GH Maxi series question ?

I think discussed this before...My Maxi never reads as high as your numbers. I've tried 3 different EC meters and a few scales, and a few different methods (making sure it's totally dissolved) and I always end up with ~110ppm/.22 EC per gram.

Interesting, no idea why such a discrepancy

I'm using a com-80 EC meter, calibrated with 1.0 and 2.0EC calibration fluid

Currently, I'm using 3g/G Gro + 3g/G Bloom for my hot peppers; works out to ~2.0-2.1 EC with my .3EC tap

The GH feedcharts claim even more potency as far as EC per gram

5.5g/G = 2.2-2.6 EC
4.4g/G = 1.6-1.9 EC
3.9g/G = 1.4-1.7 EC
Interesting, no idea why such a discrepancy

I'm using a com-80 EC meter, calibrated with 1.0 and 2.0EC calibration fluid

Currently, I'm using 3g/G Gro + 3g/G Bloom for my hot peppers; works out to ~2.0-2.1 EC with my .3EC tap

The GH feedcharts claim even more potency as far as EC per gram

5.5g/G = 2.2-2.6 EC
4.4g/G = 1.6-1.9 EC
3.9g/G = 1.4-1.7 EC

Yeah, I have no idea, but also no reason to not trust the Bluelab EC meter, especially since it seems to match the other 2 cheap ones I own and is also properly calibrated. I guess it's possible that the bag of Maxibloom I have slipped through QC. I have a second bag (from a different vendor), but I haven't opened it since I hate to do that unnecessarily to avoid any clumping.

I've been using water that's filtered, or dehumidifier condensate both of which are reading 0ppm/0EC on all meters as well.
Yeah, I have no idea, but also no reason to not trust the Bluelab EC meter, especially since it seems to match the other 2 cheap ones I own and is also properly calibrated. I guess it's possible that the bag of Maxibloom I have slipped through QC. I have a second bag (from a different vendor), but I haven't opened it since I hate to do that unnecessarily to avoid any clumping.

I've been using water that's filtered, or dehumidifier condensate both of which are reading 0ppm/0EC on all meters as well.
Just for curiosity's sake, when you state 0.22EC/g/G are you measuring 1g/G or measuring say 5g/G and dividing by 5?
I ask because its possible that the meter is not as accurate at low EC values, particularly if it was calibrated at 1EC or whatever.
Answer from another forum ;)

Maxi grow 4 grams in veg, depending size of plant.

2.5 grams Maxi grow gallon
2.5 grams Maxi Bloom gallon
With cal/mag
Run that recipe until week 6 flower and drop the Maxi grow.
Adding 5 grams to maxi bloom total with cal/mag finish out.​

If anyone is interested I will update progress in My Current Sativa Grow

Thanks Everyone for your replies !

Interesting, no idea why such a discrepancy

I'm using a com-80 EC meter, calibrated with 1.0 and 2.0EC calibration fluid

Currently, I'm using 3g/G Gro + 3g/G Bloom for my hot peppers; works out to ~2.0-2.1 EC with my .3EC tap

The GH feedcharts claim even more potency as far as EC per gram

5.5g/G = 2.2-2.6 EC
4.4g/G = 1.6-1.9 EC
3.9g/G = 1.4-1.7 EC

I started two 3 Bears OG on Jacks 321 and will switch to MaxiBloom soon.

I get the same EC as you. I just mixed a gallon of RO, 6 grams = 1.7 EC.

My two Com-80's were calibrated with both purchased cal solution and my own mix with sodium chloride, same result. Thanks for the salt tip. :clap: