GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Active Member
Day 52 today.. :weed:
Everything is going well today, not much to say really.. :eyesmoke:
The buds on the lady on the left are getting huge! Check out the last pic...
and the ones on the right hand lady are producing more and more trichomes! Crazy! :lol:
Heres some more pics.. :mrgreen:




Active Member
53 days since switching to 12/12.. :weed:
Again..not much to say..:-P
dem girls are just kickin back today.. :mrgreen:
More bud porn though.. :bigjoint:
Bin smoking Mango all day and now i'm real, real




Well-Known Member
53 days since switching to 12/12.. :weed:
Again..not much to say..:-P
dem girls are just kickin back today.. :mrgreen:
More bud porn though.. :bigjoint:
Bin smoking Mango all day and now i'm real, real

lovely mate look swell:leaf::bigjoint:

eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
Looking SOOOOOOO phat bud, i can almost smell them from here - everytime i check on mine i just imagine her lookin exactly like yours and it makes me feel all warm inside.
hope i can pull it off now!!


Active Member
Day 54 today..:weed:
I accidently forgot to switch the timer on and when i got back, the light was still on! :wall: they got an hour extra light den they should of...i didn't check em.. i just turned out the light and went out the room......:sad:
think an hour of extra light will do any harm? it wasn't like it was off and came back on again, it just stayed on for an extra hour...
anyway.. apart from that little mishap..everything else is good, soil is drying up so i'll be watering either Fri or Sat..:mrgreen:
Nutes for the left hand girl and plain PH'd water for the right.. :weed:
More porn.. :blsmoke:

oh and i forgot to mention the last pic is my air purifier/ionizer.. :mrgreen:




Active Member
lovely mate look swell:leaf::bigjoint:
Thanks Ras.. :joint:
Can't wait to smoke that s**t up man and start on some fresh seeds.. :weed:


Looking SOOOOOOO phat bud, i can almost smell them from here - everytime i check on mine i just imagine her lookin exactly like yours and it makes me feel all warm inside.
hope i can pull it off now!!
To be honest with ya, they way they were pongin before the ionizer i wouldn't be surprised if you could smell dem! :lol: :mrgreen:
:lol: i have a good feeling about yours man.. it just looks so like mine, i hope you get the same pheno as the one on the right..:mrgreen: she's a beaut.. :leaf:



Active Member
Day 55 today and all my worry's about the light was over nothing.. :lol:
They look great.. :weed: the colas have have beefed up, they both have gotten wider, you can see in a few of the pics where they have had a little growth spurt, :bigjoint: (pictures 6 and 11)
nothing else really to say once again.. :lol:
didn't feed or water today, i'm going to flush the girl on the right tomorow or sunday as she will be 8weeks then and the one on the left will get some more nutes cause she is still lovin dem.. :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Day 54 today..:weed:
I accidently forgot to switch the timer on and when i got back, the light was still on! :wall: they got an hour extra light den they should of...i didn't check em.. i just turned out the light and went out the room......:sad:
think an hour of extra light will do any harm? it wasn't like it was off and came back on again, it just stayed on for an extra hour...

It's not that big of a deal,a lot of people mess with the light schedule during the last 2 weeks on purpose.For example check this out,although this is not the exact same case as yours(actually the opposite)I'm pretty sure it's not a huge deal unless you keep changing around.


Active Member
It's not that big of a deal,a lot of people mess with the light schedule during the last 2 weeks on purpose.For example check this out,although this is not the exact same case as yours(actually the opposite)I'm pretty sure it's not a huge deal unless you keep changing around.
Thanks for the link man.. :joint:
Hmmm...i don't know if i would try that on these but it may be worth doing on a single an experiment or sumit..
I did change my light schedule on my last grow in the last few weeks, 13/11 (Off/On) and then i think it was 36 hours of darkness before i cut.. but....because it was my first, proper was hard to tell the difference..(some good s**t though.:eyesmoke: the pic in my avatar)
i've had the lights 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower and it seems to be doing good for these two.. like they say..'if it aint broke, don't fix it' :mrgreen:
but yea it don't seem to have done any harm to my two, :-P



Active Member
anyone watch BBC three last night?
someting on there about growers etc..
It was funny the things the ol'bill were saying..but it was also slightly depressing to realise that they actually believe that crap aswell.... :lol:



OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Wow, great Big Bang man. Mine didn't germ but I've grown a few Green House strains.

