Global Warming Update

jeff f

New Member
What would it take for you to consider that the gasses emitted by human activity actually have an affect on the temperature of the planet? I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm asking you what would it take for you to consider it, and how would you personally discern the difference between legitimate science and pseudo-science?

It seems like you're taking the approach of "global warming is impossible", and that any attempt of claiming otherwise, through established valid science, is some kind of push towards a liberal agenda. Are you willing to accept data that might actually point towards correlations between climate and human activity or would you simply dismiss everything that swayed in that direction as liberal bias and the liberal agenda trying to steal your money?

Honest question.

Also, consider the other factors of relying on oil to power the planet. It's never been only about protecting the environment. There are dozens of good reasons we should be weening off oil onto alternative energy sources. Some of which I think topple the climate change argument all together.
i only have to peek out my window to see mans impact on the enviroment. a huge acid mine drainage flows within 100 feet of my house. but guess what. when we realized what it was doing to the environment, we banned together as a community and started working to correct it. where it used to be dangerous to even put your hand in the water, there are now fish.

i am not against honest science at all. in fact, show the HONEST impact and i will be right with ya bro to clean it up. used to do a lot of stream cleanups etc with trout unlimited. would still but lifes duties trump that right now.

this was never about global warming. its always been about money and its blatently obvious if you listen to the politicians. all they want is an energy tax ie punish big oil. thats it. thats the big push, a tax.

they fooled me once with the ice age in the 70's. not gonna get me again but in the mean time they got a bunch of sheep on the ozone hole, acid rain, gas crisis, rain forest, spotted owl, and about a gazzillion other scams.


New Member
Fact is, unless we convert carbon dioxide into ozone and solid carbon bricks and remove all the extra energy we are pumping into Gaia,

life as we know it is going to change in ways unimaginable to most.

It sounds like you got your shit together, Mr. Jeff F.


jeff f

New Member
Fact is, unless we convert carbon dioxide into ozone and solid carbon bricks and remove all the extra energy we are pumping into Gaia,

life as we know it is going to change in ways unimaginable to most.

It sounds like you got your shit together, Mr. Jeff F.


nice boots, crazy brain :-P


New Member
My fucking sides hurt again from the best laugh of the day so far

cows ain't got nothing on dem phuckers.




New Member
Pinheads? On notice? Gee, watching much Faux news lately?

All I heard was a bunch of insults and assertion about the strength of your beliefs and opinions and some stuff you did a while ago that helped the environment bla bla bla. But I didn't hear any refutation of the science/facts/data I pointed out.


New Member
Also, I never even said we need to or should do anything about climate change. I simply pointed out that it is real, and it is manmade. Do I care if you idle a diesel truck in your driveway 24/7? Fuck no. Go ahead. And keep your money too. I don't give a shit about any of that. Simply having fun with a tin foil hatsman who believes that the theory of manmade climate change is another one of the many inventions created to vacuum money outof his pockets, like the Jersey Turnpike or Garden State Parkway.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3760591]BING! we got a winner!

come up and claim your prize please, thank you[/QUOTE]
What?! I dont get a prize too?! I feel so left out, lol

jeff f

New Member
Also, I never even said we need to or should do anything about climate change. I simply pointed out that it is real, and it is manmade. Do I care if you idle a diesel truck in your driveway 24/7? Fuck no. Go ahead. And keep your money too. I don't give a shit about any of that. Simply having fun with a tin foil hatsman who believes that the theory of manmade climate change is another one of the many inventions created to vacuum money outof his pockets, like the Jersey Turnpike or Garden State Parkway.

oh wait, you were serious? i thought you were joking like the rest of us but apparently you really do believe in the global warming boogie man. wow, didnt think there were any of you left.

do yourself a favor, go get a copy of todays paper and store it in a good place. your gonna need it to show your grandkids just how long you were willing to believe a complete, undeniable hoax. trust me on this one, they are gonna want to know that information as they start doing the paperwork to get you in the funny farm. and some nuthouses give discounts for the more severe cases. you may qualify there too :clap:


oh wait, you were serious? i thought you were joking like the rest of us but apparently you really do believe in the global warming boogie man. wow, didnt think there were any of you left.

