Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:

Well I tell you what.... drink some bleach and die and that will be one less carbon footprint we free people have to pay for. Come on now... lead by example because the planet is suffering because of your existance.

Who in the fuck are you? Have you heard of civilized debate? What in the hell is your problem? Do you abuse everyone who disagrees with you with such vitriol and force? My god're sad.
Who in the fuck are you? Have you heard of civilized debate? What in the hell is your problem? Do you abuse everyone who disagrees with you with such vitriol and force? My god're sad.

I am a free American who is tired of being taxed for things that have no solid evidence and is only a hypothosis. So to you I am a nobody and why should you care what I say. I made a statement and a suggestion. Plain and simple.

Like it or hate it... I really don't care.

P.S. All the environmentalist are so worried about the planet... then why do they not lead by example and practice euthanasia as to save the world. They believe all of mankind is bad. They believe the USA is responsible for all these problems. Tell you what... go to russian, china and India.... then tell me how bad the USA is. It is nothing more than a money scheme with their god AL Gore leading the way. He is one of the worst polluters in the world. His house, his way of travel ect....

Same ol' shit.... "do as I say not as I do!"

and the people suffer for it.
what you talking about man, i can prove it, what is it?

well im just questioning your statement that c02 levels are at a historical low.

in terms of recent human history it is significantly higher than before the industrial age.

as far as the last 414,000 years (vostok ice core sample):
(click link for "data")

it never rose above 300 ppm until we industrialized. so it seems that in at least the last half-million years we are at a historical high.
oh, cant disprove co2 levels, but we can argue that "global warming" is really caused by sun spots, and thats why it was a cold winter and why its a cold summer. temps are going down for the next 30 years. we all know that global warming was the big scare that the government need to push so it could pass cap and tax.
oh, cant disprove co2 levels, but we can argue that "global warming" is really caused by sun spots, and thats why it was a cold winter and why its a cold summer. temps are going down for the next 30 years. we all know that global warming was the big scare that the government need to push so it could pass cap and tax.

yes the government exploits global warming,
and yes there are equally valid theories explaining global warming trends.
as far as temps going down for the next 30 years this is news to me.
i'm not taking a side here, just acknowledging that regardless of how a valid
theory is exploited and bastardized, its still a valid theory. (greenhouse effect that is)
i don't recall this ever being proven. source?

*edit* sorry forgot to add quote


You'll note how there is no correlation between temps. and CO2 levels as well....

You'll note how there is no correlation between temps. and CO2 levels as well....

this is not evidence. its a gif from a highly bias website bent on pushing their agenda and selling their own books.

please link me to their article page so i can check their references.
Those numbers are just what they appear to be and can be found on multiple sites....scientific sites, because they are accurate. There is no parallel between CO2 and global temps.

Hey, but don't let the truth get in the way of your emotions....

Just go to who specialize in winnowing the wheat from the chafe. CO2 is chafe.
no emotions on this side, buddy. i just believe in the common courtesy of siting references so that others can research
and check their validity and even learn a bit and perhaps form a rebuttal. i just think "look at this picture and shut up" doesnt
make a good debate.

anyway i know what site it is from the url, but i needed the article page to site a reference.
i just harbor an overall mistrust for sites with an agenda and prefer to just scoot right past them and read their sources instead.
anyway i found it