Global Warming on trial...


Well-Known Member
Al Gore sez...

"I believe it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are," Gore said in the May 9, 2006, issue of Grist magazine.

"Overrepresentation"? Is that anything like "misrepresentation"?

Global-warming enthusiasts should clarify why America was hotter during the less-developed Great Depression, yet cooler in purportedly carbon-choked 1998. In fact, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004 were cooler than 1900 -- three years before the launch of the Ford Motor Company.
"The alarmists who trumpeted recent years as 'warmest ever!!!' in the United States (by a mere tenth of a degree) now dismiss this reversal -- 2000 and subsequent years being cooler than 1900 -- as just being a tenth of a degree or so," said Competitive Enterprise Institute scholar Chris Horner. "Well, either that's a big deal whichever direction it falls, or it isn't. Which time are you lying?"

Meanwhile, the British High Court of Justice ruled Oct. 10 that Gore's picture, "An Inconvenient Truth," peddles convenient untruths. Mr. Justice Burton determined that "some of the errors, or departures from the mainstream, by Mr. Gore ... in the course of his dynamic exposition, do arise in the context of alarmism and exaggeration in support of his political thesis." The court ordered that British secondary schools could present Gore's movie only if students receive a guidance note distancing the Education Department from "the more extreme views of Mr. Gore" and admitting there are two sides, not one, to global warming.
Burton cited nine points in Gore's "political film" that either were "apparently based on nonexistent or misunderstood evidence" or "upon lack of knowledge or appreciation of the scientific position." Among them: Despite Gore's contrary claims, melting polar ice caps will not raise sea levels by 20 feet any century soon, global warming is not melting the glacier atop Mount Kilimanjaro, nor did it intensify Hurricane Katrina, nor are polar bears dying due to melting ice.
University of California-Santa Barbara professor emeritus Daniel Botkin recently lamented in The Wall Street Journal that some of his warming-oriented colleagues believe "the only way to get our society to change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe, and that therefore it is all right and even necessary for scientists to exaggerate ... 'Wolves deceive their prey, don't they?' one said to me recently."
Oslo's applause notwithstanding, egregious errors, distortions and lies have no place in what is supposedly unbiased scientific inquiry regarding one of Earth's most controversial questions
excerpted from:
Scripps Howard News Service


New Member
So just how large is your shadow of doubt. Is it large enough to say wager an OZ of primo, how about an lb. I'm not saying man is the sole contributor, but a contributor for sure.
personally, i dont think man contributes AT ALL. but history and humility teaches us nothing is 100% positive. but i've read and watched information from both sides and i believe the scientists critical of man's contribution have made their case.

i wont bet on this because i dont think you or others are going to do the research and get that this is a political scam for about another decade or two. by then it will become incredibly obvious, and dissenting scientists will stop getting censored and there's another scare-city scam breaking.

who knows if rollitup will still be around then.


New Member
personally, i dont think man contributes AT ALL. but history and humility teaches us nothing is 100% positive. but i've read and watched information from both sides and i believe the scientists critical of man's contribution have made their case.

i wont bet on this because i dont think you or others are going to do the research and get that this is a political scam for about another decade or two. by then it will become incredibly obvious, and dissenting scientists will stop getting censored and there's another scare-city scam breaking.

who knows if rollitup will still be around then.
Fuck, who knows if any of us will be around in ten years, I mean with all the man made global warming,~LOL~. You have a nice day closet, I know you'll figure it out sooner or later and you too FDD you may be a MOD but that doesnt make you the brightest bulb in the box,~LOL~ friendly fire.


New Member
Al Gore sez...

"I believe it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are," Gore said in the May 9, 2006, issue of Grist magazine.

"Overrepresentation"? Is that anything like "misrepresentation"?
yes. Al Gore, recipient of the noble peace prize, is encourageing pergury to the american people. lie to people, for your political ends. its only bad when bush does it, right?

right, left? bullshit from both sides because its one team, people. either they want your taxes for wars or for greater beaurocracy. in the end, that ONE team will achieve one world government.


Well-Known Member
Fuck, who knows if any of us will be around in ten years, I mean with all the man made global warming,~LOL~. You have a nice day closet, I know you'll figure it out sooner or later and you too FDD you may be a MOD but that doesnt make you the brightest bulb in the box,~LOL~ friendly fire.

i'm on a dimmer switch. makes it easy to accept things. :blsmoke:

gotta go build an ark now. :mrgreen:


New Member
i'm on a dimmer switch. makes it easy to accept things. :blsmoke:

gotta go build an ark now. :mrgreen:
Need any help, I was a carpenter and I have a lot time on my hands, I just want a place for me and my family, been wanting to take a fishing trip anyway.


Well-Known Member
global warming has been confirmed AND assured as a real concern in the wake of the dust storm recently created by the new Bugatti Veyron...a monstrosity of a 16 cylinder....quad turbo...1001hp fury of gas guzzling hedonism....:hump::joint::hump::joint:



New Member
global warming has been confirmed AND assured as a real concern in the wake of the dust storm recently created by the new Bugatti Veyron...a monstrosity of a 16 cylinder....quad turbo...1001hp fury of gas guzzling hedonism....:hump::joint::hump::joint:
Yeah, sign me up. 0-60 in 3.3 seconds, almost as fast as my 62 nova. I'm still working on the 2+million price tag. I'll race you for pinks in the quarter though and give you my Nova to drive home in,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha good one reminds me of when I was growing up in the mid-late 60's....the emergence of the muscle cars 'n all.....amazing times for sure! The Nova is a real classic....especially the Yenko!:mrgreen:
Yeah, sign me up. 0-60 in 3.3 seconds, almost as fast as my 62 nova. I'm still working on the 2+million price tag. I'll race you for pinks in the quarter though and give you my Nova to drive home in,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to find anything resembling the truth these days, due to the pollution of polarized propaganda from all sides of the issues.

Global warming and cooling cycles occur. Evidence in tree ring samples, ice samples, written texts, black-plague of the middle ages, and other methods support the idea that we are presently in the warm side of an eternal rhythm. Did we cause it to happen? Unlikely. Can we make it worse. Yes. For proof of this idea look at the correlation of ozone levels to space shuttle launches. Past years with more space shuttle lift-offs have higher ozone levels, according to NASA. So I suggest we should shut down NASA to save the environment and our economy.

Point two: if Darwinism is an unproven theory, then answer this question. Why do super-clean hospitals have the worlds most dangerous germs (i.e. ecoli, staff, strep, etc). Short answer; the advanced cleaners kill off all the garden variety germs. All that is left are the worst killers, left unchecked. They do not have to compete with other germs so they flourish, and ravage humans. This is a simple example of evolution of the strongest. Does evolution have flaws. Yes, quite a few when applied to humans and apes. But, it does not mean that the theory is useless. No. It is just not complete, as of yet. So, I suggest we save the polar bears with huge walk-in freezers, stocked with eskimoe pies.


Well-Known Member
excellent statements...well presented....thanks MB....I am (as an environmental scientist) fully supportive of reducing our waste generation (air, land water, solid...etc)....and I have advocated this position my entire career. But I support your comment that the amount of misinofmration, ill-supported information, and overall....the MASS significantly harmful to constructive efforts to walk forward....:peace:
It's hard to find anything resembling the truth these days, due to the pollution of polarized propaganda from all sides of the issues.

Global warming and cooling cycles occur. Evidence in tree ring samples, ice samples, written texts, black-plague of the middle ages, and other methods support the idea that we are presently in the warm side of an eternal rhythm. Did we cause it to happen? Unlikely. Can we make it worse. Yes. For proof of this idea look at the correlation of ozone levels to space shuttle launches. Past years with more space shuttle lift-offs have higher ozone levels, according to NASA. So I suggest we should shut down NASA to save the environment and our economy.

