GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Active Member
hey joe tell me how was the taste of not proper flushed & cured bigbangs:!: i bet it taste like shit right?:!: :bigjoint:
Damn...gimme time to dry it! :lol:
I know it will taste nasty, but its just to see if there are any seeds init due to the 'bananas' :mrgreen:
I doubt i will be smokin that little bud today, i say quick dry but i don't mean 5minutes i mean like a day or so.. :mrgreen:

It will still taste better than the crap round my way even if it aint flushed propa yet.. :lol:



Active Member
59 days since the switch... :weed:
Only two sets of bananas on the right hand girl.. i keep checkin on her constantly! :lol: my clothes reak of weed! :mrgreen:
I took a few pics, my light doesn't flash just stays on but i'm not going to be taking as many pics from now on.. just incase it is the camera light that caused her to hermie.. well she aint really a hermie to be honest.. thats what i can't work out.. there isn't loads of bananas just the odd few now and then, and even those might be ones that i missed previously....



scottish lad

Well-Known Member
they look dam fine m8 can taste them from here :)

it sounds like it is a hermie but as if the female in the plant is winning the battle to grow buds rather than the male side growing bananas .

:leaf: girl power :leaf:lol:bigjoint:


Active Member
they look dam fine m8 can taste them from here :)

it sounds like it is a hermie but as if the female in the plant is winning the battle to grow buds rather than the male side growing bananas .

:leaf: girl power :leaf:lol:bigjoint:
:lol: Girl Power! :mrgreen:
Thanks man.. :joint:
I tink you may be right there, i checked this morning and i couldn't see any.....yet...:-P


forgot to ask did you smoke ya small test bud ?
Not yet, had a look at it this morning and it still needs drying, should be ready for tonight.. i'm tryin not to smoke through the day now as it makes me lazy! :mrgreen:
Its drivin me crazy! :lol:


Got a journal going. There are plenty of empty seats....
Yo man, post up the link, always up for watchin a grow.. :mrgreen:

Hey man, I just registered here but I've been lurking a while... I've had some GHS Big Bangs chillin around my house for a while now, just havn't gotten around to growing them.

Been reading through your journal and like what I'm seeing; I've successfully done some outdoors once but this will be my first indoor experience. Needless to say, you may be getting some questions from me very soon!8)

Anyways, good looks on the plants and I look forward to reading the next 30 pages of your journal!:wall: haha


Active Member
Hey man, I just registered here but I've been lurking a while... I've had some GHS Big Bangs chillin around my house for a while now, just havn't gotten around to growing them.

Been reading through your journal and like what I'm seeing; I've successfully done some outdoors once but this will be my first indoor experience. Needless to say, you may be getting some questions from me very soon!8)

Anyways, good looks on the plants and I look forward to reading the next 30 pages of your journal!:wall: haha
Hey man.. :joint:
Thanks for checkin out the grow.. :bigjoint:

Fire away man, always happy to help, as long as i know the answer! :lol:

:mrgreen: thats always the case when you join in a thread late. . :lol: .gotta read a whole load of pages to catch up! :mrgreen:
Happy reading!


ha ha i got to work all day so only get a j on my lunch . wish i could just sit and smoke all day :)
Trust me it aint that fun after a while! :lol: gotta get me a job again...too much nagging and being cash strapped starts to eat at ya! :mrgreen:
it wunt be too bad if i grow to sell...but its all personal so i hant gotta buy the dodgy stuff no more :eyesmoke:
plus i cant afford the extortionate prices for a pathetic weight of green no more! :lol:



Active Member
Day 60 today.. :weed:
Just a quick one cause i'm going to bed..:hump:.....;-)
and i just realised i hant updated yet! :lol:

checked on the girls and they are doing well, didn't find any 'bananas' today! :mrgreen:
Going to smoke that bud tomorow as it is dry but could do wth just one more day before hand..
anyway.. took a pic with the light off but stood back abit.......just in case...;-)...:mrgreen:




Active Member
Just had a little smoke off the BB bud... :mrgreen: first smoke today! :bongsmilie:

...surprisingly it didn't taste that bad at all! :lol: I can still taste the unflushyness..:-P...and the fact that it was dried quick but i think i will be happy when i chop.. :mrgreen:

It's no 'one hitter quiter' but it is a very nice smoke none the less.. its a creeper, hits you after about 10-15minutes and is a very relaxing stone aswell.. right now i feel real calm and could just sit in my chair and watch telly the rest of the night! :lol:
I've been smoking silver haze for the last week and that s**t gets me paranoid as f** of the reasons i've cut back abit.. :lol:
so yea, i'm going to be happy when harvest comes...

