Getting off Gabapentin with THC


Well-Known Member
Recently got my medical in my state and really wanna take the push to get off all these meds now that I am growing and will be able to buy from dispos soon. Right now I am tapering off my normal dose of gabapentin and its like day 3. Oct last year had a spine fusion then a leg surgery jan this year. Was put on 2700mg gabapentin daily and 2 kinds of muscle medication. Of course was put on a laundry list of opiatets but I have used kratom in the past to ease the pain with that. Ended up dropping it to just baclofen for muscle spasms 20mg 3x a day. Was also taking 1gram max strength tylenol 3x a day. I am now down to taking tylenol as needed so around 1-2 500mg a day, a start but not where I want to be. Am on day 3 of taking 1800mg gabapentin daily, still taking same amount of baclofen as I pulled a muscle and tore my meniscus in the same leg. This gabapentin withdrawl is one fucking living hell tho. I have gotten on and off dope in the past and am now over 2yrs sober from heroin, this is feeling worse than that. I cant quit this cold turkey and I think thats what's killing me. Usually always quit something cold turkey n just tough it out but read you can have seizures with gaba doing that. The smoke is helping but doesn't even take the edge off sometimes. I do make my own like edible oil with cheap dabs, take like a qtr oz and decarb for 2-3hrs till bubbles stop then infuse it with coconut oil. I have been dosing more with this since trying to take less meds.
Does anyone have any experience with getting off gabapentin? Any tips or remedies for this stomach n neck pains? I feel like shit half the time, then half the time its like I can feel the normal me coming back.
Shit sucks, been on it almost a year now. Opiates kill the pain but docs don't want you on em more than 90 days after surgery
I've had lyme for 10 years, because of severe neuropathy causing intense feet burning and leg and knee pain I started with lyrica (gabapentin) took it for a couple of years, pretty ineffective, it finally took nearly 3 years to get on opiates (180 vicodin every 30 days) from my doctor., all it does is take the edge off of the pain.Weed helps but it ain't no opiate.I'm in agreement w/Herb&Suds. Because lyme is chronic and progressive, I have no problem in getting refills.
I've had lyme for 10 years, because of severe neuropathy causing intense feet burning and leg and knee pain I started with lyrica (gabapentin) took it for a couple of years, pretty ineffective, it finally took nearly 3 years to get on opiates (180 vicodin every 30 days) from my doctor., all it does is take the edge off of the pain.Weed helps but it ain't no opiate.I'm in agreement w/Herb&Suds. Because lyme is chronic and progressive, I have no problem in getting refills.
I was told by my pain mgmt people the only way they give opiates for chronic pain now is to cancer patients, sadly i just have a mangled body so they keep refusing me.
I only get them after each surgery which seems to me min 2 a year now since the accident. And then its the whole throw you some good meds then they ween you off after 2 weeks.
reddit if you use it has subreddits for getting off gaba i believe including ones for opiates and benzos very helpful stuff
I couldn't take it i ended up taking a full dose this morning. I have to go to phys therapy today lol :(
I have neuropathy in my lower legs and feet, from Chemotherapy, Radiation, and multiple surgeries.

I was taking a small to medium dose of Gabapentin. I successfully switched to canibus, for my restless legs keeping me awake.

I know it works because I recently stopped and restless legs came back!

Me I make home made extracts. Before bed, I take around 60 mg THC/CBN along with around 60mg of CBD to cut the THC psychoactive effects.

I ethonol extract and make gummies, I disolve in my mouth before bed.

It ain't opiates, but it knocks me out, with only cotton mouth to show for it in the morning.

It took me a long time experimenting to get to something that really works for me.
sadly ended back up on 900mg 3x a day, whatever they did to my nerves when they cut my back open is intense. but i will look into ethonol extracts
sadly ended back up on 900mg 3x a day, whatever they did to my nerves when they cut my back open is intense. but i will look into ethonol extracts
I have never taken Neurontin (gabapentin). I was on chronic opiates for 22 years before tapering and moving to cannabis because opiates slowly stopped working for my neuropathic pain.

Gabapentin is not something you can stop taking cold turkey. What you need to do is work out a taper regimen with your doctor. As you are slowly coming down from Gabapentin you should try gradually increasing your ingestion of edibles.

Before you begin the taper make sure you have a steady supply of consistent quality edibles. For example when using cannabis for chronic neuropathic spinal neuropathy I grew and used an oil extract of GG #4 at just under 2 grams per day. You will find that different strains have different pain relief profiles so you need to find a strain that works for you and a dosage you can sustain. The most consistent way is to grow your own as you can't be sure you are getting the same thing at the dispensary unless it is DNA tested.

Good luck with this and I am sorry you are in pain. I've made Cannabis tinctures and I have to say I found them to be far to psychoactive for my comfort and not as long acting as the oil based preparations.That was my experience, yours may vary. Essentially you will need to experiment to find out what works best for you.

If I can help feel free to ask here or in PM.
I have never taken Neurontin (gabapentin). I was on chronic opiates for 22 years before tapering and moving to cannabis because opiates slowly stopped working for my neuropathic pain.

Gabapentin is not something you can stop taking cold turkey. What you need to do is work out a taper regimen with your doctor. As you are slowly coming down from Gabapentin you should try gradually increasing your ingestion of edibles.