do yourself a favor, go get a copy of todays paper and store it in a good place. your gonna need it to show your grandkids just how long you were willing to believe a complete, undeniable hoax. trust me on this one, they are gonna want to know that information as they start doing the paperwork to get you in the funny farm. and some nuthouses give discounts for the more severe cases. you may qualify there too :clap:
Dude, you can present yourself a little better than that can't you? No doubt this is due to the ambiguity of the internet, and you wouldn't actually say something like this to someones face because of how disrespectful it is, but still, show some class...

With that said, I dunno where you get your information from, but the consensus is pretty much in, with the data leaning towards
anthropogenic global warming.

From wiki;

In February 2007, the IPCC released a summary of the forthcoming Fourth Assessment Report. According to this summary, the Fourth Assessment Report finds that human actions are "very likely" the cause of global warming, meaning a 90% or greater probability. Global warming in this case is indicated by an increase of 0.75 degrees in average global temperatures over the last 100 years.

In June 2009, the US Global Change Research Program reported "Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities."

Since 2001, 32 national science academies have come together to issue joint declarations confirming anthropogenic global warming, and urging the nations of the world to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The signatories of these statements have been the national science academies:

-New Zeleand
-South Africa
-United Kingdom
-United States

"Human activity is most likely responsible for climate warming." -European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2007

"As reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of the observed global warming since the mid-20th century is very likely due to human-produced emission of greenhouse gases and this warming will continue unabated if present anthropogenic emissions continue or, worse, expand without control.
CAETS, therefore, endorses the many recent calls to decrease and control greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level as quickly as possible." -International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences

"A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists within the global scientific community that human activities are the main source of climate change and that the burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change. The IPCC should be congratulated for the contribution it has made to public understanding of the nexus that exists between energy, climate and sustainability." -Network of African Science Academies

"Careful and comprehensive scientific assessments have clearly demonstrated that the Earth’s climate system is changing rapidly in response to growing atmospheric burdens of greenhouse gases and absorbing aerosol particles (IPCC, 2007). There is very little room for doubt that observed climate trends are due to human activities. The threats are serious and action is urgently needed to mitigate the risks of climate change." -American Chemical Societies

"The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the scientific conclusions that Earth’s climate is changing; the climate changes are due in part to human activities; and the probable consequences of the climate changes will be significant and blind to geopolitical boundaries. Furthermore, the potential implications of global climate change and the time scale over which such changes will likely occur require active, effective, long-term planning" -Geological Society of America, 2006

And that's not even half way down the page...

That's why I asked you how you discern the real science from the phony science.

How do you know you're not "buying into the hoax" by rejecting the climate change data completely?

This is data coming from independent scientific organizations, all over the world. Are you suggesting a global conspiracy go get people to believe it's real when it actually isn't?

jeff f

New Member
Dude, you can present yourself a little better than that can't you? No doubt this is due to the ambiguity of the internet, and you wouldn't actually say something like this to someones face because of how disrespectful it is, but still, show some class...

With that said, I dunno where you get your information from, but the consensus is pretty much in, with the data leaning towards anthropogenic global warming.

From wiki;

In February 2007, the IPCC released a summary of the forthcoming Fourth Assessment Report. According to this summary, the Fourth Assessment Report finds that human actions are "very likely" the cause of global warming, meaning a 90% or greater probability. Global warming in this case is indicated by an increase of 0.75 degrees in average global temperatures over the last 100 years.

In June 2009, the US Global Change Research Program reported "Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities."

