It is you that have constructed this contradiction by cherry picking what I have said, you seem to do that a lot here. The cost of not doing anything is the end of the planet as we know it. You did see where I said GOVERMENT subsides would be great and do work right? You said they don’t, I believe. Where did I say or even elude to throwing sin the towel? You are the one that actually eluded to throwing in the towel by saying “I could be completely carbon neutral in my lifestyle and wouldn't change what is happening one wit”. Gee if everyone thought that it would be pretty dismal. I do believe making things affordable will make a huge difference but only one of many things we can do. Please point out my contradictions, please point out my fossil fuel mindset. Please point out my strawman tactics, go back and review if needed but I’m pretty sure that applies to you not me. I’m really not sure why or what your agenda here is? You attacked me for having a fossil fuel agenda, you accused me of putting down any solutions (you actually did that not I). I offered up many solutions while you get angry at goverment inaction, ya me too. The “I don’t like to talk about myself on these forums” yet here you are, sounds like you really have done fuck all personally to help. Why is that? Oh right it wouldn’t change anything, ok I get it now, carry on. Please feel free to offer a response but I’m done, I’m happy with what I contribute to the cause. If you ask about that I have no issues discussing that and could possibly even help you decide what’s best for your personal situation re home energy savings, that’s kind of my thing
