Getting clones at Denver cannabis cup


Active Member
Also Harlequin is said to produce 4% CBD and 2%thc during veg with out the need of flowering and this was tested just from the leaves. 2:1 ratio aint bad but Z7 is 15%CBD and 5% or less thc. 3:1. Either way CBD counteracts the effects of THC so my opinion is to go with the lower THC and higher CBD strains. Also Harlequin is said to be at harvest about 7-9% CBD and 3-4.5% thc. Those are the results last tests from NorCal at my cousins collective with the cut they have. The lab test EVERYTHING! He is now harping me to get him the Z7 and CBDiesel to run out there.
This is the local outfit giving away Harlequin. At least I have heard he is giving it away. Looks legit, just wish I could find out first hand. The ratio seems to play an important role in the effects, both healing and psychoactive, in addition to the amounts. In speaking to him on the phone he was very enthusiastic about his cut and since he is not selling anything, hey, he might have some heap powerful medicine right there. Only one way to find out! :bigjoint:


New Member
Hey thundercat I will prob be in the same boat. I don't give a fuck about seeds.... I can order those all day long off the web... would like to get special clones and willing to pay for the dna. I'm from denver and grew up there but haven't been back in a few years. I have friends and family but none of them grow weed... maybe friends of friends. Anyway sounds like they are not really that easy to come by so fuck it... not going to worry about it until I'm there.


Active Member
Good luck on getting a legit cut cause everyone just sells phenos from some seed and the ones with the legit cuts don't give them out . I know of a dispensory that has some pretty good meds but they don't sell clones from there good phenos.


Active Member
You can find bomb cuts anywhere you just have to look around. Now if you are from out I town it would be very very difficult to obtain specific cuts your are looking for because you will have to hit the growers when they are cutting clones. Trying to locate specific strains for me was tough. The other thing is picking up some clones with unwanted hitchhikers. Your best bet would be making contacts like mentioned above or hit up craigslist and pray for good luck.