God Bless America

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Can somebody please explain this phrase to me..

I have heard it so many times.. and I can not figure it out.. what does this mean?



Just some idiot
That's a good question. In todays world it should be changed to May the God of Your Choice Bless America....


Well-Known Member
what kind of GOD?did you mean cristian GOD?or all kind of GOD before cristians?SUN,EARTH,ANIMALS,NATURE.in my country we have same phrase in our anthem.and this is just some sort of empty sound for me.i dont like my countries anthem.
Dievs, svētī Latviju! (Latvian).

the Christian god. it's all in the history books. this country was founded at a time when "God" was the center of the universe. all life revolved around serving god. it was a "good thing". gave people a "center". something to base their life on. a reason to live if you will. God was seen as the all mighty and powerful. if God were to bless you then all would be well. today it really means nothing.:-|


Well-Known Member
and actually why GOD not GODESS.i mean she.womens allways take a better care of their childrens.:peace:all ppl around planet feel forgoten of their god.ok maybe not all.what our GOD do for us?give to us good advances how to live?how to keep our planet healthy?name GOD is lost.


Well-Known Member
god bless america is a way for religious people to try to ask thier fanciful imaginary friend to protect thier country, but I wouldnt trust god further than I could throw him, that fucker would possibly have me and my familiy all crash and die in a car accident possibly, i dont trust that guy:mrgreen: hes shady:mrgreen:

i mean what if I slapped you and broke your eye socket and then you said hey what the fuck!!!! why did you hurt meee!!! and i just turn to you and say, hay man I work in mysterious ways brotha:mrgreen:

now go get you eye socket checked out:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
how looks god in your mind?like some old man with white hairs white beard or....?how you imagine how he looks?


Well-Known Member
its funny how GOD gets tossed, around, me and my girl talked about this a couple of weeks ago along with the theory of evolution.....in america,what i dont understand is how our goverment bases everything around god,like our money says in god we trust,but yet that dollar is corrupted and the root of evil in a politicians wallet....
you go to court and swear to god to tell the truth,but yet you get convicted and stripped of all morality when found guilty of growing or poss of a plant which is god created then i believe the bible says only god can judge you but yet a man with a black robe on can pass judgement on you and take your freedom,i think now days god gets used more in a goverment and court room stand point then it does in a religious way....
i understand that some crimes u should be punished for but to put god in to it makes it justifable for the goverment to commit crimes,take for intstants murder not right in the bible,but if convicted you get the death pen,what about the person giving the injection or pulling the switch that person just commited murder but it supposed to be ok in gods eyes cause our goverment says so? murder is murder right. this might be a lil off subject in this thread sorry


Well-Known Member
God is neither a he nor she, as these are personifications, which as we know are simply a way to identify with something non-human or things we do not understand. you will no doubt argue that we are supposed to be made in God's image, but I challenge you thusly: What is an image to a blind man? In other words, even a blind man has a mind's eye and is capable of putting together other sensual information to form a mental image.


Well-Known Member
how do we start all over?

god had a lot to do with how things are today. or shall i say "the belief in god". countries were founded, laws written, books published for schooling, all based on the belief of a Christian god.
what if............we started all over but based NONE of it on "a god"?


Well-Known Member
Why is it, in almost every religion, god (or the most powerful god) is good? I would think that if there is a god, that it would be a neutral one. The only reason i could think people believe god to be good is because they need to feel like there's someone who is all powerful but has their best interest in mind.


Well-Known Member
its kinda like a false security ya know,what if you live your whole life based on this god but when its over its over theres nothing.i think sometimes its a fictional charcter to make a human deal with death. i mean really if god is so good why is people killing people in the name of god or ali or.what i dont understand in the religous country this all started in there is the most chaos,and in that group of countries there are more groups of people praying to diffrents gods, so whos right and whos wrong here?is it god or ali,is it man or woman,black or white? whos religion is right and whos is wrong?


