created them. Or get bored of thinking of other shit, and over think God and his love for people and start believing alllll the MAN MADE BULLSHIT that is purposely put into your head to you guys will come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist because we can't see him. We also can't see wind. but its there.
everyone can see the power of the wind and feel it. god doesn't have a 100% rate like the it was like 5 am when i posted that, but thats not what i meant.
you know what, i get tired of arguing with atheists and people that think WAYYYY to far into things. So far that they start thinking ass backwards and forget who created them. Or get bored of thinking of other shit, and over think God and his love for people and start believeing alllll the MAN MADE BULLSHIT that is purposely put into your head to you guys will come to the conclusion that God doesnt exist because we cant see him. We also cant see wind. but its there.
Haha, I dont believe I take it too far, what so ever. What I do believe is that you are the one who has had things "purposely put into your head" so that you will not ask the question or go as far in your mind to even question Gods authority. Maybe the problem is you aren't willing to delve that deep into your mind to figure out what is really going on. Or maybe it is that you like having some sort of over seeing power that gives you a lifebook and a coach. Either it was like 5 am when i posted that, but thats not what i meant.
you know what, i get tired of arguing with atheists and people that think WAYYYY to far into things. So far that they start thinking ass backwards and forget who created them. Or get bored of thinking of other shit, and over think God and his love for people and start believeing alllll the MAN MADE BULLSHIT that is purposely put into your head to you guys will come to the conclusion that God doesnt exist because we cant see him. We also cant see wind. but its there.
i am glad we agree on something at least. but why all the IMO. all that about american pride is FACT.I agree, IMO, Americans are generally way over prideful. To the point that its bloody ignorrant, IMO. I think that the younger generations in america have a insane sense of invinsibility. While there is many variables to destiny or fate...IMO, god has nothing at all to do with it. THat is not debatable. It is what it isIn my opinion, death is the only concrete awnser to the big question!
Well all I can say is that its not to hard for one to look and see the clear difference between OPINION and FACT.....All that about american pride is YOUR OPINION....and one of mine that I agree with you on. Americans are so very much so blindly prideful. I have nothing to say on your stuff about god. I have no need to debate about godly things. You could write a million and two books and at the end of the day, I am still a atheist. HOWEVER, i would greatly appreciate it if you can get off the kick of giving worldly futuristic prediction that I am gonna find myself in your shoes and a christian. Just cause you have faith in a fictional god does not mean you can see into the future and see who is going to convert to christianity or god or whatever. I PROMISE IF YOU COULD SEE, into the future, you would easly see that WILL NEVER EVER BE MEi am glad we agree on something at least. but why all the IMO. all that about american pride is FACT.
and god has everything to do with fate. the wheels of time and the cycle of the seasons was put into place long before any of us were born.
you merely control the minutia of your life. the stuff that really matters is way out of our control.
This is more accurate of a statement in representing what I believe. It MAY have SOME history THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED SOMEWHAT ACCURATE ( member these books were written by 40 different people, over 2000 YEARS). Moreso, I believe that there is very little if any truth in the bible at all. However, I do not base my decsions off the facts that the bible is inconsistent, and full of false information. I am a aethist, and it has nothing to do with a book that I was forced to read ( gotta love how religion is forced onto others....only way it can spread, IMO) at least 40 or so times from cover to cover in my childhood.The Bible is the truth. Give me a break. That thing has more fiction then all the Steven King novels. It contains no truth maybe it has some history in it but you could never know if you found it or not.
I personally think that we have been made to think we have a "Freedom of Choice" post 9/11 alot of our constitutional rights and such went out the window. ESPECIALLY THE PATRIOT ACT, that act alone took away ALOT of civil rightsWhat do we all have as humans? Freedom of Choice. We can choose to live striaght and be kind to our fellow humans, or we can steal rob rape murder whatever. What is our greatest trait is also our greatest responsibility. And if you think the world wide suffering is God made...think about the individuals who have the man power to stop those things. All things un-Godly are simply man made. because of our freedom of choice.
Numero uno, it is spelled A_LOT. But yea, I dont think it is 'human nature', it is just nature. Nature is chaos.I personally think that we have been made to think we have a "Freedom of Choice" post 9/11 alot of our constitutional rights and such went out the window. ESPECIALLY THE PATRIOT ACT, that act alone took away ALOT of civil rights
I think alot of people choice the argument that the presence of evil alone can or does dis-proves the exsistence of a "god". I dont believe in a divine god or a divine evil. I think evil is just evil. All which stems from civilized humans, and maybe one can go as far as to call it just human nature. Even in the bible "evilness" is awashed. So I dont believe the whole evil argument dis-proves a "god" I remain a aethist none the less. With or without evil, or with our without a "god"...I will be a aethist. I think sometimes people dont realize that being aethist is a CHOICE TO NOT BELIEVE IN A GOD....I think that gets miss stated by the " I dont believe there is a "god". Even under the extremely nil probabilities that THeRE IS A All powerful, all knowing, all loving god...I will NOT BELIEVE IN that entity or "god" regardless.
Numero dos, This is a cannabis forum, not a grammer siteNumero uno, it is spelled A_LOT. But yea, I dont think it is 'human nature', it is just nature. Nature is chaos.