New Member
Don't forget to keep opposing opinion out of peer reviewed material. 
that's SCIENCE!!! Uhhh, no it isn't. that's politics.

that's SCIENCE!!! Uhhh, no it isn't. that's politics.
because what I have observed ISN'T science.... only politics.What each of you guys are doing here is dishonest and disingenuous, you should be ashamed. I couldn't be more disgusted with the way you guys are regarding science right now. Especially you CrackerJax because I know you can see the clear parallels with how you and I both explain evolution to the creationists that pop up in the Atheism thread. What has happened is the right wing media has grabbed onto modern day piltdown man and ran with it because it's what the "conservative" politicians oppose (because they're in bed with the current energy corporations).
We've shown you the facts, the data, the PUBLIC MEASUREMENTS, we've shown you the evidence, we've shown you the most up to date international scientific consensus, made up of thousands of Phd.'s, we've shown you exactly how and why these guys lie on air and admit that human activity contributes to climate change off the record... We've even shown you why EVEN IF CLIMATE CHANGE IS TOTALLY FAKE, IT IS STILL A GOOD IDEA TO GTFO FOSSIL FUELS. All of this goes unanswered.
All you have is pundits with square haircuts and a loud microphone with zero science backing them.
That's really all I have left to say, I'm not worried about your opinions on this issue. You guys make up the minority and the rest of the people know it's something to be concerned with. Your generation did the damage, and we have to clean it up.
Dude, GET AWAY FROM THE TV! Stop watching the "NEWS". That is where the politics are coming from. Any of those pundits, left or right, OReilly or Olbermann, LIE, you and I know this man, we've talked about it in countless other threads, all of us who frequent the politics forum agree on that, they all lie because they all have an agenda. That's why I always tell you DO NOT BELIEVE THEM, DON'T EVEN BELIEVE ME! GO RESEARCH CLIMATE CHANGE FOR YOURSELF! That's the only way you will ever be 100% satisfied with yourself and the only way you can be certain your opinions are researched to the best of your ability. Go to the sources and read the measurements, read how we know about and gather all the information, how the equipment works, who records the data and where it's stored, etc. As much as you can. You have to understand the SCIENCE behind something to actually understand it, YOU KNOW THAT.because what I have observed ISN'T science.... only politics.
Get me a credible peer reviewed dissenting opinion, I'll read it and give it an honest opinion. But before you do, I'll ask beforehand that you try to get it from an unbiased source, because we know how important that is. The credibility is paramount! That's the first thing I check.that's why.... CrackerJax WANTS science....but REAL science....not cardboard cutouts of science. Not cherry picked data, not squeezing out opposing views in peer reviews.
50% of the country believes climate change is caused at least a little by human activity, another 47% believe climate change happens but there are also other factors to consider (I'm included in this group). Most of the US (and world) agrees that climate change exists, and a significant portion agree (among 97% of the scientific community) we're at least in part responsible. Source your numbers and these polls you're citing.that's NOT science...not a science I want any part of...and the country agrees with me.
Nobody admits it's cooling.That's great.... just keep screaming that the earth is warming while everyone now admits it's cooling.
The measurements are accurate and verifiable. (not to mention we don't need them to prove acc)that makes your data irrelevant. It also makes the interpretation ... wrong. Almost as if science doesn't REALLY know what is going on with long term global weather patterns.
Like I said, Piltdown man... The creationists love to hold science responsible, so now science isn't credible so that's why evolution isn't true...uhh, not almost ... that much is a certainty. The scientists you love to quote have HURT the real issue.
Politics is not science.that's not science....
Prove it. Source?You are obviously NOT up to speed. the current consensus is that the planet is cooling.
Couldn't give a fuck less what Van Jones thought. Is that an attempted appeal to authority?Your own GURU, Van Jones just admitted it 2 weeks ago.
I've cited data as new as 2009, someone from the climate gate side brought up data sets from 1978. Are you fuckin' kidding me with that one man?You need to update your data.
Slap yourself...Anyone talking about climate change is not to be trusted. The very fact that they go along with the semantic ploy of changing it from global warming to climate change shows they are part of the hoax.
Slap yourself...
Why don't you go try to refute any of the data I sourced in previous posts?
And I already explained to you why it's called climate change... Do I need to repeat it?
pada although the reason you may call it climate change may be legitimate and true
the reason "they" changed it from always calling it global warming to climate change is because the earth stopped warming in 1995 and it was an inconvenient truth for them, so they just changed the truth and called it climate change.
its an age old trick called moving the goal post
you ever played games with others as a kid? if so then you are quite familiar and versed in how tricky our fellow "classmates" can somtimes be