Well-Known Member
if god blessed america i would hate to live in the country he didnt bless,maybe if it was god blessed the world,things would be alot diffrent.so far in my life and i am 30,when i hear or see god blessed america or in god we trust its normally got something to do with the american goverment imo

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
heaven - I'm going to heaven.. I'm going to heaven...

oh I feel so much better now... please pass the twinky..

jesus died for me.. so now I can support 20 year old men bombing children from 30,000 feet so that I can get gas for my escalade.. GOD doesn't want my fat ass to walk to the store.. I have bad knees, so he gave me this escalade... and those muslims are EVIL people... cause they ummm.. have the wrong god and now.. they are just getting what they deserve..

forgive thy neighbor... don't participate in revenege bLAH BLHA BLAH

please.. PLEASE. LISTEN to ME

SHE gave you a mouth to suck my KAK too.. so get get sucking!!!!



Well-Known Member
heaven - I'm going to heaven.. I'm going to heaven...

oh I feel so much better now... please pass the twinky..

jesus died for me.. so now I can support 20 year old men bombing children from 30,000 feet so that I can get gas for my escalade.. GOD doesn't want my fat ass to walk to the store.. I have bad knees, so he gave me this escalade... and those muslims are EVIL people... cause they ummm.. have the wrong god and now.. they are just getting what they deserve..

forgive thy neighbor... don't participate in revenege bLAH BLHA BLAH

please.. PLEASE. LISTEN to ME

SHE gave you a mouth to suck my KAK too.. so get get sucking!!!!

GK sometimes you have no idea what you're talking about. All of your posts regarding politics just say "what is blah blah? how do we know it is real, it is a figment of your imagination." stop dabbling in redundant word play and tackle an issue head on for once. For example, no one who has any intelligence considers Muslims evil people. Radical Islamic factions are considered evil and for good reason. I have been to Islamabad and the surrounding regions for a period of 6 months and I have seen first hand good Muslims, and I have seen first hand evil Muslims. If you are insinuating that radical Islam is not a real threat in this day and age, you are caught up in your own propaganda and are severely misled.

And who cares if people believe in God? This is why we live in America, so we can think and feel as we want. If people want to tell themselves that God exists to convince them that they can look forward to something after death, then they should be allowed to.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GK sometimes you have no idea what you're talking about. All of your posts regarding politics just say "what is blah blah? how do we know it is real, it is a figment of your imagination." stop dabbling in redundant word play and tackle an issue head on for once. For example, no one who has any intelligence considers Muslims evil people. Radical Islamic factions are considered evil and for good reason. I have been to Islamabad and the surrounding regions for a period of 6 months and I have seen first hand good Muslims, and I have seen first hand evil Muslims. If you are insinuating that radical Islam is not a real threat in this day and age, you are caught up in your own propaganda and are severely misled.

And who cares if people believe in God? This is why we live in America, so we can think and feel as we want. If people want to tell themselves that God exists to convince them that they can look forward to something after death, then they should be allowed to.
ABsolutley.. sometime I have no idea what I am talking about...

Just because you can not see what I am pointing at does not mean that it is NOT tackleing an issue head on... nor that it is a figment of my imagination..

There are other explanations... care to come up with a few... like maybe looking at your own awareness ?

Radical Islamic factions are considered evil and for good reason. I have been to Islamabad and the surrounding regions for a period of 6 months and I have seen first hand good Muslims, and I have seen first hand evil Muslims.

This is redundant word play my friend.... There is no such thing as evil.. unless you MAKE it evil....

I am not sure who cares, about "who belives in god" ?

Imagine a cake.. and you are fixated ON one piece... and you can not see the entire cake... YOU just want your ONE piece.. You are so focused on the ONE piece that IT begins to seem utterly inconcievable to you that there is an entire cake... an entire kitchen...

Just take your eyes off the piece of cake just for a minute... IT will be painfull.. Bt when you see the entire cake... you will feel so much better... knowing there is enough to go around...

This is metaphor --- people who fixate on exactly what they KNOW is the right way can not see all the ways.. and then defend THEIR way with such vigor.. by calling people who are interfering with their agenda EVIl and peole who support their agenda GOOD...

both ways are equally right.... BUT still not true..
