• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Global Warming Update


New Member
Nice article about ice ages, but would you care to explain why temps have risen dramatically since 1920 in direct correlation with man made greenhouse gases (above and beyond what the natural cycle of warming would have produced)? Care to explain why the ice caps have melted in an accelerated fashion (also in direct correlation with the rise in man made greenhouse gases)? Care to explain why the amount of plankton in the arctic has decreased, enough so that the polar bears (the end of the food chain) are going extinct?

Or is that beyond the scope of the 1 page article you just quoted?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha,you know what?your alright. ive really enjoyed this little sparring match of ours but i think im gonna hit the hay. i look forward to continuing on this tommorow night. see ya then.


New Member
There are great lies in this world.

With no data, please explain how humansity's activities cannot affect Earth.

How do you believe a timber baron was able to criminalize cannabis so quickly?

How similar are these two efforts in their feeble attempts to overgrow previously existing mis-information campaigns?






Well-Known Member
Nice article about ice ages, but would you care to explain why temps have risen dramatically since 1920 in direct correlation with man made greenhouse gases (above and beyond what the natural cycle of warming would have produced)? Care to explain why the ice caps have melted in an accelerated fashion (also in direct correlation with the rise in man made greenhouse gases)? Care to explain why the amount of plankton in the arctic has decreased, enough so that the polar bears (the end of the food chain) are going extinct?

Or is that beyond the scope of the 1 page article you just quoted?
The latest warming cycle you refer to, that just so happened to have ended a smidge over 10 years ago (you might want to look into that) started BEFORE mankind's increase of what you would call greenhouse gasses began in earnest.

Would you care to explain why that period of warming actually mirrored the documented activity of the big ball of fire in the sky we call the sun? And how the last 10 years of cooling also mirrors a decrease in solar activity? Hmm, greenhouse gasses that mankind contributes just a fraction of 1% of the amount released into the atmosphere every year... ORRRRRRR the sun's documented increase in activity. Yeah, that's a tough one.

I already debunked the whole polar bear propaganda in my first reply.


Well-Known Member
Nice article about ice ages, but would you care to explain why temps have risen dramatically since 1920 in direct correlation with man made greenhouse gases (above and beyond what the natural cycle of warming would have produced)? Care to explain why the ice caps have melted in an accelerated fashion (also in direct correlation with the rise in man made greenhouse gases)? Care to explain why the amount of plankton in the arctic has decreased, enough so that the polar bears (the end of the food chain) are going extinct?

Or is that beyond the scope of the 1 page article you just quoted?
What made the dinasours go extinct?

Dan Halen

Active Member
Yeah Al Gore is a fucking moron. It's all attention whoring and b.s. Just another way to make people compliant with corporate ideals and keep us fighting with each other so we don't notice the real enemies and their actions.


Well-Known Member
People seem to believe what the aristocracy tells them because they said it. My mother is like that, if it comes from a doctor or a lawyer or a police officer it is gospel. The funny thing is even in a shitty public school we learned the changes that have occured on earth over millions of years. It has to be man made because that is what we are told! I am beginning to be old enough to see patterns in bullshit, like the acid rain, refrigerants blowing a hole in the ozone. I am not saying these folks who believe this shit are bad people, but fanatisism is bad because it completely blinds you of your own logic and judjement.


New Member
As interestingly, human effected global climate change naysayers offer no evidence supporting their claims, only a vagrant sense of irresponsibility.

With no supportive data or arguments, why not believe Gaia really has noticed the changes as a result of reintroducing the accumulated sunlight of the ages to Earth virtually all at once.

Naysayers are generally unaware the future of the Earth as methane hydrate release rates continue on their journey upward.

Keep telling yourself "I bear no responsibility for Mankind's woes."

For All The Money In The World

The dislocation of reality
suffered by modern urban humans,
because they are in daily contact only
with non-living, inanimate, man-made objects
befalls, unfortunately, in its most acute form,
humans in positions of power
who should be bearing the responsibilities
for mankind’s weal and woe.
Yet what is real for them,
what they affect and what
reciprocally affects them
and what they think about continually
is influence and money . . .
No wonder, then, that ecologists
are regarded as “nostalgic dreamers”
when they warm that cash in paper or metal,
even in gold itself,
or numbers in a bankbook or on a balance sheet
are mere symbols
and that the real necessities of life,
such as pure air and un-poisoned water
and uncontaminated soil
and an intact protective ozone layer
above the earth’s surface,
will very soon no longer be buyable

for all the money in the world.

- Loren Eisley




New Member
MuyLocoNC, thank you for being the only one here lately to actually put together a spirited argument based on what you believe to be the facts. But it is not quite as dead on as you think. In fact, one might say scientiic data refutes your hypothesis.... http://www.skepticalscience.com/solar-activity-sunspots-global-warming.htm http://solar-center.stanford.edu/sun-on-earth/600px-Temp-sunspot-co2.svg.png

And yes, perhaps temps have dropped over some short period of time like the last 10 years. Even during the biggest upswings, there are some drops. Doesn't mean the line of best fit for the curve doesn't still angle dramatically upwards from what it should be doing


New Member
Just some more science I found trolling the web, not my own thoughts/words...

"If solar activity increases then plateaus, the climate will then be in energy imbalance with more energy coming in than radiating back out to space. The earth will immediately start warming. As it warms, the energy radiated back to space gradually increases until the climate reaches radiative equilibrium. Then warming stops. This period it takes to reach equilibrium is refered to as climate time lag.

However, this is not what is observed over the 20th century. Solar activity levels out in the 1950's. However, the modern global warming trend began in the mid 1970s. If the sun was the cause of global warming, the planet would've been at its highest energy imbalance in the 1950s. Then the planet would gradually have approached equilibrium over the next few decades.

