God damn im not meant for this.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back smoke!
It will push any smells out though with a positive stack.

But im way past.my bed time mabey thats not what you meant lol

If smell is no concern a positive stack could be fine
My only.worry with so much airflow is humidty
2m is aprox 6ft, plenty of room to raise them up and it wont be getting to a cannopy stage i have about 4-5 weeks before weather will be well enough to transfer outdoors. Then ill get some clones or auto flowers to practice my cultivation in shorter periods indoors.

My inline is over powered for my space it creates a negative vaccum and sucks the tent walls in, plenty of air flow to draw heat but i will refrain from using it until i get another matching to use as an inlet to balance pressure or a fan speed controller.
You're supposed to have negative pressure in tent; sounds like inline fan working properly ?


Active Member
Shes not had a water in nearly 4 days, top inch of soil is bone dry but colour is a little darker and soil temp is cooler below that inch so ill let it go still it seems pretty moist.

Will leave the fans where there at then trial and error once i set up the new light ill work it out then.

While theres a few more experienced bodies commenting on here now a question i asked earlier went untouched, Viking suggested cutting the dying leaves off, while there still semi green (25%) are they still providing some low level photosynthisis and ok to stay or are they posing risk to the plant health?


Well-Known Member
If youve seen how much ive defoliated in the past
Of good healthy leaves

Pinching dead ones is always good thing but


But at seedling stage i would say cut off anything that looks like it could mold or rot but try to leave as much leaf intact as possible till they get 3 or 4 sets going :)


Active Member
Update, finally got a watering yesterday, as per comment on the previous page a quart per gallon of pot, did the maths to convert to aussie standards, gave it 250ml of water measured the run off after 10 mins and got 30ml back so just a touch over 10%, whoever posted that equation thankyou its pretty well bang on the mark.

Changed over too 600wSuperVeg MH, purchased a thermo-hygrometer, and some ducting to vent my exhaust outside. Temps sitting at 26° hum 45, hopefully looking up from here.

Cheers again for the insight peeps



Well-Known Member
Update, finally got a watering yesterday, as per comment on the previous page a quart per gallon of pot, did the maths to convert to aussie standards, gave it 250ml of water measured the run off after 10 mins and got 30ml back so just a touch over 10%, whoever posted that equation thankyou its pretty well bang on the mark.

Changed over too 600wSuperVeg MH, purchased a thermo-hygrometer, and some ducting to vent my exhaust outside. Temps sitting at 26° hum 45, hopefully looking up from here.

Cheers again for the insight peeps
Your welcome. I can't remember who told me that rule of thumb, but it's always worked well for me.