

Active Member
Make the paper towels fairly wet. What I do is completely soak one then lay it on top of one more (if they are bounty's) or two more if they are thinner.

The brown recycled paper towels in men's washrooms work great too.

I wrap mine in a piece of aluminum foil and then put it into a zip lock and then into a drawer.

1 week later you will have 1/4" to 1/2" sprouts to plant into the ground seed end up.

I am a noob at the grow, but I have started a fair amount of seeds this way.
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Well-Known Member
Idk but the one time i tried putting it in water the seed sunk, what that means i have no idea but from what i've read they usually float.
they usually sink once theyve absorbed enough water. some people that put seeds in a cup of water take them out after they sink and then use the paper towel method