To move or not to move...

Move or Na, or IDK

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So I live next to a ex cop who now is a diesel mech. I have seen his badge and his shield. I know he has friends in the police department, but this man never ever bugs me, unless I spit dip on the stairs or whatever. I feel like he respects due to being in the Marines, honorable discharge, and not being a fucking nasty fuck. Last tenant was horrid. Roaches and bugs would be crawling into his apt. Me... Clean no expectations.
I have successfully grown for 8 months while I have been here. I am quiet and mostly clean so he doesn't call the Front office on me. I smoke a ton and yet he has to smell it. We talk about diesel whenever we both happen to see each other. I think this guy is a great person, but once I think he finds out about my choices he wont hesitate to call the cops.
I can not decide to move or not. I dont want to due to paying like 1k for damn pets and the deposits.

Would y'all move

Im not in a huge grow op its mainly for myself and 2 vet friends that toss me some cash for the power bill and I give them some. I refuse to sell to non vets, cus I am not doing this for $$ but sanity. ( I was in the Marines )
The devil you know is better than the devil you don't. If you move, it could be into a worse situation, you never know. So far, from what you shared, things sound safe. It might be nerve racking living next to an ex cop when you're growing, but if he hasn't said anything after 8 months, he's probably not gonna. Just keep doing what you're doing, keep it to yourself, and don't get sloppy. You should be fine.
Sounds like he's been watching you for awhile now man. He got a promotion and his first case was you. He's just now finishing up his case, you think he's going to let you move and throw 8 months of solid surveillance down the drain? I don't think so ! Best thing to do is leave in the middle of the night, if he even spots a uhaaul, it's Frank Voit and chi - cago PD busting down your doors. Get out of there quick !
So I live next to a ex cop who now is a diesel mech. I have seen his badge and his shield. I know he has friends in the police department, but this man never ever bugs me, unless I spit dip on the stairs or whatever. I feel like he respects due to being in the Marines, honorable discharge, and not being a fucking nasty fuck. Last tenant was horrid. Roaches and bugs would be crawling into his apt. Me... Clean no expectations.
I have successfully grown for 8 months while I have been here. I am quiet and mostly clean so he doesn't call the Front office on me. I smoke a ton and yet he has to smell it. We talk about diesel whenever we both happen to see each other. I think this guy is a great person, but once I think he finds out about my choices he wont hesitate to call the cops.
I can not decide to move or not. I dont want to due to paying like 1k for damn pets and the deposits.

Would y'all move

Im not in a huge grow op its mainly for myself and 2 vet friends that toss me some cash for the power bill and I give them some. I refuse to sell to non vets, cus I am not doing this for $$ but sanity. ( I was in the Marines )
Just don't spit any dip on his shite...:hump:
I gues the big question is how much are you growing?

Next one is...what is the public and political sentiment around your local?

Imo... cops dont really worry about small grows. Waste of resources to charge and prosecute. Huge waste. They want the big fish and che chemical dealers.

I would just build that relationship to a really good one... to where he would be really reluctant to turn you over. And just be as stealth as possible...
If your worry is affecting your daily life then I think you either move or quit your grow. We spend too much time thinking about shit that we just don't need to be thinking about. Keeps you up at night and probably fucks with yorr blood pressure.
So I live next to a ex cop who now is a diesel mech. I have seen his badge and his shield. I know he has friends in the police department, but this man never ever bugs me, unless I spit dip on the stairs or whatever. I feel like he respects due to being in the Marines, honorable discharge, and not being a fucking nasty fuck. Last tenant was horrid. Roaches and bugs would be crawling into his apt. Me... Clean no expectations.
I have successfully grown for 8 months while I have been here. I am quiet and mostly clean so he doesn't call the Front office on me. I smoke a ton and yet he has to smell it. We talk about diesel whenever we both happen to see each other. I think this guy is a great person, but once I think he finds out about my choices he wont hesitate to call the cops.
I can not decide to move or not. I dont want to due to paying like 1k for damn pets and the deposits.

Would y'all move

Im not in a huge grow op its mainly for myself and 2 vet friends that toss me some cash for the power bill and I give them some. I refuse to sell to non vets, cus I am not doing this for $$ but sanity. ( I was in the Marines )
NEVER EVER trust a pig...... hes never off duty.... id move fast.....
If your worry is affecting your daily life then I think you either move or quit your grow. We spend too much time thinking about shit that we just don't need to be thinking about. Keeps you up at night and probably fucks with yorr blood pressure.
It doesnt thats the thing lol
Shit, ask you care if I smoke. You're on talking terms w/him, just ask him. Tell him, if it's gonna be an issue....I'll be outta here. Nothing personal, just don't need the heat n anxiety.
I have my dislike for cops, but, not all are assholes. I've my share of stops w/car smelling from a nice j I was enjoying. Just the ticket and the look of I know you know that I know. Have a nice day.
Hope this helps.