Neighbors Complaining about smell....

My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.

This is just me but its always better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Consult and attorney on your options. It will save you in the long run and its only a few hundred bucks for less than an hr conversation. I didnt read if this was an indoor or outdoor grow but if outdoor maybe you could plant some other items or use coco mulch which contain heavy scents to help mask the smell? I dont know how strong it really is? Either that or burn leaves along his side of the property all summer lol. jk