I absolutely love that leaf collar on that plant to the right. What is your expected yield. I'm thinking you should do 2+ easy a plant if the side branches are half as thick as the cola's.

When you finish out will you leave a grow summary and smoke report on my Green House Strains Forum. I am trying to create a resource for those of us who already know how to grow or even beginners who are looking for past experience not just the paragraph details (though GHS always look and sound just like the pics and info). But experience is what builds this community.

Looks like you've got it down.


Active Member
Wow, great Big Bang man. Mine didn't germ but I've grown a few Green House strains.

I absolutely love that leaf collar on that plant to the right. What is your expected yield. I'm thinking you should do 2+ easy a plant if the side branches are half as thick as the cola's.

When you finish out will you leave a grow summary and smoke report on my Green House Strains Forum. I am trying to create a resource for those of us who already know how to grow or even beginners who are looking for past experience not just the paragraph details (though GHS always look and sound just like the pics and info). But experience is what builds this community.

Looks like you've got it down.
Thanks man.. :joint:
2 out of 5 didn't germ and one hermied but the ones i have are great.. :eyesmoke:
The girl on the right will be coming down next week (she'll be 9weeks old) and i'm going to leave her sis as she can go a little longer i reckon.. :mrgreen:
The buds on the right hand girl are definatly alot more dense than the other but the left hand girls buds are huge!
Originally i was aiming for 80g each but i'm hoping for atleast 50+grams each, hopefully they will bring me more, if the buds on the left hand lady get any bigger i'm gunna have to tie her up.. :lol: so lets hope for 50+... :mrgreen:

Just been through your thread man, sounds like a good idea man, i'll be happy to post on der.. :mrgreen:
I'll try and keep it as simple as possible cause i waffle on sometimes! :lol:
I'll be posting a smoke report on here aswel anyway so i may aswel write one on your thread to man, aint that what dis site is all about.. helping people grow the best greenery.. :eyesmoke:

happy smokin'



I have been following. I germ'd 2 Big Bang and 2 Church the same time you did. Single Seed Centre ROCKS! They have been under 4 T12 floro's. (2) 3700K and (2) 6500K. The tallest one is 6 inches. First grow and am learning. I got my act together though. Last week built a 4 ft x 4 ft room, ran power to it and got some mylar on the walls. Bought a 400 W HPS yesterday with a 430w SON Phillips bulb for 100.00. Girls are potted in Ocean Forest. I use Botanicare pro grow soil every 3 waterings. Your 2 ladies are beautiful and are almost done. My question is based on you going to flower when they were only 10" tall, I want to let my girls grow to 24" then flower. I am patient. If you could do it over, would you do the same? By the way, they luv the 430! Can see the growth in one 18/6. Cheers Mate. Dac


Active Member
I have been following. I germ'd 2 Big Bang and 2 Church the same time you did. Single Seed Centre ROCKS! They have been under 4 T12 floro's. (2) 3700K and (2) 6500K. The tallest one is 6 inches. First grow and am learning. I got my act together though. Last week built a 4 ft x 4 ft room, ran power to it and got some mylar on the walls. Bought a 400 W HPS yesterday with a 430w SON Phillips bulb for 100.00. Girls are potted in Ocean Forest. I use Botanicare pro grow soil every 3 waterings. Your 2 ladies are beautiful and are almost done. My question is based on you going to flower when they were only 10" tall, I want to let my girls grow to 24" then flower. I am patient. If you could do it over, would you do the same? By the way, they luv the 430! Can see the growth in one 18/6. Cheers Mate. Dac
Sup Dac.. :joint:
Thanks for checkin out tha grow.. :leaf:
First off, good luck with your grow man, hope you get the best out of the BB man..

I wish i could of gone longer in veg but i didn't have the time to get a grow out the way as i'm off to canada for a week in march.. gunna av to give me bruv the end product so he can burp dat s**t for me.. just as long as he don't smoke it all! :lol:

They will be BIG if you were to flower dem at 24''... how much height space are you dealing with in your grow room? they will probably double in size man, they are some real bushy biatches from my experience.. :mrgreen:
but i think for vegging for only 23days these have come out a treat, just think if i did go longer.. dem girls be huge! :mrgreen:

I bet they do.. i remember when these two were little, they were growing at such a good rate i couldn't believe my eyes! :lol: (vegged my first grow under UK sun and then flowered in a 400w so it was my first time vegging under hps)
What sort of ventilation you got going on? dem 400/430 watts get hot man,