Before you begin the taper make sure you have a steady supply of consistent quality edibles. For example when using cannabis for chronic neuropathic spinal neuropathy I grew and used an oil extract of GG #4 at just under 2 grams per day. You will find that different strains have different pain relief profiles so you need to find a strain that works for you and a dosage you can sustain. The most consistent way is to grow your own as you can't be sure you are getting the same thing at the dispensary unless it is DNA tested.

Good luck with this and I am sorry you are in pain. I've made Cannabis tinctures and I have to say I found them to be far to psychoactive for my comfort and not as long acting as the oil based preparations.That was my experience, yours may vary. Essentially you will need to experiment to find out what works best for you.

If I can help feel free to ask here or in PM.

This is some really great help being offered.
I was on gabapentin for quite sometime due to a fusion surgery on my c2/c3 . Those pills really messed me up. Especially mentally.
A consistent supply ( I grow my own ) made into edibles was what I found worked best. I also found it key to have and maintain a certain level in my system. It never works immediately but seems like after a few days of consistent consumption it has it works great.
The key is finding the strains that work best for you and going from there.

Cheers :)
This is some really great help being offered.
I was on gabapentin for quite sometime due to a fusion surgery on my c2/c3 . Those pills really messed me up. Especially mentally.
A consistent supply ( I grow my own ) made into edibles was what I found worked best. I also found it key to have and maintain a certain level in my system. It never works immediately but seems like after a few days of consistent consumption it has it works great.
The key is finding the strains that work best for you and going from there.

Cheers :)

You have to build up a consistent systemic level for it to really work. You may need to supplement with vaping or smoking but a baseline consistent blood level is crucial.

Great point, thank you!
My husband had back surgery,the put him on Gabapentin,Baclofen and Oxy. It helped convince him he couldn't walk,sat in a chair for 2 years became over 300lbs .Spent 30k in medical bills then had to have him cremated.
I have a 87 year old mother in law taking oxy for arthritis pain & spine curve and also gaba for leg neuropathy. She is not in Colorado but a medical state. Her memory is starting to fail as combos of these drugs can cause something like dementia, which can be reversible if people stop taking those medications.

I do like the Stanley Brothers in Colorado. They have been doing THC and CBD combos. Anyone know if these combos could help people with severe pain?

The 87 year old mother in law has been using New Age 1000 mg Hemp oil she got off of amazon and said it was helping a lot. I think she forgets to take it though. I was hoping Hemp/CBD and Tumeric with black pepper and ginger could help reduce the use of opiods.

It sucks that the opiods are so cheap too.

They also have I think the Charlotte's Web web site that is just CBD but in varying strengths. I am not convinced that will solve the pain.

PS: I am not pimping for the Stanley Brothers. They seem like good dudes who are trying to make a difference.

Thanks for any suggestions. Man I wish I we could come up with a CBD/THC alternative to this stuff for people.
CBD good for reducing inflammation and killing the THC buzz. (CBD also good for anxiety.)

I take CBD/THC, Curamin with black pepper, eat ginger, take Valarian and STILL love my opates...

Got off Gabapentin, and can keep my daily opate consumption super low, where I dont build tolerance.

I suppose everything in moderation, makes sense.
CBD good for reducing inflammation and killing the THC buzz. (CBD also good for anxiety.)

I take CBD/THC, Curamin with black pepper, eat ginger, take Valarian and STILL love my opates...

Got off Gabapentin, and can keep my daily opate consumption super low, where I dont build tolerance.

I suppose everything in moderation, makes sense.

Awesome. Tumeric/Curamin with black pepper and ginger is also available from Amazon, Piping Rock, Swansons and other vitamin places. I think it is great. Valerian Root?

May I ask what you are doing for CBD/THC? Is it a bottle solution or CBD and smoking?

I was looking at another possibility and it is accupuncture. I am not sure how and if that might work.
Valarian root extract.. I initially used this fancy herbal blood pressure supplement. When I stopped, because of expense, I noticed A profound increase in anxiety. For me it ended up being the valarian. Valarian works well in my body for as a relaxant.

I grow both CBD hemp and THC plants. I extract and make gummies to dissolve in my mouth. (When I run out of CBD homegrown, I buy quality American grown Isolate)

Oh, forgot to mention, I over ripen my THC plants, over Decarb them and expose to UV light to boost the CBN, which supposedly acts like Benzo, so I rarely take lorazepam. I really like the not too stoned sleepy body effect. (Its like the post high from a strong Indica.)

I buy bulk supplements from Amazon or wherever and make all my own supplements, with one of those cheap capsule stuffers. (Make 100 capsules at a time.)

I like the dosage and ingredient control, and lower cost. I feel all herbal supplements are best when customized to the individual.. (at least me)

I don't smoke, nor like the psychoactive effect of THC. LOL

Awesome. Tumeric/Curamin with black pepper and ginger is also available from Amazon, Piping Rock, Swansons and other vitamin places. I think it is great. Valerian Root?

May I ask what you are doing for CBD/THC? Is it a bottle solution or CBD and smoking?

I was looking at another possibility and it is accupuncture. I am not sure how and if that might work.