God Bless America


Well-Known Member
ABsolutley.. sometime I have no idea what I am talking about...

Just because you can not see what I am pointing at does not mean that it is NOT tackleing an issue head on... nor that it is a figment of my imagination..

There are other explanations... care to come up with a few... like maybe looking at your own awareness ?
But we also have to evaluate the fact that the times I don't understand what you are talking about may have more to do with you not explaining them more thoroughly... than me not understanding what you are trying to say. What do you mean by own awareness? If you would like to discuss the "real deal" political issues, you need not hide behind veils of metaphors, sarcasm and references to kaks and balls.

Radical Islamic factions are considered evil and for good reason. I have been to Islamabad and the surrounding regions for a period of 6 months and I have seen first hand good Muslims, and I have seen first hand evil Muslims.

This is redundant word play my friend.... There is no such thing as evil.. unless you MAKE it evil....

I am not sure who cares, about "who belives in god" ?
I guess then, evil is based on personal definition. I believe someone to be evil if they want to kill me for no other reason than my belief in God. I'm assuming you are insinuating that evil exists only because society has made an action evil. In that case, accuse me of conforming -- because I think no matter what society you live in, considering murder as an acceptable way to solve a disagreement is EVIL. When I said I saw 'evil Muslims' I meant that if I was without a group of people and alone on the street with them, they would have killed me in an instant. The hate in their eyes is unmistakable.

Imagine a cake.. and you are fixated ON one piece... and you can not see the entire cake... YOU just want your ONE piece.. You are so focused on the ONE piece that IT begins to seem utterly inconcievable to you that there is an entire cake... an entire kitchen...

Just take your eyes off the piece of cake just for a minute... IT will be painfull.. Bt when you see the entire cake... you will feel so much better... knowing there is enough to go around...
I appreciate the metaphor but believe me, I am anything but close minded. I am not only focused on one thing. I have a deep understanding about almost every current event happening in the Middle East and it's history. I personally know people oversees in the Middle East and I have talked at great lengths with them about terrorism, about radical Islam, about peaceful (real) Islam, about the history of the United States' involvement in their countries, about the civil war the have endured since they were born, about their contact with US soldiers and many more things. You can't assume that just because I'm arguing with you I MUST be mistaken and only focused on once piece of cake. You may have to entertain the fact that you are wrong to some degree, my friend.

This is metaphor --- people who fixate on exactly what they KNOW is the right way can not see all the ways.. and then defend THEIR way with such vigor.. by calling people who are interfering with their agenda EVIl and peole who support their agenda GOOD...

both ways are equally right.... BUT still not true..

Let's not confuse the words I am saying to you. I am in no way calling you or anyone else who disagrees with me 'evil'. The intention of my post was to inform you that you have been misled. I would certainly not consider the slaughtering of Iraqi civilians GOOD or RIGHT. Nor would I EVER condone suicide bombings, be-headings, kidnappings, extortion tactics, mass murders and political corruption; daily happenings in the Middle East.

P.S. - Can you tell me your feelings on Daniel and Mariane Pearl? Was Daniel executed because all Muslims are nice people and they were bored one day and randomly selected a person to kidnap, detain, torture and later behead? And that person just happened to be American?


Well-Known Member
copy that donnie i here ya

when you say evil, it doesnt matter what they are all the matters is if it bothers us enough to do somthing,

if you dont like what sombody is doing to you or even if they were not even bothering you, regardless if you want somthing bad enough you will fight and kill for it i.e. saftey, peace, money, power, to stop genocide, to help starving people, to enslave people, to help people and so on. if anything is wanted bad enough people will fight and kill for it, all i am ready to do & support is what i want bad enough, i really dont care if people think its right and others think its wrong. and same way with those extreamist muslims who were lusting to kill you.

but i wanna make the argument that the people who want peace the most, the people whonwant to have it more than all others are the ones who are ready to fight and kill for it....

so the soldier killing for peace is the one who is truley for peace the rest just dont want it bad enough........

if killing 10 children now will prevent 20 children from dieing in one hour, would you give the word to let those 10 children die? i would but its a terrible decision I would have to make and you would never be the same if you had to make these type or "real" decisions, thats why i feel bad and empathize with President Bush.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Donnie,

I am wrong? About what... please educate me... I want to learn...

What happened to daniel pearl... he had his head cut off I belive.. ? correct.. is this what you are reffering too?

