Well-Known Member
Carbon trading doesn't really work as its open to so much abuse.
Carbon trading was only created to make it look like they were doing something about climate change. I mean, do you REALLY think that India buying up carbon stocks from Zimbabwe so they can pound out pollution is helping anybody?
Of course it isn't. It's another red herring created for the sole purpose of appeasing the uneducated.
No such thing as clean coal. We all know coal is the past.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. The Koch brothers are actually sitting on technology right now that would make coal fired plants burn 12% cleaner. They simply refuse to use it because it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to put into place. So, rather than take a hit one year, they'd rather throw the entire fucking planet under the bus. Hey, who can blame them? They'll be dead soon. Why should they give a shit, right? (That is, of course, what they all think.)
Hydro whilst impacting the landscape and environment is arguably the cleanest, most reliable and easiest.
The problem with that is we don't have enough water...and we're losing more and more of it each year.
Wave and tidal is problematic and I don't think anyone has had much success.
Incorrect. Tidal is, literally, reliable as the incoming and outgoing tide. The problem is that it doesn't generate as efficiently as Wind and Solar because it's only in effect 30 to 40% of the time.
Nuclear is the past and to bloody dangerous.
Incorrect. The old style nuclear power we built in the 50's and 60's is. Compression Salt reactors are not. China is presently building more of them than all other nations. In about 15 to 20 years, China will be the cleanest nation on the planet for power production.
Solar can be integrated onto and even into roofs (I believe there is a solar roof tile that you can tile a roof with) Works even on dull days (it works on heat so will even work under a tarp). Every new house in the right area "could" be made to be energy self suffient within 10 years using solar or a mix.
But solar is very expensive and far more toxic to the environment. The battery banks you have to use and the construction of solar panels themselves are horrific in the pollution and toxicity they create. Our panel technology is what needs a kick start and they are working on it. It's probably going to be another 20 to 30 years before they make a real significant breakthrough though.
Salt reactors are the only source of energy we have access to presently that can, quite literally, completely stop climate change in it's tracks literally with the flip of a switch. Nothing else comes even remotely close.