Gfs dad being lame but cool with growing... chk it out....


Well-Known Member
Alright well I moved in with my gf. She only has her dad so Its me her dad and her. We both knew he smoked cuz he would come in blazed all the time lol. about 4 months living in his house we got to talking and he told me how he grows lbs of it for himself during the spring but last spring he had given up with the heat and only had 5-6 healthy plants. He showed me his jars full and we pretty much smoked about all of it.... He ran out and I was like dude Ill try growing it inside he said aight... but he also said man just wait till you see how much green we get this fall. I was like until then we will grow indoors throughout the winter... Right now I am growing four females he had provided me the seeds from his multi generations of plants. Well a few months ago he lost his job from a drug test, he doesn't give a fuck bout that but doesn't want to lose his new job, my room really hasn't started to stink that much I am a week and a few days into flowering and he is over exaggerating the smell thats not really there.... He is a dumb ass and thinks he will fail his test from the smell of it!!! Thats not possible right and if it is then I am a complete dumb ass. He is always going and shutting my door for me lol sticking towels under the door lol, I like leaving my door open to let all that warm air out. He is cool but not smart whatsoever he and multiple generations have grown up in this little hick ass town on a farm and never traveled. Haha sometimes I just want to be like seriously... how stupid are you?

So do you guys agree you cant fail a drug test from just smelling weed, you have to vaporize the thc crystals and inhale them duh!
Alright well I moved in with my gf. She only has her dad so Its me her dad and her. We both knew he smoked cuz he would come in blazed all the time lol. about 4 months living in his house we got to talking and he told me how he grows lbs of it for himself during the spring but last spring he had given up with the heat and only had 5-6 healthy plants. He showed me his jars full and we pretty much smoked about all of it.... He ran out and I was like dude Ill try growing it inside he said aight... but he also said man just wait till you see how much green we get this fall. I was like until then we will grow indoors throughout the winter... Right now I am growing four females he had provided me the seeds from his multi generations of plants. Well a few months ago he lost his job from a drug test, he doesn't give a fuck bout that but doesn't want to lose his new job, my room really hasn't started to stink that much I am a week and a few days into flowering and he is over exaggerating the smell thats not really there.... He is a dumb ass and thinks he will fail his test from the smell of it!!! Thats not possible right and if it is then I am a complete dumb ass. He is always going and shutting my door for me lol sticking towels under the door lol, I like leaving my door open to let all that warm air out. He is cool but not smart whatsoever he and multiple generations have grown up in this little hick ass town on a farm and never traveled. Haha sometimes I just want to be like seriously... how stupid are you?

So do you guys agree you cant fail a drug test from just smelling weed, you have to vaporize the thc crystals and inhale them duh!

I think you are both stupid... no you can not fail a drug test from inhaling a plant growing. You need to smoke the buds to intake the THC, which is then metabolized by your body, which will then show up in a UI.

There is no good way to pass a test, without fake urine, or using the dilution method.
the only way he could fail a ua is if he took a bath in like 15 pounds of the most resinus pot and it soked in his skin. but even that probly not hahahahahahaha that shits funny but ya peace
So you're not stressing anymore I see? That's a good thing.

The answer is simply no. He cannot fail just from the aroma of a plant.

Don't call hima dumbass, cuz it sounds like he is a good friend- father-inlaw.