GH Maxi series question ?


Well-Known Member
(Cross posted from my current grow journal with a recap)

This is a close up of the top of a Green Crack photo. Day 35.

She was started in a single serving yogurt container under a 85w CFL bulb for 19 days and transplanted into a 3 gallon fabric pot of ProMix Hp.

Under a 600w MH light in a 42" parabolic reflector, roughly 4' x 4' enclosure.

I fed her 1.6g of MaxiGro in 3L of water two days ago.

Medium feed schedule says 3g/gallon for early veg. I gave the equivalent of 2.1g/gallon.

She was on Mega Crop one part up to a week and half ago, I'd say she was on the high end of "green" at that time and then three waterings with MaxiGro ;)

I was looking for how much is too much and although this isn't a typical nutrient burn it sure isn't vigorous growth ?

Perhaps someone familiar with the Maxi series can comment ?

Day 35 Green Crack Top 12 Aug.jpg

Just to close this off, day 37.

I may have been borderline on the feeding but she is starting to look normal again ;)

She may need watering later today, I will up the amount of water to 3L with the same ratio of MaxGro as last time !

Day 37 Small Green Crack 14 Aug.jpg

Cross posted. Some thoughts on my observations of the beginnings of nutrient burn with three different foods.

My well water is what Most would consider, uh, lets just say Bad Water ;)

But I don't have to use Cal/Mag and the plants seem to be okay with it....

The Maxi series feeding schedule unfortunately only lists one weight value per growth stage.

So the first month or so is dialing in the right amount and the ppm reading is valuable finding this grams/litre amount.

I start my seedlings @600 and slowly increase to No more than 1000. Bad Stuff happens after that :mrgreen:

With AN, four waterings @1250 per day in a 2 gallon plastic pot seemed fine, on the fifth within hours all the tips of the fan leaves and some sugar leaves were burnt toast... Flushed, backed off to 950, disaster averted !

With MC two of my girls received the addition of 1g/4L of Bud Explosion.

The result was the new growth was light green and the leaves were actually corkscrewed. Not leaf tip necrosis which I am familiar with, he, he.... Just gotta find that line ;)

IIRC the ppm was 950 @ day 60. Quit the BE and things returned to normal in a week.

Read the directions, uh huh. Subtract the amount of added BE from the amount of MC and start using After the first week of flower. The other two girls that were farther along in flowering didn't miss a beat.

I didn't record the ppm value so chances are I did not take a reading, sigh....

Now for MaxiGro, my little girl was originally on MC and on the upper side of green.

She was topped a little early and a bit close, pretty sure she had only received two feedings with MaxiGro at this point.

Slower growth than the rest of the girls and one of the new leaf tips had ruffled edges, again no necrosis ?

Perhaps I should go a little further with the amounts ? At worse, maybe a week to show burn, a flush and another week to recover.

Not a big deal for a photoperiod :mrgreen:

Or perhaps a simple case of light stress ? So delicate ;)

Her other tops are definitely Not growing up to the light.

No one else is complaining though !

She's a good six inches shorter than the rest of her roommates.....

To be safe I am going to consider her as a canary in a coal mine. Light is 100% @ ~24".

Raise it 6" and observe.

Day 37 Small Green Crack top 14 Aug.jpg

Okay, thank you.

So is this what I can expect as nutrient burn/overfeeding with the Maxi series ?

I've been mixing up 5 grams Maxigrow and 1 g Epsom in 2.5 gal water and have been feeding a couple of long term clones in 4 in pots with it and they look really good-I get maybe one or two leaves towards the bottom slowly turn yellow per week, so I figure I'm right at the edge of "not quite enough" which is what I've been going for, just to figure out the bottom and top end of my dosage range. I think, if you are getting N overdose symptoms at 2g per gallon, which is practically what I'm feeding, then either you need to increase runoff, or you just have a super sensitive plant. I have one plant that slowly gets yellowing leaves at that feed, and one that curls it's leaves due to N like crazy. You'll find that the EC a plant likes or can "take" is very genotype specific (like everything with this plant.) So sometimes, if you have an outlier plant that hates the same feed that all of your other plants like, then you either 1. have to like that plant enough to mix it's own weak nutrient solution up, 2. just say "f" it and let it's leaves curl, or 3. drop the plant from your rotation.

First, try feeding double or more the amount of runoff you are used to for a while, and see if it improves. Increasing runoff will fix PH issues as well as EC build up, which could be the case here since 2g Maxi per gallon is at the low end of feed strengths. Many times a plant will simply grow out of these symptoms because with more vegetative mass and a bigger root system, it will actually make use of all those nutrients and return to normal looking growth.
I've been mixing up 5 grams Maxigrow and 1 g Epsom in 2.5 gal water and have been feeding a couple of long term clones in 4 in pots with it and they look really good-I get maybe one or two leaves towards the bottom slowly turn yellow per week, so I figure I'm right at the edge of "not quite enough" which is what I've been going for, just to figure out the bottom and top end of my dosage range. I think, if you are getting N overdose symptoms at 2g per gallon, which is practically what I'm feeding, then either you need to increase runoff, or you just have a super sensitive plant. I have one plant that slowly gets yellowing leaves at that feed, and one that curls it's leaves due to N like crazy. You'll find that the EC a plant likes or can "take" is very genotype specific (like everything with this plant.) So sometimes, if you have an outlier plant that hates the same feed that all of your other plants like, then you either 1. have to like that plant enough to mix it's own weak nutrient solution up, 2. just say "f" it and let it's leaves curl, or 3. drop the plant from your rotation.

Thank you.

I think the high N look is from the Mega Crop she was originally on.

At this age/size I thought I was safe feeding roughly 66% of the recommended amount.

First, try feeding double or more the amount of runoff you are used to for a while, and see if it improves. Increasing runoff will fix PH issues as well as EC build up, which could be the case here since 2g Maxi per gallon is at the low end of feed strengths. Many times a plant will simply grow out of these symptoms because with more vegetative mass and a bigger root system, it will actually make use of all those nutrients and return to normal looking growth.

In early growth I don't give my girls any more than they can drink in about four days.

The feeding today is time to increase the amount to 4L which won't be quite enough for run off. That is planned for the next and each successive watering.

Fifteen minutes after lights on this morning and her tops are now reaching as they should be !

That’s over fed Whatever the manufacturer says. Cut it in half. I can see myself in your leaves lol

Thank you.

Today she is going to receive an addition litre of water with the same amount of nutrient as last feeding.

The recommended amount is 3g/gallon and I fed the equivalent of 2g/gallon or 1.6g/3L.

So 1.6g/4L today, roughly half of their recommendation.

A what the heck moment ;)

My Double Chocolate is in a 11"W x 9" tall bag, she took 4L with virtually no run off.

The small Green Crack is in a 9"W x 11" tall bag, she took 4L with enough run off to cover the bottom of her 14" saucer.

Same volume of medium but the Double Chocolate is easily twice the plant size...

And remembered to take some readings !

2g/4L of MC was 630 ppm and ph of 7.0

1.6g/4L of MaxiGro was 600 ppm and ph of 7.0