Point two: if Darwinism is an unproven theory, then answer this question. Why do super-clean hospitals have the worlds most dangerous germs (i.e. ecoli, staff, strep, etc). Short answer; the advanced cleaners kill off all the garden variety germs. All that is left are the worst killers, left unchecked. They do not have to compete with other germs so they flourish, and ravage humans. This is a simple example of evolution of the strongest. Does evolution have flaws. Yes, quite a few when applied to humans and apes. But, it does not mean that the theory is useless. No. It is just not complete, as of yet. So, I suggest we save the polar bears with huge walk-in freezers, stocked with eskimoe pies.


Well-Known Member
you wont take my word for it, will you? who the hell am i? but when +90% of the worlds top scientists believe, i'd say there's more then enough written on the subject. try Francis Collin's work on the Human Genome Project. They went on to sequence many, many other animals and found conclusive evidence of common ancestory. conclusive. You should really look into it.

on another note: once a person accepts the reality of common ancestory, at least conceptually for starters, (what would it mean if...), the world of biology and life finally makes very good, common sense.

my cousin is like this too. i think he's sticking to a preconcieved notion of the world, chemically speaking. i believe it is THOSE preconceptions that are mistaken. like trying to use the 2nd law of thermodynamics to dispute the increasing complexity we see in the world as evidence of devine intervention or something. that's the area in which enlightenment is occuring. decent with modification is here to stay. ...unless you believe in the alein theory. :blsmoke:

you can't say i'm mislead when you haven't read the information i have. i suppose i'll have to do find that information again in order to show you. but apparently, not everything found was reproduced for people to translate. there is more the owners will not make public. WHY?

if it says EXACTLY what our books say now...what's the problem with showing it?

the good thing about evidence and facts are that they are not disputable. this is the cornerstone of science; you do not replace facts with assumptions. you are doing just that and it's because you aren't a scientist. if there is any factual evidence that proves evolution has ever occurred, ever, in any way, the "theory of evolution" would become "evolution". i've posted many pages on this site about this subject and we can just fast forward to the end if you'll just come to conclusion that you have religious faith in the theory of evolution because that's what it is - faith.

you can doubt me or whatever but that's reality. the theory of evolution is a theory and you have faith in it. however, i, like the creator of the theory of evolution himself, find too many incongruent observations and too many illogical leaps of faith (not to mention the huge mathematical improbabilities compounded on top of other mathematical improbabilities, over and over and over...) to sustain any serious devotion to this belief system.

because of your erroneous 90% statement, i'll let you in on a little fact that seems to go unknown by the masses; the majority of specialized scientists (MS, Ph.D, biochem, molecular bio, botanists, entomologists, etc.) are creationists. the slight majority of general scientists (biologists, ecologists) are evolutionists. the more in depth your study takes you the more undeniable the prospect of creation becomes - trust me on this one, i started college convinced that evolution occurred and God just kind of set things in motion but after looking at things a little closer evolution just didn't add up. it took more blind faith and more work to believe in evolution than to just accept creation!

the common ancestry is real because there was one creator. why would He make completely unique DNA structures? in fact, you'd expect unique DNA and different ancestors if evolution was real! there should be at least a couple ancestors common to life if we're going to claim that the only purpose of life is to sustain a diverse survival mechanism for the DNA itself... the DNA should have developed competing systems instead of parallel ones. those competing systems would have to be here today with a huge variety of different systems in existence. one DNA system/"ancestor" does not work in the favor of the theory of evolution any more than it would make sense to dig a mine looking for gold under the spot where you found a gold coin!

it sounds like maybe you read about the human genome project. if so, you're aware of the number of genes and the number of "uniquely human traits and inheritable characteristics" that are observable (eye color, hair type, etc.). the numbers are completely incompatible with one another and the traits are higher in number by a factor of almost 4. the assumptions of direct gene to trait theory have been exterminated and we're at ground zero, once again. there's a very complex system at work and it just adds yet another huge mathematical improbability as well as a nearly fatal paradox in that this proves, yet again, that DNA is not capable of benefiting from random mutations.

i wish i could provide tons of creationist books and stuff but i've never read one (except the only real one!). i only read the evolution stuff and let the facts speak for themselves. my goal isn't to prove either - just to ask questions and see where the answer takes me and then form new questions.. i can't prove creation to you because it's a theory, scientifically, but it's the only thing that makes any sense. good luck in your search for the next question!



New Member
So what about my alien theory where the aliens (Angels) inserted a male and female to start an experimental colony? that may be why we see so many UFOs now days, as they are worried that their experiment is about to anihilate itself. If God is omniesent, omnipresent and omnipotent, why should we worry,? Is not he also all loving and therefore, would he not love all of us, even the worst of his creations. Does he not know everything from the beginning of time to the end? So he knows where we will be going after this millisecond of time on this planet.

This experiment Here (Humans) has almost failed as we see it, but as God sees it, it may have a different conclusion. Would not a God experiment with all sorts of creaturees with so many planets in the universe that could support life.

Maybe there are creatures like in star wars, maybe God finds Humans a boring selfish breed, with Waring tendencies, and self centered interests that leave 95% of the rest of humanity at risk, leaving only a miniscule amount of caring individuals crying out for acceptance and understanding to adopt to the rest of society.

He supposedly left a book with instructions, but the misinterpretation has started more shit then it ever healed. Look at the Koran. Obviously interpretations of that have led to violent bloodbaths in the name of God. Similar things have happened in the name of Christ, and I'm sure many more religious writings. Just remember that no matter what you believe in, all of those books were written by man, inspired maybe, influenced by the times in which they were interpreted, for sure.


New Member
the good thing about evidence and facts are that they are not disputable. this is the cornerstone of science; you do not replace facts with assumptions. you are doing just that and it's because you aren't a scientist. if there is any factual evidence that proves evolution has ever occurred, ever, in any way, the "theory of evolution" would become "evolution". i've posted many pages on this site about this subject and we can just fast forward to the end if you'll just come to conclusion that you have religious faith in the theory of evolution because that's what it is - faith.

you can doubt me or whatever but that's reality. the theory of evolution is a theory and you have faith in it. however, i, like the creator of the theory of evolution himself, find too many incongruent observations and too many illogical leaps of faith (not to mention the huge mathematical improbabilities compounded on top of other mathematical improbabilities, over and over and over...) to sustain any serious devotion to this belief system.

because of your erroneous 90% statement, i'll let you in on a little fact that seems to go unknown by the masses; the majority of specialized scientists (MS, Ph.D, biochem, molecular bio, botanists, entomologists, etc.) are creationists. the slight majority of general scientists (biologists, ecologists) are evolutionists. the more in depth your study takes you the more undeniable the prospect of creation becomes - trust me on this one, i started college convinced that evolution occurred and God just kind of set things in motion but after looking at things a little closer evolution just didn't add up. it took more blind faith and more work to believe in evolution than to just accept creation!

the common ancestry is real because there was one creator. why would He make completely unique DNA structures? in fact, you'd expect unique DNA and different ancestors if evolution was real! there should be at least a couple ancestors common to life if we're going to claim that the only purpose of life is to sustain a diverse survival mechanism for the DNA itself... the DNA should have developed competing systems instead of parallel ones. those competing systems would have to be here today with a huge variety of different systems in existence. one DNA system/"ancestor" does not work in the favor of the theory of evolution any more than it would make sense to dig a mine looking for gold under the spot where you found a gold coin!

