Getting High On Other Things!!!

[quote=eatinbabybrains;70173]Anyone here have experience with morning glory seeds? How does it compare to weed? And how much did it take to get you trippin?[/quote]
It takes about 250 packages of seed to get good effects, & not to mention that the hull ( outside casing) is is it worth it I think not you should have more than one dealer, what if yours gets a hold a shipment of shitty dope then were do u go for weed??? U have to broaden your selection. Plus some dealers deal other cheap rec. X....ect.
lmao....we did that to a friend of mine...packed a bowel full of catnip. i don't think u get high off of it tho.

yea we paid a friend to smoke a joint of catnip and he said all he felt was light headed...but if u wanna feel like that just hold ur breath.
my kitties swear they get loaded off catnip. i've never tried it. then again i've never tried their food either.
You can crack your self in the head with a frying pan to get a dizzy feeling, But I don't recomend it!!~~~~!!
Dude, if you have some cash and a decent head shop, you can get some real whip its (Nitrous Oxide instead of CO2, nitrous being the "laughing gas" you get at the dentist) or some salvia.

Actually times have been rough around my parts.. Can't find anything local. Tried some of that legal bud stuff from a local shop. For sure not the same but it did something for me. Maybe I tricked my body into thinking I was feelin good. But the motions are the same. Grind it up, roll it up smoke it up... Wasn't cheap either got a plastic tube 1/2 oz size for 30 bucks USD. Was called NE-146 and was advertised " For those who inhale "