The opposite has occured. The energy imbalance has in fact increased over the past 3 decades and is still increasing. Of course, we now know why the planet is in radiative imbalance - due to an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by increasing greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane."

jeff f

New Member
i think the people who started it all truly believed in it at that time, lots of scientists got caught up in it and turned it into their careers, no one wants to say "hey guys, i just figured out....we've been wwasting billions on researching and then proclaiming it was scientific fact, but it turns out we were actually wrong. please take away my nice kushy job telling the politicians what they want to hear."

i dont think your first statement is correct. this has united nations scam written all over it. its the way into the free worlds pocket book.

jeff f

New Member
I'm impressed/horrified by the speed it took you to quote a few pages of scientifically disputable text to dismiss the need for all further independent and scientific thought on the issue entirely. Bravo

duke, youre nuts. look around bro. everybody is on to your little climate change scam to take our money.

the pinheads have failed and thinking people have proven the pinheads are full of shit.

sorry dude, you dont get to march in and take all our money for "climate change" or whatever name you want to call it. your scam is over, kaput, nipse, ishcpa, null.

right now i have my desiel truck idling for no particular purpose other than to waste fuel and i am about to burn a ton of garbage in my back yard. and when i get a couple extra bucks, i am gonna kill a bunch of polar bears, whales and spotted owls!

lock and load boys, lock an load!

ps shove your keys to the prius up your ass while your at it. my next v ehicle will be an escalade or the huge ford suv....


New Member
i dont think your first statement is correct. this has united nations scam written all over it. its the way into the free worlds pocket book.
And this invalidates humansity's entanglement with Gaia?

"Leave it as it is. You can not improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it." - A Very Great Man.


no, it invalidates your ridiculous claims that me driving a truck is killig the planet. ...
You did not and never will hear me claim your driving a truck is killing the planet.
That is why you had to invent words and put them in my mouth without my permission.

That Kind Sir, is a ridiculous claim.
Why would you exclaim such a thing?

I have mine set to 84 with the windows open.


jeff f

New Member
And this invalidates humansity's entanglement with Gaia?

"Leave it as it is. You can not improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it." - A Very Great Man.

no, it invalidates your ridiculous claims that me driving a truck is killig the planet. you and your one world govt scam artists are exposed and we dont have to sit down and take it....and we wont.

honey, throw some more coal on the fire its only 80 degrees in here...

jeff f

New Member

oh i vote. and go to schoolbaord meetings, county commission meetings, talk to the locl polititions, and a whole bunch more.

no longer will the silent majority be silent. the fucking scammers from obama to the fake scientists at the UN are on notice, free people are sick of you. keep watchin bro, there is plenty more work to do and americans have their boots on.:clap:


New Member
Phake scientists are the reason I quit school.
You like putting things in my mouth don't you?
Are you sure you hate me?
I got my Phavorite Sorels on, myself.
What'r you wearin'?


Careful now, as we are most easily offended.


jeff f

New Member
Phake scientists are the reason I quit school.
You like putting things in my mouth don't you?
Are you sure you hate me?
I got my Phavorite Sorels on, myself.
What'r you wearin'?


never said i hate you. i hate liars who lie to help themselves and turn people into sheep. if that describesw you, then i hate you. if you were an innocent bystander caught up in the propaganda, then there is still hope for you. but i am not gonna sit and listen to the leftist/statist bullshit. everytime i here global warming nonsense being spoken, i am gonna interject, i believe they call it freedom of speach...might be mistaken though.

redwings mostly although yesterday i bought a pair of wolverenes with an awesomely sft sole. i have been having terrible knee pains lately and i am hoping they help out a little. i do have some serious hikng boots too. a bad ass pair of morrels that are made for mid temps and torturous terrain. they are the old style tyrolians with leather that could pull a truck. and i have a pair of asolos with stainless steel ball bearing lacer pullies that are made for zero-35 degrees and you could climb the twin towers if it werent for gravity and the fact that they got blown up.


never said i hate you. i hate liars who lie to help themselves and turn people into sheep. if that describesw you, then i hate you. if you were an innocent bystander caught up in the propaganda, then there is still hope for you. but i am not gonna sit and listen to the leftist/statist bullshit. everytime i here global warming nonsense being spoken, i am gonna interject, i believe they call it freedom of speach...might be mistaken though.

redwings mostly although yesterday i bought a pair of wolverenes with an awesomely sft sole. i have been having terrible knee pains lately and i am hoping they help out a little. i do have some serious hikng boots too. a bad ass pair of morrels that are made for mid temps and torturous terrain. they are the old style tyrolians with leather that could pull a truck. and i have a pair of asolos with stainless steel ball bearing lacer pullies that are made for zero-35 degrees and you could climb the twin towers if it werent for gravity and the fact that they got blown up.

What would it take for you to consider that the gasses emitted by human activity actually have an affect on the temperature of the planet? I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm asking you what would it take for you to consider it, and how would you personally discern the difference between legitimate science and pseudo-science?

It seems like you're taking the approach of "global warming is impossible", and that any attempt of claiming otherwise, through established valid science, is some kind of push towards a liberal agenda. Are you willing to accept data that might actually point towards correlations between climate and human activity or would you simply dismiss everything that swayed in that direction as liberal bias and the liberal agenda trying to steal your money?

Honest question.

Also, consider the other factors of relying on oil to power the planet. It's never been only about protecting the environment. There are dozens of good reasons we should be weening off oil onto alternative energy sources. Some of which I think topple the climate change argument all together.