i'll do a propa smoke report when that special day comes and they're all dried up and cured.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
Day 61 since the switch.. :weed:
Everything seems to be going well still, i haven't found any 'bananas' lurking anywhere on the right hand girl so thats always good.. :mrgreen:
Only one pic today, :bongsmilie:....:eyesmoke:
Its been a quiet day today, havent really disturbed them apart from checkin the right hand girl out..
I forgot to mention that i didn't find any seeds in the sample nug.. :mrgreen:




Active Member
Just had a little smoke off the BB bud... :mrgreen: first smoke today! :bongsmilie:

...surprisingly it didn't taste that bad at all! :lol: I can still taste the unflushyness..:-P...and the fact that it was dried quick but i think i will be happy when i chop.. :mrgreen:

It's no 'one hitter quiter' but it is a very nice smoke none the less.. its a creeper, hits you after about 10-15minutes and is a very relaxing stone aswell.. right now i feel real calm and could just sit in my chair and watch telly the rest of the night! :lol:
I've been smoking silver haze for the last week and that s**t gets me paranoid as f** of the reasons i've cut back abit.. :lol:
so yea, i'm going to be happy when harvest comes...

i'll do a propa smoke report when that special day comes and they're all dried up and cured.. :mrgreen:


Beautiful stuff Joe! Sorry I've been quite busy the last weeks, haven't had time to get online much. :leaf: Those plants looks frikken awesome, the leaves look so baller haha. :-P


Active Member
Beautiful stuff Joe! Sorry I've been quite busy the last weeks, haven't had time to get online much. :leaf: Those plants looks frikken awesome, the leaves look so baller haha. :-P
Thanks Doc...:joint: Really happy with the way things turned out on this grow...i had a few probs down the road but who doesn't.. :mrgreen: it could of gone a lot worse am i right.. :lol:
I should shut up really cause they aint done yet.. :mrgreen:
should be choppin the one on the right on the weekend maybe or i may do it on monday, alot of the leaves are still green though..but from what i tasted yesterday it should be ok...she really needs to come down though cause she f*****g smells like crazy! :lol: :shock:
the other girl will stay up for longer though..

How are your girls?



Active Member
Day 62 since the switch.. :weed:
Gave the girl on the left a good dose of plain water. :mrgreen:
wanna make sure atleast one is FULLY flushed before i chop :mrgreen:
The buds are massive on her now...not half as much trichome production as her sis though.. :neutral: but she should be great anyway.. :eyesmoke:

Checked the girl on the right and i haven't found any again! Bangin news! :lol: I hope thats the last i see of dem things!..:-P
I'm pretty sure she is ready for the chop,
The brown hairs are starting to receed into the bud and she just has this overall look of 'doneness' about her.. :eyesmoke: so i'm going ahead with it, either on the weekend, or monday.. the girl on the left will still be up as she's still got some going in her yet.. :mrgreen:
I forgot what i was going to here's a few snaps.. :mrgreen:
(pics 2-5 are of the left hand girl..):weed:




Active Member
damn joe those are huge buds!!! props dude
Thanks man.. :joint:
Gunna chop the right hand one very soon, just abit concerned as to whether she will suck up all the nutes ect from the leaves before then.. :neutral:

What about if i were to harvest just the top part of the plant first?
Anyone know what's the best way to go about this?.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
9 weeks old today! :mrgreen:
Its been 63 days since the switch, :weed: can't believe how quick its gone :mrgreen:

I was thinking about harvesting the top part of the girl on the right and give the smaller buds a chance to fatten up.. :eyesmoke:

How should i go about it? Should i just cut of the branches, leaving the main cola and then snip that off? or should i just harvest the whole thing?
Any tips? :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
9 weeks old today! :mrgreen:
Its been 63 days since the switch, :weed: can't believe how quick its gone :mrgreen:

I was thinking about harvesting the top part of the girl on the right and give the smaller buds a chance to fatten up.. :eyesmoke:

How should i go about it? Should i just cut of the branches, leaving the main cola and then snip that off? or should i just harvest the whole thing?
Any tips? :mrgreen:

man those buds look some tasty,asfar as i know if you want to harvest the main cola and not the others all you do is cut off the main cola and leave the rest to finish:weed:


Well-Known Member
hey your plants look great! i m from argentina and am also growing a BB. will you be kind enough to stop by my journal? i d appreciate your tips. its three weeks into flowering. thing is on december 23rd we put it 12 12 but with a 250 watt hps and on jan 12 we bought a 400 watt so i m not sure if i should count flower days from the day we switched to the better hps or from the first. ISNT IT CRAZY HOW THEY GROW AT "NIGHT"? ;-)
TTYL thanks!
oh and regarding your question, the more ambar they turn the more slow motion the high will be. harvest some of it fresh, its more psicodelic!!!