it sounds like maybe you read about the human genome project. if so, you're aware of the number of genes and the number of "uniquely human traits and inheritable characteristics" that are observable (eye color, hair type, etc.). the numbers are completely incompatible with one another and the traits are higher in number by a factor of almost 4. the assumptions of direct gene to trait theory have been exterminated and we're at ground zero, once again. there's a very complex system at work and it just adds yet another huge mathematical improbability as well as a nearly fatal paradox in that this proves, yet again, that DNA is not capable of benefiting from random mutations.

i wish i could provide tons of creationist books and stuff but i've never read one (except the only real one!). i only read the evolution stuff and let the facts speak for themselves. my goal isn't to prove either - just to ask questions and see where the answer takes me and then form new questions.. i can't prove creation to you because it's a theory, scientifically, but it's the only thing that makes any sense. good luck in your search for the next question!.
1.a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. 2.a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

1.a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale. 2.a fictitious tale, shorter and less elaborate than a novel.

please understand: a story. not a therory. and every different religion has a different story. and none of you can prove anything. and none of your stories fit the facts.

i'll put faith in a theory over a story any day.


New Member
Zeitgeist has that incredible theory about how christianity, like almost all other religions, is simply astrology wrapped up in a different coat. Very interesting! Is it true? He's not the first to suggest it, so I'm sure there's alot written on it.


New Member
So what about my alien theory where the aliens (Angels) inserted a male and female to start an experimental colony? that may be why we see so many UFOs now days, as they are worried that their experiment is about to anihilate itself. If God is omniesent, omnipresent and omnipotent, why should we worry,? Is not he also all loving and therefore, would he not love all of us, even the worst of his creations. Does he not know everything from the beginning of time to the end? So he knows where we will be going after this millisecond of time on this planet.

This experiment Here (Humans) has almost failed as we see it, but as God sees it, it may have a different conclusion. Would not a God experiment with all sorts of creaturees with so many planets in the universe that could support life.

Maybe there are creatures like in star wars, maybe God finds Humans a boring selfish breed, with Waring tendencies, and self centered interests that leave 95% of the rest of humanity at risk, leaving only a miniscule amount of caring individuals crying out for acceptance and understanding to adopt to the rest of society.

He supposedly left a book with instructions, but the misinterpretation has started more shit then it ever healed. Look at the Koran. Obviously interpretations of that have led to violent bloodbaths in the name of God. Similar things have happened in the name of Christ, and I'm sure many more religious writings. Just remember that no matter what you believe in, all of those books were written by man, inspired maybe, influenced by the times in which they were interpreted, for sure.

and come to think of it, there is actually more credibility and physical evidence to believe in the alien theory, then a god theory.

of course, who created the aliens, right? either way, there is no evidence for god, jesus, allah, kemosh, zeus, etc...


Well-Known Member
So what about my alien theory where the aliens (Angels) inserted a male and female to start an experimental colony? that may be why we see so many UFOs now days, as they are worried that their experiment is about to anihilate itself. If God is omniesent, omnipresent and omnipotent, why should we worry,? Is not he also all loving and therefore, would he not love all of us, even the worst of his creations. Does he not know everything from the beginning of time to the end? So he knows where we will be going after this millisecond of time on this planet.

This experiment Here (Humans) has almost failed as we see it, but as God sees it, it may have a different conclusion. Would not a God experiment with all sorts of creaturees with so many planets in the universe that could support life.

Maybe there are creatures like in star wars, maybe God finds Humans a boring selfish breed, with Waring tendencies, and self centered interests that leave 95% of the rest of humanity at risk, leaving only a miniscule amount of caring individuals crying out for acceptance and understanding to adopt to the rest of society.

He supposedly left a book with instructions, but the misinterpretation has started more shit then it ever healed. Look at the Koran. Obviously interpretations of that have led to violent bloodbaths in the name of God. Similar things have happened in the name of Christ, and I'm sure many more religious writings. Just remember that no matter what you believe in, all of those books were written by man, inspired maybe, influenced by the times in which they were interpreted, for sure.
All your credibility has just flown out the window...