I don't think anything about it.. nothing at all.. I remember hearing about it and watching anger build up in me...and then pass.... I remember experiencing that achy feelling in my jaw.... like I blew up to many ballons... I also get that achey jaw experience just before I cry... BUt it is just reaction.. it is not me... I can go beyond that reaction... I dont need to act... not beyond.... but i can watch that FEELING. that experience and see where it is coming from... it is not the root ... it is not the truth.. it is actuall coming from somewhere deeper.. there is somtning else besides feeling and intellect... this is awareness...

From this view, this perspective,,, it is peace that needs to be followed and practiced... killing under any circumstance is not acceptable... of course, things happen... and it is not even PEACE,,, it is somethig that I can only point at. adn if yu had a glimmer you may see what I am pointing at... but the mind can not see it.. BUT it can witness the mind...

and so this is what you call my imagination... But i can share with you how to get a glimmer at moment... and from this place, you can see where all feelings and thoughts arise.. it is a place.... often called FEAR... or false preservation..

infortunatley .. people have tried to stake owneship of it and call it GOd or certain religions...

Somebody punches you and when you push them away they fall off a cliff... somebody tries to suck you kak and you accidentally choke them and they die.. alright.. things happen..

I am not talking about things happening.. I am talking about MINDFULL murder.. kiling people to protect a FALSE identity.. killing people on FALSE and MADE up realities..

I am talking about a world that exists.. this place is called earth.. and it is ok to just relax and let things BE...

making up a world of good and evil, right and wrong, this is insanity... but it is not wrong and I do not judge those who play there game with such vigelance that they have lost themselves in THE game and actually belive their story.. this is fine...

it happens to me too... :)

if you see a slice of cake.. you see an american... if you see a whole cake you see a person... if you see the kitchen you see ... ? so what is daniel pearl... what was killed... what did the killing....

what is KILLING....

You may see this as double talk.. I see this as a serious valid issue.. because there are lives at stake and the root should be FOUND.. the root is so much deeper than the intelect or emotion.. why act BASED on what the mind SAYS.. when YOU can go to the SOURCE... there is a root that can be seen and PEACE be had... but it is each mans responsibilty to get to this root... it is not done through the masses...

I was by no means saying you were close minded..

if anything I might have been eluding that YOU are MIND... but not close minded... and I don;t think there is even such a thig as an open mind...

There is nothing in the mind that can remedy this situation of righyt and wrong and killing people..... the mind is a DOING machine... even when it is NOT DOING, or trying to quit.. it is still doing or trying..... IT can not even turn itself off!

The solution is NOT in this MIND SPACE...

and since you have clearly stated that what I am pointing at is double talk and not facing the issues head on.. I am not sure what more there is to say...

I use to think many of the thoughts that I have heard expressed by you and others.. and they seem very "I AM (fill in the blank)... That "I am an america, a father, a lawyer, a proud farmer, a black man, I am hungry... I am angry... I am right.... That whole "I am" trip is just a funny movie now... Becasue this is your trip. and you have an identity in I am, you defend that existence.. and when it is threatened.. you feel the need to defend.. or GO on the attack... and I even felt the urge to defend my story.... my I AM... and I am sorry... lol

and when I saw people pointing at the moon.. i used to stare at their hand.... but it is no longer that way... now I look at the moon and the hand.. and enjoy every minute.

I have never felt better about retribution... I never felt good about hurting somebody who hurt me.. it never healed my hurt.. and I wasn't willing to accept that I had to go through life feeling this pain.. or fighting the "good" fight.. where was the peace?

I have never met anybody who was happy that they hurt somebody..

AND ANYBODY that I have ever met or talked to (which is really irrelevant) that has peace.. has gone beyond retribution.. beyond forgiveness... they saw the whole KITCHEN and beyond.. and they surrendered to their self made identity of false hurt and constant mind chatter..... and all was finally settled

and I made a concious decision to evolve... to watch the mind... and go beyond... NOT beyond.. to become aware of something besides THOUGHT... something that can actually watch thought... but does not have to be swept away from thought..

I don;t even feel good about our "arguement" I don't want to prove you wrong.... you are not wrong... they are thoughts that you are aware f.. and you are becoming....

If you believe that there is evil then so be it. that is your world... in my world your evil exists.. but evil does not exist...



Well-Known Member
hey you should get the achy jaw thing checked out, im kinda a hypocondriac but I heard you get tooth ache and jaw ache during a heart attack, also everyone knows the pian in the arm thing.


Well-Known Member
Can somebody please explain this phrase to me..

I have heard it so many times.. and I can not figure it out.. what does this mean?

I think its a tool to help people believe there the chosen people of God so its OK to treat others like shit, because their higher on the Gods priorities.