they were not that massive in the video but im sure if you stood there in person you could see some huge ones. not the biggest in the world but for those who don't usually get big surf yea it's nice to see. we usually get big surf around winter time thats when all the surf competitions start breaking out and beaches start to get packed on the north shore. if you don't know how to swim in the ocean imo don't go swimming lots of people think it's the same as swimming in a lake or swimming pool but the ocean currents are strong as shit and can easily kill you.
we actually had a few people die not too long ago here. not sure how but 1 was a 6 year old child i believe with some adult kayaking the other was a free diver. not sure how they died guess via drowning.
as for the kid yea idk he meets a shit load of actors/celebs he takes photo's with them and always posting them online. i think it's cause his dad/mom works in the field so he has got the ins but that kid was a total douche in highschool.