

Well-Known Member
hello all im starting my 3r grow and need some tips on germination how wet should the paper towels be and how long shoul it take the seeds?? on my first 2 i planted straight into the ground by the way and help and ips for mt planting will be greatly apperciated and rep will be givin to any1 who can help thank you.


Well-Known Member
.... if this is your 3rd grow you should know how to germinate seeds man. but fuck it here goes
take the seeds put them on a paper towel on top of a ceramic plate wet the plate put another towel on top wet that one cover the plate with another one put it in a dark place wait 24-36 hours if you see a little dick sticking out of the seed congrats you have successfully germinated marijuana


Well-Known Member
we usually just take some tap water, wet the paper towel, squeeze it a bit to get some of the excess water out, and then put the seeds in between the folded towel. Then we put it in a sandwich bag and leave it... open it once a day to check on them. Usually takes 2 to 3 days, and then we plant!

Germinating is easy, we've always been successful!


Well-Known Member
hey brez
these guy are right.
i would suggest to soak the seeds in water over nite ,no more than 24 hrs..paper towel should be just not dripping
i check mine about every 6-8 hours


Well-Known Member
Take a damp(room temperature) paper towel folded afew times, put the seeds in the paper towel and fold it back over so the seeds are covered. Now take the damp paper towel with the seeds in it and place it in a ceramic bowl. Take another ceramic bowl and place it upside down on top of the other bowl, take the two bowls and place it on something warm such as your computer modem or screen(providing its not a flatscreen) (the heat from the modem/screen or whatever else you use will keep the damp paper towl warm) have fun growing!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
would between a matress and a box sring be good?
it is summer time i would not worry about addional heat. thanks for the rep
put them in glass off water first it works great ,, i did it will so lowrydres that i was having problem with germanation..
put them in glass of water ,then paper towel..
i got over 95%in 2 days most poped in 24 hrs
some people scuff the shell with sand paper before they put in water


Well-Known Member
will leaving it in water drown the seed and if it wont can i put mine in water now since im a full day into the germination?


Well-Known Member
Idk but the one time i tried putting it in water the seed sunk, what that means i have no idea but from what i've read they usually float.


Well-Known Member
so its been 36 hrs not 1 of them have germinated out of 68 i have them in a small plastic container with moist papaer towell on top and below them under my matressam i doing some thing wrong?


Active Member
Put them in a bowl of water and keep it in a warm spot, they wont drown. In fact, I believe the good seeds will float and when they germinate they will sink.BTW-I have experimented with some bag seed and I've seen a tap root grow an inch long in a bowl of water. When the seed has germinated, put the tap root downward into your medium and grow it. Good Luck!