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Well-Known Member
Is it? I don't have much experience outdoor. Matter of fact, I got four out there now that I stuck outside in the spring just cuz I had extra clones. They are not that big, but yield is gonna be awesome for thier size. They are getting there, but not there yet. Maybe another week or two. And this is Maine. Lots of the seed descriptions say Oct harvest.

Edit: those are my first outdoor


Ursus marijanus
it is to the 23rd power.
If we figure dried cannabis to have the empirical formula CH2O, typical of cellulose, we arrive at an average atomic weight of 7.5.
So one "gram atom" of weed, 6.02x times 10E23 atoms, weighs 7.5 grams. 150 mg (a solid hit in my book) would contain 10E22 atoms all told.
There is my math, with approximations declared/admitted.
10E23 atoms' worth of weed would make a nice, quite fat J.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wish thats how it was weighed in real life for the same price... i need dimensional analysis

If we figure dried cannabis to have the empirical formula CH2O, typical of cellulose, we arrive at an average atomic weight of 7.5.
So one "gram atom" of weed, 6.02x times 10E23 atoms, weighs 7.5 grams. 150 mg (a solid hit in my book) would contain 10E22 atoms all told.
There is my math, with approximations declared/admitted.
10E23 atoms' worth of weed would make a nice, quite fat J.
cheers 'neer