Since 2001, 32 national science academies have come together to issue joint declarations confirming anthropogenic global warming, and urging the nations of the world to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The signatories of these statements have been the national science academies:

-New Zeleand
-South Africa
-United Kingdom
-United States

"Human activity is most likely responsible for climate warming." -European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2007

"As reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of the observed global warming since the mid-20th century is very likely due to human-produced emission of greenhouse gases and this warming will continue unabated if present anthropogenic emissions continue or, worse, expand without control. CAETS, therefore, endorses the many recent calls to decrease and control greenhouse gas emissions to an acceptable level as quickly as possible." -International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences

"A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists within the global scientific community that human activities are the main source of climate change and that the burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change. The IPCC should be congratulated for the contribution it has made to public understanding of the nexus that exists between energy, climate and sustainability." -Network of African Science Academies

"Careful and comprehensive scientific assessments have clearly demonstrated that the Earth’s climate system is changing rapidly in response to growing atmospheric burdens of greenhouse gases and absorbing aerosol particles (IPCC, 2007). There is very little room for doubt that observed climate trends are due to human activities. The threats are serious and action is urgently needed to mitigate the risks of climate change." -American Chemical Societies

"The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the scientific conclusions that Earth’s climate is changing; the climate changes are due in part to human activities; and the probable consequences of the climate changes will be significant and blind to geopolitical boundaries. Furthermore, the potential implications of global climate change and the time scale over which such changes will likely occur require active, effective, long-term planning" -Geological Society of America, 2006

And that's not even half way down the page...

That's why I asked you how you discern the real science from the phony science.

How do you know you're not "buying into the hoax" by rejecting the climate change data completely?

This is data coming from independent scientific organizations, all over the world. Are you suggesting a global conspiracy go get people to believe it's real when it actually isn't?

seriously, i dont have enough energy bro. all i can say is remember the alamo AND seventh grade science...neither have changed.

jeff f

New Member
This is data coming from independent scientific organizations, all over the world. Are you suggesting a global conspiracy go get people to believe it's real when it actually isn't?
no, i am saying there are a bunch of closet capitalist that see an oppurtunity to bilk a lot of gullible people out of their money. and if you disagree please explain how a GOVT OFFICIAL taking more money from YOU, is gonna FIX the climate.

if it is real, but IT ISNT, and you are "asking" (ie taking my fucking money without my permission, at the business end of a rifle) for me to donate to your cause let me know what your gonna do to fix it an how long it will take. since nobody on the fucking globe doesnt even have an answer to that simple question, fuck your warming.

give me all your money and maybe someday we will figure out a solution.....aaahhhh no. dont work that way. show me a REAL need/crisis i will gladly help. try to pump sunshine up my ass.....beat it.


no, i am saying there are a bunch of closet capitalist that see an oppurtunity to bilk a lot of gullible people out of their money. and if you disagree please explain how a GOVT OFFICIAL taking more money from YOU, is gonna FIX the climate.

if it is real, but IT ISNT, and you are "asking" (ie taking my fucking money without my permission, at the business end of a rifle) for me to donate to your cause let me know what your gonna do to fix it an how long it will take. since nobody on the fucking globe doesnt even have an answer to that simple question, fuck your warming.

give me all your money and maybe someday we will figure out a solution.....aaahhhh no. dont work that way. show me a REAL need/crisis i will gladly help. try to pump sunshine up my ass.....beat it.
Like I said before, what will it take for you to accept this is a real problem we face? 32 international science academies agree that it is, what will it take for you to get on board?

That's the problem man, I'm sure you can see my point of view, you're not an idiot. You're sitting there saying "there's no evidence, there's no proof" - I just gave you evidence, I just gave you proof.

This is similar to creationists denying the theory of evolution.


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, what will it take for you to accept this is a real problem we face? 32 international science academies agree that it is, what will it take for you to get on board?

That's the problem man, I'm sure you can see my point of view, you're not an idiot. You're sitting there saying "there's no evidence, there's no proof" - I just gave you evidence, I just gave you proof.

This is similar to creationists denying the theory of evolution.
when california disappears from melted icebergs (ice EXPANDS by the way) then i will start to believe.