Come on! He sat and read a book to gradeschool kids when he found out the country was under attack! That's unacceptable by anyones standards. He should have got up as soon as that guy whispered in his ear the situation... I really wonder wtf he was thinking...
Put yourself back on that day, Paddy.
When the
first airliner hit, it just appeared to be a horrible accident. Then the second one hit and everyone was faced with the reality that we were under attack. Shortly thereafter the Pentagon was hit. Only then did we realize there were other flights we could not account for that morning.
Now assuming Dubya jumped up right then and there and rushed out of there without explanation, what would he have done?
He would have done precisely what he did
after story time, which he drew a helluva lot of criticism for anyway. He would have flown around in Air Force One until the situation could be analyzed correctly. The air traffic control network had gone crazy. Planes were unaccounted for all over the country. Most were eventually located in the chaos.
It is only a stroke of luck those brave passengers on Flight 93 got wind via mobile phones the fate of other hijacked airliners. Had those courageous Americans not taken matters in their own hands, Bush might have had to order the Air Force to shoot down a civilian passenger airliner in American airspace. Bush-haters would have had a field day had that happened.
So tell me, what
could he have done? The country was under a coordinated and highly unconventional attack. Zealots willing to die hijacked multiple airliners loaded with passengers and fuel. The country was in chaos. No one for sure knew what was happening at that time.
I'm sure Al Gore would have handled things in a much more Presidential manner.