getting seeds/bud across the ocean


Active Member
Okay well im going to be moving into my new house which is ALL the way accross the country in the middle easy .. in a country that no one here ever heard of ... its called " Syria " under turkey ...

i am REALLY hyped about growing .. and im gonna do it .. but the thing is ...

i dont know if that country is familiar with weed .. .like i dont know if its popular .. and i dont want to go there and find out that NOO ONE DOES weed .. and be stuck with no way of growing ...

so i thought of this .. to smuggle like about 15 seeds acrooss the air ports ...

i will be going to about 4 air ports (from canada to europ then from europ to middle easy(Syria) ) and i need some good suggestions of where i would be able to hide it .. on body .. or in lugage too .

so far the only good 2 methods i think are worth lookin at are .. melting a candle (ones dat can hold about 2-3 grams and 15 seeds ) and the putting the weed in there and refreezing the wax back to noraml

and my other option is in my lugage with my computer .. IN SIDE my computer ... and if i can .. some where inside the cd drive ..

i probabyl posted this in the wrong forum ... but this is the only forum( that i think is active enough to give me good answers .

thank u verymuch .. and if u guys are really affended by me posting this here i will delete it upon request ...
thank u


Active Member
hey, syria isn't a country no one's ever heard of. Maybe you haven't but that doesn't mean no one have. Though I don't think weed is popular there. you could check it from they have info on many countries


Active Member
dont try to hide anything in your bags... its the quickest way to get caught. those x-ray machines are densiometers that read variances in densities in your luggage. If you put some soft pillowy reefer in a hard laptop or dense candle they'll pick up on that right away and different countries have very different ways of dealing with airport security/drug and drug parafenalia smuggling. with a situation like that its best to play it as safe as possible; aka put what you dont want the airport people to see where the airport people wont be looking. your bags are not one of these places. i recommend hiding it on yourself... for example taping a bag to your inner thigh between the nutsack and bootyhole.


Well-Known Member
Be aware of the laws regarding pot in Syria. I imagine the drug laws are draconian and very harsh, just make sure you know what you're getting into...


Well-Known Member
Wow wat has made u Want to actually move to Syria?? Ur crazy man!! but in my opinion ur best bet is keep them on ur persons! Drug dogs cant smell em and its not manditory to get ur self x-ray, Yet! U should have no problem keeping them in ur pockets! if they were loose and not in bag and they some how did find a few seeds rolling around in ur pockets how could they even prove they were pot seeds with out sending them to a lab or growing then out them selfs?? Iv brought seed's and worse on to plains and have never gotten caught! ANd i to went through multiple airports b4 arriving at my destination!


Active Member
You'll need to verify this yourself, but if I'm not mistaken the cannabis laws in Syria are extremely harsh, meaning a prison sentence for the smallest offence. I'm damn near positive, but like I said, check it out for yourself. While you're at it you might want to see what a Syrian prison is like - they're not like here. My understanding is that guard beatings and even torture are common. I hope I'm wrong but, man ... I wouldn't want to be caught with pot in Syria I can tell you that!

And yes, most of us are familiar with Syria; it's not near as obscure as you think.


Active Member
I don't want to spend a lot of time on this but I had a quick look for cannabis law in Syria. Here is an excerpt. It's an eye-opener:

A new law endorsed by parliament in April imposed the death penalty for
smugglers and dealers and fines of up to five million Syrian pounds ($100,000),
officials said.

The previous law, which stipulated a maximum sentence of life imprisonment

and 100,000 pounds ($2,500) fine, was criticised as not hard enough.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to spend a lot of time on this but I had a quick look for cannabis law in Syria. Here is an excerpt. It's an eye-opener:

A new law endorsed by parliament in April imposed the death penalty for
smugglers and dealers and fines of up to five million Syrian pounds ($100,000),
officials said.

The previous law, which stipulated a maximum sentence of life imprisonment

and 100,000 pounds ($2,500) fine, was criticised as not hard enough.
I would not even want to fail a drug test in Syria... Seriously rethink your strategy for your personal safety....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Okay well im going to be moving into my new house which is ALL the way accross the country in the middle easy .. in a country that no one here ever heard of ... its called " Syria " under turkey ...

ROFL.... what... do you think we are a bunch of morons around here? Of course we've heard of Syria.

Most of us know enough about Syria to know that smuggling drugs into the country is a very bad idea.

BTW.... why on earth are you moving to Syria? I think given the choice of poking my eye out with a sharp stick or moving to Syria, I'd pick the sharp stick in my eye.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, I imagine there is some really good cheap hash around. There was when I visited Israel 5 dollars a gram, that shit layed you out! Seriously dude, execution for drug dealers. And you did say daddy bought you the house, so it is probably in his name too. What would the implications be for him if you get busted?


Active Member
Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you get life in prison in the US to? Something about 3 strikes? Here all I'll ever get is a fine. Feels like I'm paying a bill to keep the cops off my back :P But like the other guy said, just use the mail.


Well-Known Member
if your dead set on sumgiling some seeds into the country you can put them in some trail mix or make a hole in a jar of peanut butter put the seedsin a plastic bag then put that in the jar and smooth peanutbutter over it then glue the top back on so it doesnt look tampered with. the X-ray machines cant scan/read through peanut butter.


Active Member
well thank you all for explianing to me what i should expected ....
i guess all im going to do is bring seeds since there JUST SEEDS ... and yea

thank u all


Active Member
sorry for the double post .. but the site webehigh doesnt even have syria ( dats what i mean by some unknonk contry ) if someone can please give me a link to laws regarding drugs ... weed ... anything " bad" i wanna educate my self b4 pulling of anything stupid

and yess syria probably does have prisons dat torture and shyt .. dono

also ganjababy... the house is in my name ... soo its all on me >.< ...
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